WWE WrestleMania X-Seven
WWE WrestleMania X-Seven
| 01 April 2001 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania X-Seven Trailers

WrestleMania X-Seven was the seventeenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Snickers Cruncher. It took place on April 1, 2001 at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The event was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas. A record-breaking attendance for the Reliant Astrodome of 67,925 grossed US$3.5 million. The main event was a No Disqualification match between Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWF Championship. The main matches on the undercard featured Triple H versus The Undertaker, the second Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Vince McMahon versus Shane McMahon in a Street Fight. With WWE's acquisition of long-time competitor WCW and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin joining forces with storied rival Mr. McMahon.

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I finally get to comment this ppv.I remember when I watched this when I was a kid with my dad and his friend and it is fair to say it is the greatest wrestlemania of all time. Also, I have not seen a ppv better than this. It is probably the best ppv ever in sports history.Match #1- Inertcontinental Title match William Regal vs. Jericho- This was a very good opener with Jericho's high flying manuvers really owned the match and it was funny watching Regal getting his chest beat up. It was really red. 7/10.Match #2- 6 Men Tag match APA and Tazz vs. Right to Censor- Nothing really great but nothing really horrible it is just a fresh 6 men tag match. Decent. 5/10 Match #3- 3 way dance for the Hardcore title- Raven vs. Kane vs. Big Show- This match was just plain crazy and had extreme moments. There were men going through glass, walls, the crowd, getting ran over by a car and even falling off the stage. Freakin great! 8/10 Match #4- European Title Match- Eddie Gurerro vs. Test- This was solid wrestling and also offered interference. 5/10 Match #5- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit- This one was the first best match of the night and it was superb technical wrestling from both these technical wrestlers. It went back and forth. Each showed how truly great they can be and got the best out of each other. 9/10 Match #6- Women's Title Match Ivory vs. Chyna- This was not a let down from the show and it was a good thing it went short. 3/10 Match #7- Shane vs. Vince Mcmahon with referee Mick Foley- this was an interesting match and it was entertaining. Watching the high flying crazy moves off the turnbuckle from Shane including him beating the crap out of his dad which as freakin hilarious! It also featured a cat fight and very good story lines. 7/10 Match # 8- TLC for the tag team titles Dudleys vs. Hardys vs. Edge and Christian- Match of the night! This is my favorite ladder to watch and it was plain chaos with tones of bodies going through tables and falling off ladders not to mention falling on the floor while hanging on the belts. AWESOME! 10/10 Match #9- Gimmick Battle Royal Match- It was very cool to see the old wrestlers again and it was quite entertaining. 4/10 Match #10- Undertaker vs. HHH- Great brawl between these two and it was more of a street fight than a regular match and it also had some crazy moments. Bloody match. 8/10 Match #11- WWE title match The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin- What a main event. It is one of the greatest main events to end the show and I believe it is the greatest feud of all time. It was their best match together and features their greatest performances ever in the ring. I also enjoyed the video package leading up to the match. Another bloody match. By the way, you would not believe the ending it had and it is the most shocking twist in wwe history! 10/10 This was an historic night and should be remembered by all wrestling fans in the past and today. I believe this wrestlemania had a huge impact on all of the wrestlemanias after it.Overall: 10/10

