best horror movie i've ever seen. even compare to hollywood good movie like "the others", or japanese "the ring". and absolutely better than the original
... View More"Tusuk Jelangkung" (TJ) is a sequel of the 2001's sensational horror hit "Jelangkung". Actually, Jelangkung is a "bad movie", if only I could said so, but the luck is on it , when it unintentionally became a box office.Now, two years later, comes "TJ", the so-called most-anticipating-sequel-in-Indonesia. The product design is well made, so it doesn't surprise that "TJ" is also gain a phenomenal success. "TJ" is certainly a better movie than the original one. It's has more intense action, more scary ambience and definitely more well-packaged.But I have a mandatory complaint here. Dimas Djayadiningrat may be an excellent music-video director, but he should learn more about directing a movies. Even though "TJ" seems as a good movies, but Dimas has this certain untrim feel to blend this his pictorial debut. The movie to me runs in a non-smooth direction. Everything still fell so rough and unwell. Sometimes we even think that we are watching a music video.Despite of that, other department of TJ's crew is deserve a thumbs up. The act for the most cast is good, especially the lead female, Marcella Zaliyanti. As a popular TV actress, she definitely knows how to act good in the screen. The sound track placement is a little bit dull, but it's okay. The visualization is superb and so eye candy.In general, TJ is well-made movies, but I certainly still don't impressed, because of that flaw of the directional aspect. I don't highly recommendations this to watch, but it's a okay movie if you choose it.7/10
... View MoreWhen i asked by my cousin to see this movie in cinema,i was doubtful.because,the first edition was so dissapointed and very bad.But,now i feel very satisfied and love that great action thriller's very kind of different atmosphere horror movie.i was shocking and surprisingly also screaming all over the movie.Beautiful landmark cinematic,stunning director and great performance by the'll have to'll love it!America and hollywood should see this movie....
... View MoreWhen I watched Jelangkung (2002) I couldn't help but feel frustrated about the bad music, the bad camerawork, and the terrible acting.Beside that I kept on laughing, cause it wasn't scary at all, even though all the teenagers behind me kept on screaming like crazy.Nevertheless, it was a box-office hit no one could ignore, and the makers of the movie decided to invest the fresh earned money in a sequel.Tusuk Jelangkung (2003) is deffinately a sequel that is better than the first one. The story continues and explains more about what happened when the little boy was killed for being suspected to be posessed by an evil spirit. During the movie you first think it is one gigantic commercial for Honda (The Japanese car indeed), Clear (shampoo), Telkom (handphones/phoneservice) and alike, but at the end you realize it is a movie after all.Let not forget to give credit to the cinematography. It is really great, and that makes it worth to watch this movie. Cause the acting doesn't reach any higher level than in the first movie, and the music is often louder than the actor's voices. But in general, camerawork, decor, sound and editing is much better, and therefore not 1 out of 10 (like with the first one), but 5 out of 10.
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