WWE Unforgiven 2001
WWE Unforgiven 2001
| 23 September 2001 (USA)
WWE Unforgiven 2001 Trailers

Unforgiven 2001 was the fourth Unforgiven PPV. It was presented by Clearasil and took place on September 23, 2001 at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The main event was a match for the WWF Championship with Alliance representative Stone Cold Steve Austin defending the title against WWF representative Kurt Angle. Two predominant matches were The Rock versus Booker T and Shane McMahon in a Handicap match for the WCW Championship, and Rob Van Dam versus Chris Jericho for the WWF Hardcore Championship. The undercard featured Tajiri versus Rhino for the WCW United States Championship, Brothers of Destruction versus KroniK for the WCW Tag Team Championship, Edge versus Christian for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, Perry Saturn versus Raven and Dudley Boyz versus Big Show and Spike Dudley, Lance Storm and The Hurricane and Hardy Boyz in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match for the WWF Tag Team Championship.


This PPV had lots of work ethic but lacked a particularly memorable match. The opening tag team was decent and rather high tempo but nothing really special and we have seen the Dudleys v Hardys many times by now. Perry Saturn v Rave. Saturn is actually a really good wrestler and has a really good repertoire. Its a decent match for the time allocated but neither really convince that Saturn's romantic interest, a mop, had been sent into a wood cutter by Raven. A decent match for 5 minutes.Christian gives a very meh backstage promo before his match before Edge but debuts his new theme. Edge v Christian. You'd think this would be better being that they are former tag team partners but it dragged and stalled. It was a very meh match with few back and forth innovation and LOTS of unconvincing pinfall attempts, before finally ending with a non clean finish. Poor match. Kane and Taker v KronikThis match is rather infamous for the botches of Kronik. At one point taker screams the F word after a botched jaw breaker and there were a few other botches. It actually isn't a bad or boring match, however. By no means the worst in history. Jericho v RVD RVD was really over at this point. More over than Jericho himself. The match is really good. Lots of really good wrestling which before RVD showed up, the hardcore division was getting really lazy. It takes a while to get to the weapons and instead we get head scissors and ground wrestling looking for pinfall attempts. There is a lot of counters to each others moves, which make this surprisingly a better wrestling match than a hardcore. Sadly it doesn't end cleanly and could have been a classic if it had gone on longer. I still rate RVD's matches against Jeff Hardy slightly higher but best match of the night for sure. Rock v Booker T and Shane McMahonJust going to say it. Booker T can't wrestle. His wrestling revolves around irish whips (so does the Rock) and its very evident that he is communicating because he slaps the back of his opponent very noticeably. He also comes across as lost and not sure what to do next. At one point he does a snapmare waits a second then does a pin attempt. This match is basically like the Edge v Christian match but with Shane doing 2-1 antics on the apron, so its slightly more interesting but the match itself is slow and gimmicky. Tajiri v RhynoIts always fun watching Tajiri. His kicks actually sound like they hurt and he gets in a few really good ones. Angle v AustinThis is not a good match. Certainly not as good as the match at Summer Slam. Lots of punches and stalling. This match should really have been the match at Summer Slam but as it is it comes off as slow. There was even one part where Angle throws Austin off the stage and instead of jumping down to continue his attack he walks down the ramp to get to Austin. Basically stalling for time. Again. Not a good match. Overall it was an OK PPV. Certainly could have been better. Sadly Jericho v RVD didn't get more time and a clean finish but ends before it was just getting really good. Austin v Angle was sleep inducing which it really needed to be better for what was to happen. 5.5/10

