WCW Halloween Havoc 1997
WCW Halloween Havoc 1997
NR | 26 October 1997 (USA)
WCW Halloween Havoc 1997 Trailers

Hollywood Hogan faces "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in a Steel Cage Match. "Macho Man" Randy Savage battles Diamond Dallas Page. Lex Luger faces Scott Hall with Larry Zbyszko as special guest referee. Curt Hennig puts the WCW United States Championship on the line against Ric Flair. Eddie Guerrero faces Rey Mysterio in a Hair vs. Mask Match and more!


1st Match: Ultimo Dragon vs Yuji Nagata. An alright opener, not really a heel/face match, but it flows well. I think Dragon needs to move on from this feud he's been having with Sonny Onoo though. Rating: 3.5/52nd Match: Chris Jericho vs Gedo. This match was added at the last moment, and it's pretty good given what I've just said. Jericho's good as always, and Gedo is OK. There is a nasty botch near the end where Jericho lands on his head after failing a top-rope Frankensteiner. He bleeds from the mouth, but at least he's able to walk away. Rating: 3.5/53rd Match: Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio, WCW Cruiserweight Championship where if Rey loses he must unmask. There are two matches I've heard are phenomenal from this period, DDP/Goldberg, and this. There is no hyperbole when I say that this is the best match I've seen from WCW since Flair/Steamboat at Spring Stampede '94. It took them over 3 years, but they've managed to top themselves. This is fast, crazy, so many moves hit the first time, both guys give it 110%, and Eddie has great heel tactics. The only thing keeping this from the coveted "6/5" rating, is that I wish there was more of a story here. Had this been build up for a few months, with a killer promo before the match, this would've been a masterpiece. However, this is still a serious contender for "Match of the Year". Rating: 5/54th Match: Steve McMichael vs Alex Wright. During Mongo's drawn out on-screen divorce from Debra, she started pitting him against random guys to get under his skin. At least Jarrett's not here. Wright is OK, and Mongo can brawl OK, but what saves the match is Goldberg. Also, this is the first time I've seen referee Charles Robinson, one of my favorite refs. Goldberg comes down, cuts Mongo in half with a spear/jackhammer combo, and even though Robinson sees it happen (eyeroll), Wright wins the match. Not a bad PPV debut from Goldberg, but there have been better ones. Rating: 3/55th Match: Disco Inferno vs Jacqueline. This is awful. It's a comedy/squash match that goes on forever, and only picks up a little towards the end. The whole story is that Disco doesn't want to fight his opponent. Repeat that for 10 minutes. Rating: 0.5/56th Match: Ric Flair Curt Hennig, WCW US Heavyweight Championship. To get revenge for the most obvious double-cross in history, Flair demanded this match. You'd think a match between these two would be something special, the problem is that I don't remember anything about it. I remember Flair getting DQ'd on purpose, but nothing else. That's bad for a match between these two guys. Rating: 2.5/57th Match: Scott Hall vs Lex Luger, Special Guest Referee: Larry Zbyszko. This match is more about Hall and Larry than Luger. I can imagine these two having a match at a future show, but Luger sticks out more than usual here. Typical nWo interference, which got old months ago, and a false finish that has Luger win. Very by the numbers match,. with no real surprises. Rating: 2/58th Match: DDP vs Randy Savage, Last Man Standing match. I liked their match at "GAB" better. This just hits a lot of the same notes, but there are a few cool moments. I liked a graveyard brawl, and the fighting in the crowd was neat, but I think it could've been more brutal. I know WCW was PG, but when I think Last Man Standing match, I think of a real fight, with guys bleeding or big impact moves. Without it, it's kind of like having a Hell in a Cell match without blood, it lessens the impact of the match. That, and Fake Sting helping Savage win doesn't help anybody. Rating: 3/59th Match: Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper, Hell in a Cell Without a Roof match. This isn't for the title, because Hogan is Hogan, and feels like a direct ripoff of Shawn and Taker's match from "Badd Blood". The only difference, is that both guys phone it in here, and the cell doesn't have a roof on it. As you might expect, the cell is meant to keep people out, but because this is the nWo (eyeroll), that doesn't happen. The only part of the match I liked was Savage doing a huge double axe-handle from the top of the cage, only he misses the landing. It's by the numbers, predictable, not for a title, part of a feud that's been stale for months, and convoluted. Both guys leave the cage, and the match can end by leaving the cage, but the match continues. Oh it's painful, not even the 69 Sting's that show up held my interest. At least Piper won, that and Savage's move are about the only interesting parts though. Rating: 1/5Final Rating: 5 out of 10. The first half is good, with the best match WCW has had in over 3 years, but the second half of the card just crumbles into nothing.R.I.P Eddie Guerrero

