Watch Your Left
Watch Your Left
| 20 August 1936 (USA)
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Roger, son of a farmer, wants to be a boxer, and gets his chance by filling in for a boxer's sparring partner. However, Roger does not know how to box and reads a rule book while in the ring.


Rene Clement as a comedy director? Yes indeed, because even as singular a talent as Clement had to direct something early on, and here he is, directing Jacques Tati as a farm hand working where a boxer is training, and all the sparring partners are unconscious. So when the trainer spots Tati shadow-boxing with himself, he tosses the young dope to the champ.It doesn't look anything like what you'd expect a film from Clement to look like, and it doesn't look anything like what you'd expect a film with Tati to look like.... except for the young kids running around the farm, playing at being newsreel cameramen and shooting what looks interesting to them.... and which you need to think about for a few seconds before you realize that, yes, that makes sense..... and that makes it pretty much the earliest film by Tati in which his auctorial voice begins to be heard: a nostalgia for a world that never really existed, in which Hulot wanders happily across the shore, or leads a pack of wild dogs through the streets .... and that links to some of Clement's more singular works, like JEUX INTERDIT and LE MURA DI MALAPAGA. in which people long for a little compassion.It's odd how two artists can explore the same themes in such different ways.... and how nobody notices when their paths cross.

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Not a great short, but worth watching for a glimpse of a very young Jacques Tati, and for an interesting look at a French rural village in 1936. Jacques Tati's mannerisms are funny, but underutilized. He could have gotten a lot more mileage out of some of the situations. I had one really big laugh, but the rest of the film was just pleasantly amusing. The editing is very crude. It kinda felt like the editor held up the strips of film in one hand and scissors in the other and eyeballed it. Either that, or there were some frames lost to decomposition or something. 7/10 is probably being a little too generous as far a pure entertainment value, but that's what I'm going to give it, because it's a fascinating piece of film history.

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Pretty Funny.I saw this on Criterion´s M. Hulot's Holiday DVD.It is very inspired by the boxing scene in City Light.This short film is of course not as good because that is one of the funniest(or best) scenes in film history.It´s hard to rate short films but if I should rate it I give it a 4 out of 5.

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Wow, Tati was a young man. Here he plays someone's young son, 17 years before M. Hulot's Holiday. The action centers around a boxing match between a champ and Tati, who knows nothing about boxing and has to consult a manual during the fight. It sounds funnier than it really is. Chaplin's boxing match in City Lights is much, much better. The editing of this film can be confusing. Still, it is funny. It's worth a 7/10. See it on Criterion's M. Hulot's Holiday DVD, recently released.

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