R | 17 September 1988 (USA)
Traxx Trailers

Traxx has battled his way through El Salvador, the Middle East and Nicaragua, spitting lead with two-handed good grace. He decides to retire to a life of baking designer cookies. Running out of dough to buy more dough, he hires himself as a "Town Tamer" and begins cleaning up Hadleyville, Texas, telling the lowlife street scum, "You got three choices. Be good, be gone, or be dead." Like all bacteria, the scum are resistant: crime boss Aldo Palucci (Robert Davi) brings in the dreaded Guzik brothers to rid the town of the town tamer, setting the stage for a showdown in the streets.


Watch "Commando" or any other Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Segal, etc. action flick and then throw this in as the back half of the double-feature. In fact, make it a triple feature and throw "Big Trouble in Little China" in the mix. If you don't get at least one laugh out of watching this, you take your action movies way too seriously. The scene in the limo where the villains are tossing grenades, running down bicyclists and making someone sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" with a gun to his head (What sounds does a gazelle make?) should be required viewing for anyone making a film with bad guys in it. If your villain isn't at least as crazy as these guys, go back to the drawing board. Pop some corn, drink some adult beverages, and park your brain - this is a great cheesy movie.

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The production is low. The acting is bad. The cookies are horrible. But that is what makes Traxx such a great film! The plot is not overwrought and deep, but it holds its own. What you are left with is over-the-top action and campy fun. Each of the characters is unique and quotable. This film remains probably the most oft-quoted movies of all time between me and my family and friends.There was no attempt to make this movie low budget, naturally. That is what makes the entire package worth multiple views. Unlike the trendy, big budget "under the radar" releases today that try to fit the low-budget profile (and all the while most remain overrated and under deserving), Traxx succeeds because it is the real deal. It is underrated and most deserving. Watching the main character (Traxx) almost break character and begin to laugh as the one-shot-only pyrotechnics go off around him (you cannot script that). The Guzik Brothers hit squad is so brutal and self centered, yet they do not have to demand more screen time from the viewer: you will demand it of them.This movie is the only reason I still have my VCR hooked up.

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I truly believe that anyone who's a fan of clever writing, plot twists, suspense, great action sequences and drama.............should never watch this film looking for those things! They should watch it, however, to have a good laugh at how bad a movie can truly be. Every second of this movie is entertaining for the sheer fact that it is one of the worst movies ever made. Shadoe Stevens performance is horrible. I love it!!! Someone who can be so unashamedly cheesy and yet so suave at the same time has my respect for all time. If you love laughing at bad movies, Traxx is for you. I'll end with a quote from the theme song....."having trouble with some maniacs?send for traxx"

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This is by far one of the worst movies ever made. I couldnt get into it and it really didnt interest me at all. I dont even know who the guy on the front cover is. The only reason i got this movie to rent was because Pricilla Barnes from Three's Company is in it. It sucked to find out that she didnt even really play much of a role. Bottom line is....DONT GET IT!!!

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