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This was a really great Wrestlemania. Not one thing to complain & not one thing bad about it. Totally fantastic & excellent.FIRST MATCH- CHRIS JERICHO VS. WILLIAM REGAL FOR THE WWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Good way to start off Wrestlemania. Good match as well if it only took a little more time, then it would of been good. Jericho wins after a Lionsault on Regal for the win & to retain his WWF Intercontinental Championship. 4/10SECOND MATCH- APA {BRADSHAW & FAROOQ W/ JACQUELINE} & TAZZ VS. RIGHT TO CENSOR {BULL BUCHANAN, GODFATHER, VAL VENIS & STEVEN RICHARDS} IN A 8 MAN TAG TEAM MATCH Good tag team match, I really enjoyed it. Nothing bad about it to complain. APA & Tazz win after a Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw on one of the Right To Censor members for the win. 5/10THIRD MATCH- EDDIE GUERRERO VS. TEST FOR THE WWF European CHAMPIONSHIP Test showed most of his toughness in this match, but the match did not go for very long, but it was still okay. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko interfere during the match which leads to Eddie Guerrero nailing a Frog Splash on Test for the win & to become the new WWF European Champion. 4/10FOURTH MATCH- RAVEN VS. BIG SHOW VS. KANE IN A TRIPLE-THREAT HARDCORE MATCH FOR THE WWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP Great Hardcore match which showed the excitement for the match when they started brawling backstage. I can't believe Raven isn't even scared to go up against big wrestlers like Big Show & Kane. Kane knocks Big Show & Raven into electrical equipment next to the stage, Kane covers Big Show for the 3 count to become the new WWF Hardcore Champion. 5/10FIFTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. CHRIS BENOIT Great technical match between these two, whenever you have Benoit & Angle in the ring wrestling, you know your in for a slobber knocker of a match. Angle wins after a roll-up. 5/10SIXTH MATCH- CHYNA VS. IVORY FOR THE WWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Wow, this match was not long, but it was entertaining & funny the way Chyna showed her absolute toughness against Ivory. Chyna slams Ivory & covers her for the 3 count to win the WWF Women's Championship & beat Ivory in like 3 minutes. 3/10SEVENTH MATCH- DUDLEY BOYS VS. HARDY BOYS VS. EDGE & Christian IN A 3 WAY TLC MATCH FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Unbelievable, shocking, fantastic & excellent. You know not one word can describe how AWESOME this match is. The best match ever, & I mean ever in the history of WWF & WWE. There are so many highlights in this match, like Edge spearing Jeff Hardy off a ladder, or Jeff Hardy nailing a Swanton Bomb off a high ladder on Bubba on a table below. I have never seen a ladder match that had so many sick spots & high risking moves like this one. Edge & Christian overcome this brutal match & grab the title belts hanging high to become the new World Tag Team Champions. 10/10EIGHT MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. UNDERTAKER Another good match, which showed that HHH & Undertaker can wrestle well against each other in the ring. The best highlight in this match is when HH & Undertaker brawl in the crowd & up a stage, where Undertaker Chokeslams HHH from the top & all the way down to the floor, that was sick & awesome. They fight back in the ring {Where the referee who was knocked out recovers}. HHH pounds Undertaker in the corner, but Undertaker nails a Last Ride for the win. 6/10NINTH MATCH- SHANE MCMAHON VS. VINCE MCMAHON IN A STREET FIGHT MATCH SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: MICK FOLEY Good match, but I was expecting a bit more since it was Wrestlemania & it was son vs. father. Shane McMahon puts Vince in the corner, then nails a Van Dam Terminator from the other corner on Vince for the win while he had a garbage can in front of his face. 5/10TENTH MATCH- GIMMICK BATTLE ROYAL IN THIS BATTLE ROYAL IT HAD LEGENDS LIKE SEARGAENT SLAUGHTER, IRON SHEIK, DOINK THE CLOWN, REPO MAN, KAMALA & OTHER LEGENDS WHICH I DON'T REALLY KNOW SPECIAL GUEST COMMENTATORS: MEAN GENE ORKELUND & BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN Good battle royal, I really enjoyed it since the age of these legends were very familiar. Iron Sheik eliminates Seargeant Slaughter last to win the Gimmick Battle Royal. After the match, Seargeant Slaughter takes his frustrations for losing right on Iron Sheik by choking him out with the Cobra Clutch. 5/10ELEVENTH MATCH- ROCK VS. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IN A NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH FOR THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP Very good match, the futures of WWE & WWF are fighting against each other in the main event of the biggest spectacle Wrestlemania. Very good match, as I have no complaint or problem with the match whatsoever. Vince McMahon comes in the ring & helps out Stone Cold Steve Austin to nail Rock numerous times on the back with a steel chair, then covers for the 3 count to get the win & also to win the WWF Championship. After the match, a bloodied Austin celebrates with Mr. McMahon with a beer as this is a shocking & surprising way to end Wrestlemania. 10/10Great Wrestlemania, so far this is the best I've seen & also Wrestlemania XX. but still good. But hands up to definitely the best match of the night is the TLC match, never ever have I seen such a ladder match where they risk everything just to win a title. Hardy for risking his body for the fans & still not winning the title, may God bless him for that. Thumbs up to a very great & excellent Wrestlemania, as this Wrestlemania will go down in the history books.Overall I'll give it 10/10 & a A+

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in my view wrestlemania 17 wasn't just the best wrestlemania ever it was the best event ever! intercontinental championship Chris Jericho def William regal:a good opener but not that great. 6/10 apa & tazz def right to censor:in my view the second worst match of the night. Steven Richards looked poor. 4/10 hardcore championship Kane def raven & the big show: i loved this match,where Kane & big show went through the wall and raven through the window. 7/10 European championship Eddie Guerrero def test:not bad but forgettable. 5/10 Kurt angle def Chris Benoit:fantastic match. the technical prow ace of these men is great. they put on one hell of a match. 9/10 womens championship chyna def ivory:rubbish.1/10 street fight Shane McMahon def Vince McMahon: a OK match. i like the bit where Linda McMahon sat up from the chair and kicked Vince in the balls. 6/10 world tag team championship TLC match edge & Christian def the hardy boyz & the Dudley boyz:brilliant.this was great. the high flying. Jeff speared of the ladder by edge. Matt and bubba falling through 4 tables was great. 9/10 gimmick battle royal which the iron sheik won:3/10 the undertaker def triple h: good, i love the bit where undertaker choke slams hhh of the scaffolding thing.8/10 wwf championship stone cold def the rock:how can anyone forget this.Mr McMahon coming in and at the end striking a beer with Steve austin.9/10 overhaul this was so good it was unreal. 10/10

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This is the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! The matches on here are all great, my favourite was TLCII (tables, ladders and chairs 2). All the other matches are very enjoyable and fun to watch, such as the gimmick battle royal. The main event Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock is a very good match and a dramatic end that changes the face of the WWF forever. All in all this WWF event is possibly the best WWF event, let alone the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! Make sure you watch this one you cant afford to miss it!

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