Zero Dark Thirty
Zero Dark Thirty
R | 19 December 2012 (USA)
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A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 in May, 2011.

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This is the racist movie ever. this movie shows how USA goverment deals with other people. It deals with them as slaves or childeren. Seeing the movie was so bad, it show the brutality of dealing with others!

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Quite possibly the worst movie ever made. Really deserves a "zero" rating.

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Movie Review: "Zero Dark Thirty" (2012)When on May 2nd 2011 the assassination of Osama Bin Laden (1957-2011) had been announced through the administration of the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama, Academy-Award winning journalist-turning-screenwriter Mark Boal takes on an event-horizon occasion to present a screenplay toward a second time collaboration with Director Kathryn Bigelow, who had been searching further cinema-worthy content despite directing a TV-drama for HBO (Home Box Office) in season 2010/2011 after her surprisingly-received Best Director Academy-Award for the 2008-shot "The Hurt Locker" on an Iraq-invaded operations of U.S. army military elite bomb squad. Columbia Pictures presents this CIA-operative thriller also-produced by Megan Ellison for production company Annapurna Pictures, where Director Kathryn Bigelow relies completely on her leading actress Jessica Chastain, playing the character of Maya as task-forcing CIA-undercover agent on the constant as determined run to fight and convince Washington DC-representing officials in sparely decorated rooms of quickly-engaged conference meetings, when further supporting roles, including Mark Strong as range-playing hands-on-table crushing CIA-research team leader George, Jason Clarke as interrogation technique of water-boarding performing character of Dan in opening scenes of controversy, when a highlighted accurately-represented sequence of title-justifying raids-before-dawn in heavy state-of-the-art U.S. military gear portrayals by actors Joel Edgerton and Chris Pratt performing as members of a Navy Seals squad team engaging onto a secret family-living of the notorious terrorist's hide-out; a fortress-like compound out of plain concretes with no paint somewhere in rural-Pakistan-mimicking desert exterior set, when cinematographer Greig Fraser delivers digitally-received visuals in high-sensoring contrasts of striking light sources in the dark, fading shadows of emotionally-prepared cameos of Middle Eastern children of innocence after blown-off metal doors under night-visioned sparks of fire.The 150-Minute-Editorial by William Goldenberg keeps its pace, when Academy-Award-nominated Jessica Chastain's interpretation of Maya carries the majority of scenes toward a fulminate mesmerizing premise close-up shot by the end of beat-twisting "Zero Dark Thirty" to such an extent of staying gripped in the spectator's mind as realistic central intelligence thriller with the previously-mentioned military action highlighted scene that prevails truth to the core of an news-spreading event of historic event striking victory by the U.S. government.© 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)