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Useless awful "singing" in the beginning and we could start.1. Tag team Championship: Hardy Boyz Vs. The Hurricane/Lance Storm Vs. Big Show/Spike Dudley Vs. Dudley Boyz - Dudleyz won in an normal opener. 6.5/10 2. Raven (w skirt! :)) Vs. Saturn - Perry cleanly won over Raven, but crowd wasn't much into it. But nevermind, I was! 7/103. WWF Intercontinental Championship: Champ-Edge Vs. Christian - Christian won in a cheap way. But got it! 8/10 4. WCW Tag Team Title Match - Champs- Undertaker/Kane Vs. Kronik - Stiffy match, Brian Adams and Kane in that rules. Of course that Kronik Lost. 6/10 5. Hardcore Championship: Champ-RVD Vs. Y2J - Rob Van Dam has got Stephi on his side. So.... who could won? :) But match was great. 9/10 6. WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-The Rock Vs. Booker T./Shane McMahon - Average match with classically stupid ending. ROCK WON, WE ARE ALL SURPRISE. 6/10 7. WCW U.S. Championship:Rhyno Vs. Champ-Tajiri - Rhyno won and become new champ. In match were some mistakes, but they are good. 7.5/10 8. WWF Championship: Kurt Angle Vs. Champ-Stone Cold - They put tough match, but the action was a little bit slow. Angle surprisingly won that belt. For that, I give 8/10

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1-The Hardy Boyz vs. Hurricane & Lance Storm vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley vs. The Dudley Boyz (WWF Tag Team Champions) I expected a more exciting match but it was not bad. 5.5/102-Raven with Terri vs. Saturn I prefer Raven in the hardcore division and I consider Saturn as a good wrestler. The crowd was not in it, nothing great, nothing that bad either but forgettable for sure. End of the silly but yet still quite funny Moppy storyline. 4.5/103-Christian vs. Edge (WWF Intercontinental Champion) Brother vs.Brother. Not as good as I expected but still decent. However, this is nothing compare to the great ladder match they had at No Mercy in the next PPV. 6/104-Kronik with Steven Richards vs. The Undertaker & Kane (WCW Tag Champions) OK, in the edition of Smack down before that, Kronik squashed Kaientai, maybe they should have wrestle a more experienced team like the APA. Anyway, they are not very good wrestlers. Taker and Kane sold as much as they could. Taker and Kane are not made to be a tag team. I can't imagine what this would have been if it was not Taker and Kane taking on Kronik. 3.5/105-Rob Van Dam (WWF Hardcore Champion) vs. Chris Jericho When you have RVD and Jericho in hardcore match, you expect a 5 stars match and that exactly what we've got. Fantastic effort by these two men. I'm just not too happy with the ending, a match of this quality don't deserve such ending. 9/106-Booker T and Shane McMahon vs. The Rock (WCW Heavyweight Champion) Better than Rock vs. Booker at Summerslam(which was not bad by any means). So pretty good match with some good moments, Shane certainly added a lot to the match. 7.5/107-Rhyno vs. Tajiri (WCW US Champion) with Torrie Wilson Better than I thought but am still surprised to see this that high in the card. Good match, nothing great but entertaining. 6/108-Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin (WWF Heavyweight Champion) Much hype around this one. They had a classic at Summerslam. Is this better? No. Is this still great? Hell yeah! Great contest. Austin vs. Angle is never a disappointment. Too bad 2001 is the only year we had a feud between them. Great ending to the event.Overall, the PPV had its ups and downs. It started slowly but ended strongly. RVD vs. Jericho and Austin vs. Angle turned out to be great contest.

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The match of the night were Chris Jericho vs. RVD. Summerslam's main title matches were better than the unforgiven ones. Perry Saturn Vs. Raven was stupid because Saturn fought for a mop. Tajiri Vs. Rhyno was short but pretty good Rhyno wins U.S. title. Angle Vs. Austin as most say should have ended at summerslam and I think the scenario for title match was ridiculous because angle tries to throw Austin off a bridge, Angle wins. The Rock Vs. Booker t and Shane o' mac had too much interference and a lot of unconscious refs watch summerslam match, rock wins. The tag team match was a decent match. While Unforgiven is not best it still could be worth watching. I think if you are a WWE fan, buy it and every other pay per view. Matches are good but scenarios are stupid for the matches.

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