True Confessions of a Go-Go Girl
True Confessions of a Go-Go Girl
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
True Confessions of a Go-Go Girl Trailers

Jane McCoy, a recent college graduate, much to her parent's dismay, decides to scrap her plans for law school to pursue an acting career full-time. Struggling to make ends meet, she meets a confident and persuasive friend who shows her the way to make extra money go-go dancing. What starts as just an "easy money" job, however, rapidly becomes an all-consuming activity that slowly pulls Jane from her acting classes, her relationships with her boyfriend and family, and, most importantly, from her true self.

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***SPOILERS*** Better then you would have expected Lifetime Netowrk movie involving a just graduated from collage Jane McCoy, Chelsea Hobbs, who against her parents wishes forgoes going to law school to pursue her true love in becoming an actress.With her distraught parents Grace & Jim McCoy,Karen Kruper & James D. Hopkin, who had paid for her law school education in advance cutting her off from the family bank account Jane is forced to pay for her acting classes as well as living expenses by herself in getting a job at a local department store selling cosmetics. It's then that Jane runs into Angela Lucas, Sarah Carter, who offer her to share her loft apartment with her and her boyfriend Kurt, Tygh Runyan, a recovering coke addict and now doing a little picture taking on the side.This strange arrangement leads Jane to gravitate to Algela's place of employment in the Chicago red light district. The Shakers Go-Go Bar run by the sweet kind and caring for those who work at his establishment Nick Harvey, Corbin Bernsen, where Angela works as a go-go-dancer. Needing the money Jane is forced to get a job at "Nick's Place" and with her girl next door act she soon becomes that main attraction at the Shakers Go-Go-Bar!Back at acting class Jane uses her experience as a go-go dancer to help her bring out her inner most emotions on stage that greatly impresses her hard nosed and US Marine drill Sergent like teacher Ann Brason,Judith Brchan, to no end. Meanwhile back at the loft things aren't going that good between Angela and her boyfriend Kurt. Getting back to his old habits as a coke-head Kurt ends up snorting away Angels's life savings, $42,000.00, and takes off in the dead of night leaving her now on the brink of being evicted.Working now twice as hard to pay the rent Jane and Anglea begin to suffer burn-out at the go-go bar which leads the two now desperate girls to consider working at the notorious Tantra Club in downtown Chicago where the pay is twice as much as at "Nick's Place" but where everything goes including their skimpy go-go outfits.It's Angela who gets the worst of it in besides getting re-hooked on coke, a habit she picked up living with Kurt, her obsession of enlarging her breasts to make her more attractive on stage and thus make more money soon backfires on her. Paying Doctor Double D, Terry David Mulligan, to give her a "boob job" by surgically implanting what looked like a pair of water balloons in her chest Angela suffered a violent allergic reaction to the operation in her being a coke addict! That soon lead Angela to go into cardiac arrest from which she never recovered!***SPOILERS*** As for the now on her own Jane she was discovered by both her father and boyfriend Eric, Travis Milne, doing her girl next door act on stage at the notorious Tantra Club where the two were attending a friend of theirs bachelor party! With the truth now out about her secret life Jane finally got her act together at the acting school, that she was recently kicked out of, as well as with her shocked parents and brother the head shrinker or psychiatrist of the family little Jamie, Graeme Black.Despite all the horrors that she went trough as a go-go dancer in the end that experience made Jane a much better and more mature young woman. It showed Jane what the hard life on the outside world, that she was sheltered from by her parents, really is all about! And by her experiencing it gave the Jane the motivation to perfect her acting talent as well as her ability to overcome all the obstacles that it, that hard life, will confront her with in the future!

