Vision Quest
Vision Quest
R | 15 February 1985 (USA)
Vision Quest Trailers

After deciding he needs to do something meaningful with his life, high school wrestler Louden Swain sets out on a mission to drop weight and challenge the area's undefeated champion, which creates problems with his teammates and health. Matters are complicated further when Louden's father takes in an attractive female drifter who's on her way to San Francisco.

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As a high School wrestler in the late 70s, I went to see this Movie on opening day, I sat threw it twice, and was mesmerized by the training, the team building Indian Run gave me chills, and in the end You rely on only yourself to win against your opponent, I remember our Coach was always quite during matches, he told me the opposing Wrestler could always hear what was every said, I have now followed High School and College Wrestling for 50 years, and still remember why I won and lost most of my matches. Wrestling the Perfect Sport!

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After 30 years this is still the best High School wrestling movie out there. Fox Catcher was horrible in comparison. I don't recommend this for anyone unless they are in the sport. Most people won't understand what it takes to make a choice to change your life. To make a change when good natured people in your life are trying to sway you from your goal. The movie is a great example of self determination you don't see often in movies anymore. O.k. A perfect example. IMDb is saying that isn't enough information. I should have been able to wrap this up in the first sentence. You must conform to the box that has been prepared to receive your thoughts. Trust me the movie is worth seeing.

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This is such a classic movie! This of yourself as the guy who always wants to get down to that weight where you can go against the guy they all say would crush you. I wish they made more movies like this now a days! This gives such inspiration to people who want to reach that goal of wanting to beat out your opponent. Matthew Modine was awesome in this movie and it made me want to get up and go running in a silver sweat suit. It was cool to see some characters from other classic 80's movies in it as well. You get a little sports and a hot chic and you have yourself an awesome 80's teen movie! I thought this movie was so good and a must see if you haven't already.

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Although it spawned a popular soundtrack (featuring two Madonna songs, which she performs on-screen as a bar singer), "Vision Quest" didn't quite become the male-version of "Flashdance", if only because the narrative--a male teen striving for success on the high school wrestling team--was not as embracing as a female welder dreaming of becoming a ballerina. The two films certainly look similar, with this one getting a smoky-and-slick blue-collar scenario which looked pretty good when chopped up into music video form. The movie itself isn't as energized, what with Matthew Modine looking too old to play a senior and Linda Fiorentino (in a Jennifer Beals poof 'do) seductively lurking around as the older woman-boarder in Modine's house. There's a rebuffed homosexual come-on at the very beginning which telegraphs us in no uncertain terms that Modine may be a virgin, but by golly he's straight as an arrow! Scripts like this belong to a different time-period altogether, pre-"Flashdance" actually...closer to something from Mickey Rooney's era. * from ****

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