| 01 May 1983 (USA)
V Trailers

Aliens pretending to be friendly come to Earth and are received openly. The aliens have masqueraded themselves to look just like humans. When it is discovered that the aliens' planet is dying and that they have come to rape the Earth of its natural resources, the war for Earth begins.


I wasn't born when this amazing show first aired,I was born in 83 so my first time watching it in its fullest was early 90's and it amazed me,having never seen anything like it before I was slightly obsessed,having rewatched it as an adult recently it hasn't lost any of it charm over time

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This is the finest ever made for TV mini series I have seen. I remember watching it when originally broadcast and recently bought the DVD and re watched. Not only does it hold up, it seems better to me now than when I first saw it 29 years ago. Leonard Cimino is brilliant as the aged holocaust survivor who lost his wife in a concentration camp. He makes the most of his part and teaches us all not only how to fight, but how to love. The beautiful Faye Grant is awesome as the leader of the resistance. While there are obvious allusions to the Nazis, it is amazing how much of the story mimics today- There are allegations of "Owning the press and the news media." Civil rights and homes are lost. The visitors, with their own version of Obama's "Hope and Change" really had their own agenda, which they dare not reveal. I really enjoyed this, there was surprisingly little gore, and scenes of torture were implied, but not shown. Well done and very enjoyable.

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I never understood the appeal of this poorly made TV show about alien invaders. I also never understood the appeal of "BattleStar Galactica," which this series reminds me of. Cheesy special effects, horrible acting, hideous costuming and plots that constantly go nowhere. If you want to see a halfway decent series about alien invaders, check out a short-lived TV series, "The Invaders" with Roy Thinnes. What that low-budget show did was to put Thinnes, admittedly no great shakes in the acting department, in a series of "The Fugitive"-type situations as he battles alien invaders. Those of you old enough to remember will note this same angle was used for "The Hulk" TV series with Lou Ferrigno. As for "V," it is certainly watchable for its campy value. The gal playing Diana is an absolute hoot as she marches around in skin-tight spandex, with big poofy hair and heavy makeup. Her I love. Marc Singer, the show's star, is better known as The Beastmaster.

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kai ringler

i loved this series growing up as a kid, it was one of my fav's along with the movies,, this movie seems to have it all it sets the stage for the series,, you have michael ironside, robert englund jane badler faye grant evan c kim,, the list goes on and on,, what a great story , you got aliens visiting our planet and trying to deceive us by saying they are our friends,, all the want is water they say , for their dying planet,, well a couple of our main heroes don't buy into that idea and they are off to prove to the whole world that the visitors are not who they appear to be. they are called the resistance led by Mike Donavan , and Julie, there is also something called the 5th column a secret society of V's that are against the leader,, they are led by Martin,, Dianne is the captain of the Mothership and no one dare crosses her ,, she is assisted by Lydia who doesn't get along well with others.. all in all this is one of the better TV movies of all time i think,,

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