| 06 November 2015 (USA)
Wrecker Trailers

Best friends Emily and Lesley go on a road trip to the desert. When Emily decides to get off the highway and take a "short cut," they become the target of a relentless and psychotic trucker who forces them to play a deadly game of cat and mouse.


I had a horrible time trying to watch this garbage. I kept fast forwarding to find something that would grab my attention. Actresses crying without tears. Apparently these two chicks were close to 30 in reality, but dressed like hookers and desperately trying to be 20. Look, don't waste your time. Go watch "Duel" with Dennis Weaver from back when. At least that was suspenseful. The people that made this flick need to be arrested, and the actors never allowed on any set, ever again.

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This movie is honestly one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. I literally NEVER write reviews on sites like these, but here, I felt it was necessary because I want to vent about how I just wasted an hour and a half of my life! This movie was so incredibly boring, I found myself checking every five minutes to see how much time was left. This movie is essentially one big car chase, which gets old very, VERY quickly especially when nothing actually interesting happens. I honestly think they just wanted to show off a nice Mustang for an hour and a half. The lead actress's facial expressions were so off and dramatic - her shocked face was absolutely terrible. She would bug her eyes out in such an exaggeratory way that you'd think you're watching a comedy or something and not a "thriller." I'm also highly disappointed at the lack of backstory for the bad guy - we seriously do not find out a single thing about him, if it's even a him, because we never see their face either! I want to know motive; why this person is doing what they're doing? Why did they decide to target two random strangers that just happened to be passing through on a road trip? Why did they stick with them for so long and not just give up? Personally, if I was a killer, I'd be a bit bored after chasing down my victim for at least 24 hours and traveling what feels like a hundred miles. The other thing about the hundred mile thing is that at the beginning of the movie, we're told the protagonist's car needs oil pretty much ASAP, yet the car manages to keep going for at least 24 hours until it's convenient to the plot for the car to break down. I know "movie magic" and all that, but they actually had her stop and get gas multiple times in the movie which breaks some cliches, yet they let the oil go for the whole movie. K. Another thing I'm mad about is the fact that it's 2018 and movies are still thriving off the "no phone reception" cliche. Come on, never in my life have I been in an area that had absolutely no reception, and I live around some pretty country areas. Most "bad reception" areas have at LEAST one to two bars, and that should be enough to get through to 911. Not to mention the fact that as mentioned previously, they traveled a great deal in this movie, definitely enough to get into other areas that have reception. You can't tell me a seemingly hundred mile stretch of road has absolutely no reception anywhere along it. Technology is too advanced now for that. Oh yeah and the protagonist also got a gun towards the end of the movie and never even used it. There was a situation she was in after she got the gun where she sat on the road just staring at the events unfolding in front of her when she had many things she could try to do, such as shooting the tires of the tow truck maybe?? But guess everyone still has to play dumb in thriller/horror movies...The ending also made no sense. We saw that tow truck actually get demolished - and then it's just back and good as new all of a sudden? The bad guy (and the truck) was actually able to survive being pushed off a cliff? Curse movie magic. This movie is actual garbage.

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You can read all these reviews, but nothing can prepare you for just how terrible this movie is. It becomes painfully evident that all driving scenes are shot on the same quarter mile stretch of road. Some how, SOME HOW, a heavy wrecker is able to keep up with a model year Mustang. And worst of all, you can't stop watching it.

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David Daniels

This film nearly gave me a stroke. I found myself screaming at the television. This movie seemed more about the two imbeciles following the truck instead of the reverse. Never in my 54 years have I ever rooted more heavily for both of these numb skulls to be killed,,,and horribly. They were totally incompetent drivers and this film should have lasted a total of 15 minutes, as soon as these bubble heads passed the truck the first time they should have put at least 200 miles between themselves and the tow truck towing the station wagon before sundown. Next they drive right up to the abandoned car in their lane instead of passing it on the left and going about their way, why would they feel its their duty to move a disabled car from the roadway, especially when they are being pursued by a psychopathic tow truck driver? Whats also irritated me is how this tow truck seemed to have stealth qualities and managed to run people down without hearing a sound until they became hood ornaments.Then there's the idiot blonde standing there holding the dead Cop's pistol while psycho driver backs up slowly, hooks up the Police vehicle and saunters away as if hes driving through a school parking lot without her attempting to save her friend. THEN, at the end she saw her dead pal in the trunk of her car, walks up to the cab with wheels spinning(BTW Tow rigs are NOT front wheel drive so why the front wheels were spinning ill never figure that one out?)She stands there like a total MORON when she should have emptied the clip into the drivers window or at least shot out his tires so as to FINALLY disable the rig, once and for all. She backs up into the rig with her dead pal in the trunk (So much for respecting your dead pal, huh?)THEN drives away with her inside the trunk so somewhere down the road she can be stopped by Police for broken taillights along with a dead Cop's service pistol in her possession as well as a dead woman inside her now smashed trunk. This movie went from bad to worse and never looked back, there's a reason the lead imbecile was a bleach blonde. The director and the writer of this story should be banned from making future films.

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