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I don't usually write reviews, but I watched a movie recently that struck a nerve with me. After reading the reviews posted by others, I wanted to say how I felt about it. Several of the reviews were to the negative with adjectives like "sleaze." I suppose if that is what you look for, that is what you will find. Let me tell you what I found in the Lifetime presentation of Confessions of A Go Go Girl.I have been a fan of movies all my life. Most of them were entertaining; a few were so well done they thrilled you. I believe that many, if not most, people who enjoy films get their enjoyment by watching the actors portray their roles. The more challenging that role is, the more interesting the movie becomes. That is what I look for, and that is what I found in this film.In the last few years, I have been disappointed in the language used, in the descending degree of violence, and in the pathetic lack of good solid scripts that are backed up by real acting ability. That kind of ability is just as rare as those good solid scripts. So many pictures, today, miss the mark completely in these categories. They play to an audience that would do well to watch a film without the street language, and the violence, that is the product of a first rate script acted out by actors with genuine ability. Movies with a message, a moral, that will be recognized and used by those of us in need of a lesson in life. This "Go GO Girl" movie is one of those productions. It had no sorry language, or violence. The script was, to me, very carefully crafted. It brought out its characters as they would be expected to be in real life. It created situations and emotions that people today have to deal with every day. It presented a moral message that could be found by someone in need. That script was backed up by a cast of people who did an excellent job---every one of them.I was especially impressed by Chelsea Hobbs. For a twenty-four year old, her part in that script was challenging---very challenging! She had to be: a daughter who asked her father,"what are you doing here" backed up by, "every woman in here is someone's daughter!" A daughter to her mother who asked her to explain the dancing. I don't think anyone could have answered that question better than Chelsea did. She did it with honesty, but she did it with--absolute sincerity. A sister that was called a "dog" by her brother, and still held her grace. A deceptive, but still loving, girl friend to her boyfriend. She was a friend to Sarah, when Sarah was weak and on the skids and thought only of herself. She had two real friends in that script; Donna was her friend and so was her boss played to perfection by Corbin Bernsen. All these different personalities required a different response--a different role to play. Add to that the challenge of bringing to completion the moral presented by the film, and it is quite an accomplishment.I don't know how anyone who watched this movie could say that Chelsea Hobbs was anything but brilliant in her portrayal of Jane McCoy and the roller-coaster life she lived through. The scene, near the end, of her telling her "truth" to her acting class was--to me--very impressive. To Chelsea and the cast and crew of "Confessions of A Go GO Girl"--thank you--for a job well done.RFRF

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This film is in the genre of lifetime movies--therefore it is does not give the darkest view of this profession. However, the person who wrote the review stating that this film does not portray the reality of this profession is not completely knowledgeable about this line of work. Therefore the statement: ''guaranteed the reality is much starker and does not end with someone going back to acting class or entering law school'')--is not well informed. Lifetime movies--derived from real life or dealing with a real issue typically show the character transformed by end--in this one, the main character does re-focus her energy back on her original career goals. Therefore art imitates life. There are MANY go go dancers, strippers, call girls, etc, who certainly have gotten out of the ''adult entertainment profession in question'' and gone on to another chapter in their life. This movie portrays the lure of this profession--flexibility in hours, higher wages, and indulging in men's sexual fantasies. I actually even know the girl--jill morley--who wrote and starred in the one-woman show which inspired this lifetime movie! She is an inspiring person. Movies like these are important--and lifetime has really mastered this genre-telling stories derived from everyday women's lives who overcome obstacles, life changes, and are poster women for today's serious issues.

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More about the effects of this type of life-style, the title should address self-esteem issues and women.Overall the story isn't bad, but guaranteed the reality is much starker and does not end with someone going back to acting class or entering law school. Rachel Hunter gives a good cameo, and Chelsea Hobbs is sympathetic as the principle character.A documentary once interviewed women at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and they said that they felt valued, that this was a form of therapy. Certainly not for them, but for the people who choose to hire them, its not a glamorous profession.There really is no glamor in being demeaned. If a girl wants to experiment, she should have a Plan B for her future. The movie is good in that it does not completely glamorize the lifestyle, the one friend who dies while under anesthesia for breast augmentation is a good example.

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