Herbie Rides Again
Herbie Rides Again
G | 14 February 1974 (USA)

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The living Volkswagen Beetle helps an old lady protect her home from a corrupt developer.


The Disney movies of the 1970's have a pedestrian feel to them, sort of like "Why did I spend $4.50 to come see a movie when I could sit at home for free and watch a sitcom?" Within several years, their movies would be on TV, so unless it was a musical like "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" and "Pete's Dragon" or an animated feature like "The Aristocats" and "The Sword and the Stone", it wasn't worth rushing to see. This sequel to "The Love Bug" is actually a very amusing entry amongst the farcical comedies which were released during that time, featuring the cutest little old lady around (Helen Hayes) who has acquired Herbie and refuses to leave the old San Francisco fire station where she lived for years with her late husband. Big bad boss Keenan Wynn hasn't learned his lesson, having tried this with flubber inventors 10 years before, and tries to get Helen out so he can put up his big bad skyscraper. Wynn's nephew Ken Berry is sent out to try to get Hayes to change her mind and crosses the line with her pretty niece, Stefanie Powers, an expert in handling men like Berry and not without a little physical efforts put in as well.Hayes and Herbie end up on an adventure, taking a magical ride up the walls of the skyscraper where Wynn currently keeps his evil business running, and after a little bit of an understanding, Powers and Berry find they like each other, taking some adventurous rides with Herbie as well. But this doesn't stop Wynn from further planning his evil intentions, and he takes drastic steps to get what he wants. But we all know Herbie. This spirited bug isn't bugged by evil human thoughts; He has a few ways of his own to protect the lovable Hayes. And Wynn, why he would want to kick Hayes out of her home, even if she can move into the lap of luxury with old movies and old fogies around her 24/7, is beyond reprehension. He's a character that you'll have fun booing at, right up to the hysterical climax.There are so many fun slapstick bits that will amuse the children, and enough examples of real goings on in the business world to appeal to the adults. Hayes really shines, even though she's continuing to play what she already played in "Airport!", and you will just want to give her a hug, especially when she strikes up a friendship with an old geezer (John McIntire) who ends up on a living streetcar with her. Yes, Herbie has the power to turn other moving vehicles into thinking, feeling creatures, and when the film begins to reach its climax, it becomes a truly feel good movie about the victory over evil.Powers, having already taken on Tallulah Bankhead in "Die, Die My Darling" is more than prepared for the first lady of the American theater, having a great rapporteur with Hayes. Berry is dippily charming, obviously against what his uncle has him doing but afraid of standing up to him, and what happens between him and Powers makes his transition fun to watch. Wynn is surrounded by the typical group of "yes men" which includes "Beverly Hillbillies" bank boss Raymond Bailey. Among the other familiar faces who pop up in small roles are the "Bowery Boys" Huntz Hall, cute old man Bert Mustin, lip popper Fritz Feld and the hugely accented Vito Scotti. This may have some typical Disney aspects to it that seem dated now, but of all the teen comedy films they put out in the 1970's, this is probably the best held up.

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I agree with the majority of the poster who find this entry deplorable. Disney had a goldmine with the Herbie series and they squandered it.I think that staging racing scenes were probably too costly, so they cooked up the inane plot about saving Helen Hayes' firehouse. Ken Berry is an ineffective cuckold while Stephanie Powers is the one with brass balls.Keenan Wynne's constant rage is off putting for parents and mad me uncomfortable as my son watched his unending bluster.The two Dean Jones Herbie films are the best of the bunch. Skip this waste of time.

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The best thing about this horrible movie is the opening scene which shows real-life footage of large buildings being demolished.The worst thing is the theology behind the story, as espoused by no less an actress than veteran Helen Hayes whose character claims that everything has a soul and a life to it - and that's why the car, he organ, the train all can understand each other and human minds!! This is Walt Disney "New Age" baloney 20 years ahead of it's time. Later on, spells are cast, etc, typical of Disney films. Walt was a big fan of the occult and believed in all that sort of thing. Pretty pathetic.We know where Herbie's "soul" is right now: Junkyard Hell, where it belongs!

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Herbie Rides Again is a great family comedy. The funniest part in the movie was when Herbie and all of his volkswagen friends chased Alonso Hawke down the streets of San Francisco. That part is hilarious and priceless. Children and adults will love this movie and the other Herbie movies too. Go out and buy all of the Herbie movies. You won't regret it.

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