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Facts 1993 to 2001 Democrat President Clinton Destroyed the U.S. Defense (U.S. Military, U.S. Intelligence Agencies, U.S. Department of State (U.S. Defense Related Programs, like the U.S. Department of State's very Profitable Foreign Military Sales Program), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and many other U.S. Agencies U.S. Defense Related Programs). Democrat President Clinton "Lost Osama Bin Laden" after the Osama Bin Laden 1993 First World Trade Center Attack.Worldwide the U.S. no longer Funded U.S. Funded "Local" Intelligence Assets, that took Decades for the CIA to covertly Recruit (usually Citizens of the Target Nation), covertly Train, and covertly place into "Hostile" Nations, "Potentially Hostile" Nations, "Anti U.S." Nations, and some "Friendly Nations" (Allied Nations).To Further Destroy U.S. Intelligence (that had been built up by Director of the CIA H.W. Bush, and as U.S. President H.W. Bush) Democrat President Clinton signed into U.S. Law his, No Intelligence Sharing Law, in that U.S. Agencies cannot "Information Share" between U.S. Agencies nor with U.S. Allies Agencies. Translation the CIA could no longer "Information Share" with the FBI, nor could the FBI "Information Share" with the CIA. The CIA could no longer "Information Share" with the Mossad, British Ministry of Intelligence (M.I.). 1998 Democrat President Declared War Against U.S. Ally Iraq, by Demanding U.S. Congress Declare War in his 1998 State of the Union Address "Weapons of Mass Destruction", "Dictator Iraqis President Saddam Hussein" (A Lie, British Style Parliamentary Form of Government), "Murdering His Own People" (another Lie, the Millions of Shia of Iraq (Iranians, that fled Iran after the 1979 U.S.S.R. backed Overthrow of U.S. Ally Shah of Iran), and the Millions of Kurdistanis as Allied to the Muslim Nation of Iran are NOT Actual Iraqis (Arabs, Sunnis), and actually fought against the Actual Iraqis during the Iran Iraq Wars 1980 to 1989 as the Longest Conventional War of History). The Result was the U.S. House of Representatives Declaration of War Against U.S. Ally Iraq, "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" as the Democrat's "Overthrow of Iraqis President Saddam Hussein, Liberate the Iraqis People, Install A Democracy". This was then followed by Democrat President Clinton's Ordered as Commander In Chief 1998 U.S. Military Operation Desert Fox, as more intensive U.S. Airstrikes and U.S. Cruise Missile Attacks against the Muslims at Baghdad U.S. Ally Iraq, Democrat President Clinton's mistaken ignorant belief that by attacking the Civilians at the Overcrowded Urban Poor Areas of Baghdad Iraq, they would Revolt against "Dictator" Iraqis President Saddam Hussein, Muslims do not play that kind of games and directly blamed those that attacked them, "U.S. The Great Satan", a hundreds of thousands of Innocent Muslim Men, Women, and Lots (too many) Children were Murdered. To Gain Support for Himself, his Al Quada,Osama Bin Laden Declared Revenge for the Murders of the Innocent Poor of Islam, the Muslim Nation of Iran then backed Osama Bin Laden and so did most of the over 1.5 Billion Muslims Worldwide, money from the Mandatory Islamic Tithes from the over 1.5 Billion Muslims Worldwide flowed into Osama Bin Laden's and his Al Quada's pockets.Translation, That's Correct Democrat President Clinton was the CAUSE of the 1993 Osama Bin Laden First World Trade Center Attack, and the Second Osama Bin Laden World Trade Center Attack as the 9/11 2001 Attacks. Just like Democrat President Clinton CAUSED the 2008 Great Recession, by Eliminating the U.S. Laws, Banking Acts of 1933 and 1935, and having Amended the Community Reinvestment Act to cause the Mortgage Crisis, Destruction of the U.S. Defense also caused the Recession of 1998.CIA Operation Neptune Spear After the Osama Bin Laden Second Attack of the World Trade Center, as the 9/11 2001 Attacks, Republican President G.W. Bush tasked the CIA to create a Plan to Locate and Capture Osama Bin Laden. U.S. Army Special Forces Lieutenant General McChrystal and U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Admiral McRaven wrote CIA Operation Neptune Spear. Within weeks after the 9/11 2001 Attacks the CIA with attached U.S. Army Special Forces attempted CIA Operation Neptune Spear and Failed due to Democrat President Clinton's 1993 to 2001 Destruction of the U.S. Defense, the U.S. no longer Funded U.S. Local Afghan Intelligence Assets to assist the CIA Teams to get to "Safe Houses (Locations)", evade the Millions of Afghan Taliban, Locate Osama Bin Laden in a Nation the size of Texas with 2/3rds being Mountains.Democrat President Obama fearing a Failure that would destroy his Political Career (Re Election) "Politically Distanced" himself (again), so the Director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, using the Republican President G.W. Bush Presidential Executive Orders, CIA Operation Neptune Spear, G.W. Bush 2006 Amended U.S. No Assassination Policy, conducted CIA Operation Neptune Spear from a CIA SCIF, not the White House that was only full of spectators.This is NOT a matter of likes or dislikes this is Facts of Actual Written U.S. Laws, U.S. Government Documents, U.S. Congressional Records.

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