Vampire Journals
Vampire Journals
R | 25 February 1997 (USA)
Vampire Journals Trailers

A 19th century vampire stalks a more powerful vampire lord in his quest to gain revenge over the death of his mistress. In his search for the vampire lord in Eastern Europe he kills many of his servants and fellow vampires while cursing another to vampirism as well.

Adreanna Halapia

I received this movie (along with 19 others in a set) as a gift from my sister. I decided to read some reviews and check the rating here, as I do with most movies I watch anymore. I thought; "Okay, not bad reviews. Let's try this!".I'm going to try and make this as short and simple as possible. This wasn't an awful movie. I'm keeping the year it was made in mind, so I wont mention the bad effects or camera. I WILL mention the bad acting. The character of Zachary seemed to be overplaying the "brooding" a bit. I'm not sure I'm using the right word. The character of Cassandra was a little awkward to me. I didn't understand the role of Dimitri in this film. Just to be shooed away like an annoying animal? The plot had potential, even if the vengeful vampire child storyline is overused. BloodRayne for instance. There were moments that I felt had just been tossed in as filler footage. There never really seemed to be much of a catch. Throughout the movie, it was the same pace. I also couldn't believe the ending. I highly doubt that a vampire "lord" would be killed so easily (and stupidly, mind you). So, needless to say, I was a little disappointed.

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Randolf Carter

Well, I am a big fan of Full Moon Videos..after all, that's where some of the Lovecraft films came from, and I'm a big fan of them. Alright then. This is a somewhat artsy-fartsy vampire movie, kind of continuing the line of the subspecies films. Unlike the Subspecies films, there were no cheesy clay-mation gargoyles, and the budget seemed to be relatively decent. Thank God for Romania, eh? At any rate, the plot was pretty good, the cast not bad. The atmosphere great, and the whole movie flowed pretty well.This would make a nice addition to any vampire fan's movie collection.Also, if you like it and want to get more depth into the story, get the rest of the Subspecies movies. They're more cult-classic, like the rest of the Full Moon horror movies, but worth a watch.Believe me. I've seen thousands of horror movies, and would make the best horror critic in the world, if it paid........and I got to use my usual potty-mouth to get my point across.

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I gave this a 2 simply because I enjoyed looking at the sets in the movie, and that was pretty much it. There was about one joke in the film that made me laugh, and everything else I found funny because it was so ridiculous.This is a cheap rip off of "Interview with the Vampire" as in: thriving in eternity, basking in immortality control freak and mean vamp teases the woe-is-me, I will never be human again pathetic vamp. The crucial differences here are that "Interview with the Vampire" is a very respectable film whilst "Journals" looks like something a bunch of high schoolers binded together for a school play.Zachary (Gunn) is a self-pitying guiltaholic who is travelling the world on a quest of revenge. Killing humans depresses him but killing other vampires doesn't phase him, mind you, as he is self loathing and feels no loyalty to his kind anymore. In the beginning, you see another vampire named Ash (Morris) that looks like a drugged, washed up rock star old man, kill Zachary's female companion, setting Zachary off on his journey to find Ash and claim his vengeance by killing him and all of his offspring.Predictability ensues. Zachary finds Ash, but a woman gets in the way, the woman both of the vampires want, a repetition of their last dilemma except this time Zachary is determined not to lose.You can't take this movie seriously at all, but it's almost one of those "so bad it's almost good" movies that you can only bear to watch once. The acting is very cliché, the dialogue is corny, the plot isn't that interesting, and the characters you like are the schemers that have it in for the ones who are supposed to be the heroes of the movie. If you're a patient person I suggest watching it if you're intoxicated and you have absolutely nothing else to watch and it's a dire emergency.But like I said, the sets are cool.

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A rather lower-budget film, shot in eastern europe. Clothing, sets, makeup etc were very good. Beautiful and appropriately vampiric. Some of the best visualization of an elegant vampire world I've ever seen. Acting was hit or miss, none of it amazing, but most of it decent. The music was a bit repetitive and over-dramatic...almost comical at times because it was so foreboding. Frankly, I feel the storyline and plot were the worst aspects of this film, in addition to some cheesy lines (too cheesy for these actors, at least). The film didn't reach any resolution and the plot conflict was weak to begin with. I'd love to see this director shoot a film with good actors and a good screenplay. He has nice vision but he can't write for *$#@ (he also wrote the screenplay). 9/10 for visuals/cinematography, 3.5/10 for plot/screenplay. Overall 6/10.

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