While Indonesian teenagers now busy hanging out in their favorite coffee shop or painting their nails, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta brings out the "sastra Indonesia" (Indonesian literature), especially poems, as the center of this teenage love story and make this story out of the boxThe writer shows many teenage problems such as friendship, love, or family violence which wrapped beautifully from the beginning until the end. Despite the fact that the stars in this movie, such as Dian Sastrowardoyo as Cinta and Nicholas Saputra as Rangga was still a rookie, they showed good act.You'll later feel the moral value of this teenage movie. Not just any other teen romance that exploits sex or desire, this teen romance will touch your heart. I couldn't agree more if this film is one of the best all time movie in Indonesia.
... View MoreI think this film is GREAT!!! Well, at least for Indonesian films...Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? holds few worth things for teens, as some of us get very fed up with usual love stories and all. The romance between Cinta and Rangga is unusual, yet very interesting and cool, heh heh... And unlike many other teen films, this one right here has a unexpected ending. The filmmakers didn't get trapped in typical happy ending only, but choose a rational one, yet still sweet with a bit of surprise afterwards...This film cause some famous quotes and actions among Indonesian teenagers, makes it such a phenomenon.. Last of all, I personally hope for the sequel someday in future... =)
... View MoreWell, AADC is still a typical teen chick flick with a simple and predictable plot. But the way this movie is produced and refined is truly above average amongst Indonesian films. It's nicely edited and directed. The camera work is dynamic. And the casting for the main characters are good. Dian Sastro really fits her character well and she cited her dialog so naturally. My only complaint is that the soundtrack are played too often.AADC rightfully deserved the popularity and commercial success it had enjoyed.
... View MoreWell, thanks to the world wide French channel TV5, I discovered this really intriguing movie. At first, one would say it's a typical teenager movie. But it's really more than that. Basically, Cinta and Rangga, two passionate students, meet about poetry. But the first one has friends and prefers not betraying them, while the second is at least as proud and enjoys his solitude. Apart from this framework, one of Cinta's friend has problems with her father. And there's more. Aku, a book, will resolve most problems.I didn't really know the country at that time, and I find the immersion in a new universe is the first mission of any movie. Well, in that case, the result is outstanding. Moreover, characters are masterly played, from the first roles, Dian (a really good actress and singer) and Nicholas (first role it seems, but quite outstanding), to the others, friends and family. I'm sure one will see (his her)self back in college.Friendship is really nicely transcribed, as the college atmosphere, with hopes and frustrations. The love story is not all, the viewer has a wide panel of interesting points. As with characters, emotions aren't caricatured, the whole is varying from the beginning to the end. No Manicheism, just human nature.As a conclusion, I would really encourage anybody to watch this movie. Complete, with a real story and professional actors, I only miss the DVD release.
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