World War III
World War III
| 30 January 1982 (USA)
World War III Trailers

Soviet paratroopers drop into Alaska to sabotage the oil pipeline in retaliation against a United States grain embargo. A skirmish occurs at a pumping station, lightly defended by Col. Jake Caffey and a National Guard reckon unit. A stalemate ensues while the possibility of World War III hangs in the balance. The danger escalates as the Russian leaders and the American President play a cat-and-mouse game.

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I was a freshman in high school when this movie aired, and my friends and I were certain we'd never live to 20 due to the threat of nuclear holocaust. Maybe that's why this movie left such a lasting impression on me, particularly the Alaskan scenes with soldiers stationed in overlapping pipes to narrow their field of fire and conserve ammunition. Few TV movies have achieved that level of suspense.It's a little ironic all these years later that my two favorite TV miniseries both starred David Soul. He was absolutely believable in this film, and he does a wonderful job of coaxing the viewer to empathize with his military unit's predicament. My other favorite from the era, Salem's Lot, still gives me goosebumps thanks to a wide DVD release. To think of all the junk that is getting released on DVD these days, it's a shame that this film hasn't.

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This is one film that can be watched over and over again because it is the best. The story is top of the line. I also loved the barren locale. It just added to the story. The sound track was also top of the line. I think of it now while I am writing these comments. This movie is just like Failsafe.The drama and tension are tops. The main setting is this barren area of Alaska where a troop of Russia soldiers have invaded with the intention of capturing a pumping valve station and destroying it thereby cutting off oil supplies to the lower United States. How they are stopped and the horrible consequences that follow are what makes this such a great movie. The impasse at the end where the Soviet and American commanders agree is great but not long-lasting.Why is it not available on DVD? The music also??. I know that it was a made for t.v. movie by NBC> Is there any way that NBC be contacted?

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A eccellent two part mini-series starring David Soul,Brian Keith and Rock Hudson about the Soviets trying to take control of the Alaskin pipeline to try and blackmail the U.S. . They send troops in to try and secure the pipeline and the U.S. responds to the threat by sending it's troops in and so a powderkeg confrontation occures which could start World War III,hence the title. The snow scenes are well done. It reminds me a bit of Ice Station Zebra which was about another Soviet-US confrontation. It is nice to see Brian Keith and Rock Hudson again and I hope that one day it will be released to DVD.

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This film made an enormous impression on me at 12 yrs old, so much so that it sticks with me 21 years later. The film is suspenseful. The cinematography is top of the line. The climax (no spoilers follow) involves an application of military strategy dating from ancient times, which seemed imaginative to me at the time. And the cold of Alaska, the threat of Soviet invasion, the stakes of nuclear holocaust... all had me on the edge of my seat. I'd love to buy the film, but alas, there are no releases on DVD or video.

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