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Live from Las Vegas, NVAttendance 12,457Your commentators are Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby HeenanThe Ultimo Dragon Vs Yuji Nagata (W/Sonny Onoo)Nagata wins with an arm bar..... This was a rather tepid opener. Nagata's skill set is marginal at best and there wasn't that much Dragon could do with him. In keeps The Dragon's quest for revenge on Sonny Onoo going, but they picked the wrong winner here.** out of 5Chris Jericho Vs GedoJericho wins with the Walls of Jericho. This was a decent match between the two. I'm super glad Jericho won. I would have flipped out if Gedo won. There was one really bad botch where Jericho tried a super frankensteiner from the top rope and ended up botching it, and landing straight on his head. **1/2 out of 5Cruiserweight TitleEddie Guerrero (C) Vs Rey MysterioMysterio wins the title by countering a Razor's Edge from the top into a hurricanrana. This match was everything it was advertised to be. Fast, furious, and extremely exciting. As much as I have gotten tired of him, Mysterio was incredible in the ring at this juncture and I definitely respect him. What a match!****1/4 out of 5Hollywood Hogan claims he won't wrestle Roddy Piper tonight until Sting is barred from the building. Steve McMichael Vs Alex Wright (W/Debra)If McMichael wins, Debra must leave WCW. Alex Wright wins after Goldberg costs McMichael the match. Goldberg receives McMichael's superbowl ring, then spears and Jackhammers Alex Wright. The booking of Goldberg was perfect here. He's neither heel or face. He's just a badass that will destroy everything in sight. The match sucked.*1/4 out of 5Jacqueline Vs Disco InfernoJacqueline wins after scooping up Inferno from behind. It wasn't a very good match, but I got immense gratification from watching Jacqueline beat up Disco. It kinda makes the T.V title look like a joke, but it was worth it. Jacqueline even gave him a DDT! *1/2 out of 5United States TitleCurt Hennig (C) Vs Ric FlairHennig wins by DQ after Flair hits the referee. Flair attacks Hennig some more after the match until officials, Konnan, and Vincent run down to yank Hennig out of there. Well, this was a tad disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it's an above average match, but I've seen what these two can do. They put on four star match on an episode of Raw in 93. The intensity was good, the execution was off at times.**3/4 out of 5J.J Dillon announces that Hogan WILL wrestle Roddy Piper tonight. Bischoff comes out to protest, but it doesn't do much good. Dillon says if Bischoff sees Sting tonight, it'll be in his nightmares.Lex Luger Vs Scott HallLarry Zbyszko is the guest referee. Hall initially wins after Syxx interferes, but Zbyzsko sees the replay and restarts the match. Luger wins with the Torture Rack, but gets beat up by Bischoff, Hall, and Syxx after the match. The match itself was rather below average, but I loved Zbyszko putting Syxx in a choke hold and kicking some ass. The crowd ate it up as well.*1/2 out of 5Sudden Death Match (Last Man Standing)'Macho Man' Randy Savage (W/Elizabeth) Vs DDP (W/Kimberly)Hogan dressed up as Sting, screws over DDP to give Savage the win. This match was kinda underwhelming. There weren't many big spots and it was all pretty standard stuff. Both looked very strong in the match and were protected. I didn't expect a classic, but I expected more than I got. A decent, but disappointing bout.**1/2 out of 5Steel Cage Match'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan Vs 'Rowdy' Roddy PiperPiper wins with the sleeper hold. Piper gets tied up to the cage afterwards and beaten to a pulp. This was a brutal main event. It wasn't boring, just really bad. Both guys were well past their prime and it showed here. There were a couple of cool moments, such as Hogan and Piper fighting on top of the cage, and Savage jumping off the top of the cage with a double axe handle. A fan climbed the cage and got his ass kicked by Hogan and Savage.*1/4 out of 5Overall, the only reason to see this PPV is for the Cruiserweight title match. Believe me, you aren't really missing anything else. It's an average PPV and I think even that is being generous. 5/10

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1. Yuji Nagata Vs. Ultimo Dragon - Yuji cleanly won, wow 7/10 2. Gedo Vs. Chris Jericho - heh one of the greatest Jericho's face pop after victory. And I don't get why they replayed that bad screwed Frankensteiner by Jericho 7/10 3. WCW World Cruiserweight Title Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Champ-Eddie Guerrero - I like Eddies haircut in late 1997 Long Bangs combed on the side. Btw: Impossible match! Ftw Mysterio's DDT from moonsault from the top rope, somersault flip into flying headscissors! This match was one of the best I've seen, not only in 1997. 10/10 4. Steve McMichael Vs. Alex Wright - In this match Goldberg debuted on PPV and assaulted Mongo. 6/10 5. WCW Television Title Match: Champ-Disco Inferno Vs. Jacquelyn (came in Norman Smiley's 2nd theme music) - No way, she defeated Disco, hate that booking. 4/106. Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair - It is so clear that Hennig wouldn't win, when He was champ at the time and it was non-title match. DQ ending 7/10 7. Lex Luger Vs. Scot Hall - Larry Zbyszko was referee. 6/10 8. Macho Man Randy Savage Vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Another Variaton on DDP Vs. Macho feud - variation Death match and another Savage victory it's become boring, over and over again 6/10 9. Cage Match: Stiff 1 (Piper) Vs. Stiff 2 (Hogan) - Words are meanless. But there were some moment fan, that climbed the cage and Hogan with Piper beat the hell out of him. 5/10

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Steel Cage Match (non-title): WCW Champion Hollywood Hogan vs. Roddy Piper, WCW United States Title: Curt Hennig vs. Ric Flair, WCW Cruiserweight Title (Belt vs. Mask Match): Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio Jr., Sudden Death Match: Randy Savage vs. Dallas Page, Scott Hall vs. Lex Luger (special referee Larry Zbysko), Disco Inferno vs. Jacqueline, Chris Jericho vs. Gedo, Yuji Nagata vs. Ultimo Dragon, Alex Wright vs. Steve McMichaelThe match card looks good but this PPV wasn't. The steel cage had so much stuff wrong with it. Non-title and the two contender's were well passed retirement age. Ironically Age In The Cage was a slogan used by WWE who wanted people to watch there show instead of Halloween Havoc and here we are almost 10 years later with WWE using the exact same participants, who are even older. Hennig and Flair was god awful also, as was Wright/McMichael, Savage/Page and Hall/Luger. Below are my top 3 matches and worst 3 matches.Worst: 1. Piper - Hogan 2. Disco Inferno - Jacqueline 3. Savage - PageThe ones that are not in the Best 3 list were terrible also.Best: 1. Nagata - Dragon 2. Jericho - Gedo 3. Guerrero - Mysterio.I have given this a four only because of the matches above.

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