Tower of Evil
Tower of Evil
R | 19 May 1972 (USA)
Tower of Evil Trailers

A group of experienced archeologists are searching for an old and mystic Phoenician treasure when they are surprised by a series of mysterious murders...


I'm writing this review a couple weeks after having watched the film and I can barely remember it. However, IMDB refreshed my memory and it was about a group of archeologists uncovering an ancient and cursed treasure underneath the titular tower. The film was more gruesome than I was expecting and had a decent amount of atmosphere given it's meager budget, but the story and characters were all pretty dull which really drug the film down. Okay viewing for people wanting something along the lines of a lesser Hammer Horror film.

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This effective shocker from the early '70s is well worth watching. The beginning is excellent, with the discovery of the dead naked people - check out the head rolling down the stairs - and also very graphic for its time, both in the portrayal of sex and gore (something to be expected, seeing as this is a '70s film where moral principles were quickly disappearing down the drain). It's certainly an arresting way to begin a film.The somewhat clichéd story is enlivened by the presence of popular actors - Dennis Price and Anthony Valentine appear in small roles, as well as Bryant Halliday (Halliday appeared in a couple of horror films during the '60s, THE DEVIL DOLL and THE PROJECTED MAN). Robin Askwith, who made a name for himself with a number of sex films in the 1970s, appears in a typical role - taking his clothes off and acting badly once again.There are a number of effective shocks, such as the decaying corpse and the giggling, manic laughter. While some parts are enjoyably cheesy now, you won't be disappointed if you see this under-rated chiller which plays a bit like a slasher film, with teenagers being killed in violent ways. If this seventies schlock isn't your cup of tea, then "go dig" something else. While the monster may not be very scary (let's face it, it's a dirty bloke covered in hair and dandruff) the spooky giggling is sure to send a chill down anyone's spine!

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Hmmm... I don't think I've ever seen such polarized reviews of a such a basic, straight forward film. We either have reviewers who apparently have dropped Acid who say,'WOW, MUST SEE!', etc., or we have reviews saying, 'It's Total Crap!' I've seen many films where the reviews are extremely polarized, but usually there is a clear reason why. Such as a movie that has a peculiar slant, or a Supernatural film where some love and some hate that kind of thing. But, this film here is just a VERY basic, simple British Gothic Horror film, somewhat like Hammer's movies, just not quite as good. So, the reason for the extremes is quite a mystery...Anyway, sorry to get sidetracked by that. Now to the film... I can see why many really liked the look and atmosphere. I also did appreciate that too, since I generally love films with lots of mood and atmosphere, especially ones that are set in a real Gothic area like the moors for example, where 'THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES' takes place. So, there IS that... But, honestly, other than a real nice looking island and a sort-of castle (tower...?) and a pretty good creepy atmosphere, and admittedly some nudity and some semi-graphic violence for the time, still when all is said and done, there really isn't that much to the story, at least in my lowly and wretched opinion.One thing that does help greatly is that the acting is pretty decent throughout; I mean, it could have been a HELL of a lot worse for such a low-budget film. And, everyone at least takes the story seriously and seems like they are trying their best.It's just at the end you are kind of going, 'That's it...?' I pretty much guessed what was going on, and even when you do find out for sure, it really isn't that big of a deal. I think that even with the story as it is, if they could have somehow built up more about the family who had been staying on the island and given us some depth and background, that might have gone a long way toward involving us more in the story, I don't know...Well, going by most of the reviews, I guess what will help you decide whether you want to take the time to see this or not, would be if you REALLY love the old Hammer films or old British Gothic Horror stories in general, then you might have a good chance of liking this movie. However, even with that said... I frigg'n LOVE those kinds of films, and it still kind of left me rather limp after watching it (uh, metaphorically that is...)The atmosphere and look are very good. The acting is decent for this kind of film. It's just the story really isn't that big of a deal and the 'Scares' and S & V really aren't done well enough to keep the audience really engaged. I WILL say though that I was TOTALLY blown away by how absolutely stunning the Blu-ray looks for a minor film like this one that was made over 43 frigg'n years ago! WOW...! Seriously. I have a LOT of Blu-rays, and even compared to many films that are 20 to 30 years newer than this one, this one looks SO damn detailed and sharp and real, that you feel like you can literally just walk right into the screen and onto the island. The detail in the texture of the walls, sets, and scenery is just flat out amazing! The Blacks are SUPER deep and impressive and the sharpness is breath-taking. So, if you are a fan of the film at all, you will be delighted with the quality and presentation of the Blu-ray.This is one of those cases where I rated the film to fit what I think will help MOST people in an objective way. To me personally, the movie MAYBE barely rates a '5' But, I gave it a '6' because many here genuinely seem to like this film. And, IF you can be kind of forgiving for it's flaws, you might end up liking it more than I did. Normally it's the other way around. Usually I really like a film more than I think most others will, so I feel that I should temper the rating and give it 1 less than what I feel personally it merits...So, I hope that that gives you enough to go on and will help you somewhat in deciding whether you want to watch this atmospheric Gothic Horror story or not...

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Rainey Dawn

The original title of the British film is "Tower of Evil". It is known in the U.S. as "Beyond the Fog" and in Canada as "Horror on Snape Island" or "Horror of Snape Island".Not a film for me.... I kept fast forwarding and all I saw was naked young people wanting to have sex - minus one female. Why all the pointless sex scenes and nudity? To fill out the film because there isn't enough of a story to make a movie out of I'm afraid.Yes this is one of the prelude films to the stereo-typical slasher films of the 80's. We all know what happens already: A group of over-sex young people find a way to isolate themselves and then get picked off one by one by a slasher. *Yawn!* The monster at the end of this film is quite a laugh... stupid looking really. Not at all scary.Some people may really enjoy this film - but I for one did not like what little of it I watched. I'm just glad we have a fast forward button.I will give this movie a 2 just for the attempt of a Gothic atmosphere.2/10

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