War of the Buttons
War of the Buttons
PG | 29 September 1994 (USA)
War of the Buttons Trailers

War between two Irish youth gangs consists of removing and retrieving buttons from each other's clothing.


I want to say hello to the people who read this comment, I think that this movie describes a beautiful and innocent war between the kids of two different villages: Bally and Carricks, but the main idea of the drama is the importance that those kids give to the fact of get the buttons of the contrary rival band.As usual, the consequence of the fighting is that the parents grouse the kids when they come without their buttons and laces....It's so sad the scene when a poor kid is hit by him father and then goes out of the home crying...But on the contrary, a beautiful moment in the movie is when the kids of the two different villages are fighting with violence and appears a little rabbit injured. Then, the kids come to an agreement.I'm not a native English-speaking, and there were many words misunderstood, for example BEODO and others that i don't remember.Thank u a lot.

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Carlos Parra

On of the most interesting aspect from the War of the buttons is the resemblance in the movie between the battles of children and adults. In fact, this film achieves the audience feels many kind of emotions like laugh, fear, uncertainty and others. These factors help to catch the audience during the 100 minutes of the film.However, the war of the Irish kids also makes a sort of criticize about the human conflicts. It is showing how often the real war nearby to be a childlike trouble is, in relation with some superfluous reasons of adult people. So, the audience could reflect about the human condition and have a great time with this wonderful film.

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"War of the buttons" is a story about a fighting of two gangs composed by kids. One gang is from Ballydowse and the other one is from Carrickdowse. Both gangs are headed by Fergus and Geronimo respectively.The "war" consists of cutting off their opponent's buttons as a trophy or a signal of victory during a battle.In "War of the buttons", the children shows us up an important organization as a common society even its background is still a kid's adventure from small towns.There's no need to find out a meaning in the battles or the scenes they play, well... it's not adventure acting neither... but I guess there is a simple suggestion about the roles of each person in a group of people summoned by the same purpose.The magic of childish minds into colorful places of Ireland makes a nice environment in the movie, despite of the fighting between them.However is an entertaining story about love, family, forgiveness, courage, betrayals, friendship and support; held by a cute frame of kid's brightness.I really recommend you guys to check it out if you haven't seen it.

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This movie is amazing! It is a great family film. This scenic movie is also a breathtaking look at Ireland.The movie is about two groups of boys, both from different rival towns in Ireland, Ballydowse and Carrickdowse. The boys have battles, and to shame the enemy, they cut off all the buttons on their clothes. To get back at them, the boys from Ballydowse have a cunning plan to get back at the boys from Carrickdowse. They show up at the battle naked!You may either laugh or cry at this movie, but either way I am sure that you will love "The War of the Buttons."

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