Touching the Void
Touching the Void
R | 05 September 2003 (USA)
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The true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' disastrous and nearly-fatal mountain climb of 6,344m Siula Grande in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes in 1985.

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Thouching the Void If you like extraordinary and real history, you have read this book Thouching the Void by Joe Simpsom in 1988 and watching the film created in 2003. This film is adapted the Bestseller and account the real history about Joe Simpsom and your courage and ability to survive in a very difficult situation. It's all about Joe's accident when he climbed with your friend Simon in Peru it's set on Siula Grande in Codillera Huayhuash in 1985. The main characters are Joe Simpsom and Simon Yates and it tell story of how Joe survive the terrible accident when they were down Siula Grande and when they thought that would die. Joe describes his terrible experiences on Siula Grande when he broke your right leg and after he falled on the cliff and waited your dead. The characters are strong and they had make important decision to survive. This film is adapted the book that is a important Bestseller. It is a very good story. I enjoyed the book and film. Its theme is challenging to many people. I chose it because I like a good story of the courage. You will like it.

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This was excellent. I had read the book several years ago and honestly didn't have high hopes for this as a docudrama (expecting it to be cheaply done with cheesy re-enactments) but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I was on the edge of my seat throughout and left exhausted and kinda traumatized by the end. The climbing scenes are incredibly well done, with excellent action scenes, the shots of the snow, the crevices, the vertical-idity. The mix of them telling the events interview style and the impressive reenacted scenes also works well here.The story is excruciatingly tense throughout even though you know the outcome as both Simon Yates and Joe Simpson are telling the story. Yes you know they make it off the mountain, but wow. The journey. Just incredible.Joe Simpson and Simon Yates tell their story interview style with the movie flicking back and forth between them describing events and how they felt and a really well done recreation with actors. It traces their 1985 Andes expedition and the perilous journey they made up the west face of Siula Grande. Having successfully reached the summit, tragedy struck on their descent when Simpson fell and broke his leg.Yates attempts to lower his friend down the mountain, but bad weather and increasingly desperate circumstances eventually lead him to cut the rope holding his friend. After surviving a fall into a deep crevasse, Simpson was able to climb and crawl his way down to the base camp despite having a badly broken leg and not eating for several days.My fear of heights kicked in immediately here, the climbing scenes are super well done -these guys are crazy. My claustrophobia also kicked in during the crevice incident where this truly became a horror movie Yes this movie left me traumatized and emotionally exhausted. 7/7/15

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Thomas Vanhoutte

As someone who is into high altitude hiking i can definitely relate to the dangers and loneliness of the mountains.Stories like this prove once again that real life is the greatest drama. This is exactly why movies do not always need to be entirely scripted for it to have an interesting story.This movie is not just about mountaineering, it gives us a better look at the human mind. Most of us have been there, a crossroad where we must decide to either keep going forward, or wait it out until everything goes completely dark.This is not just about climbing mountains, it is about life and the importance of going forward, however dire the situation becomes.In a way, climbing is the struggle of life. For me, that is why i enjoy the mountains. It makes me understand life better. I highly recommend this movie, even if you just want to see human drama. One of the best i have seen so far.

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The simplest of words can sometimes convey far more than the most elaborate action scenes. This runs counter to the whole 'a picture is worth a thousand words', yet is nonetheless true.This film is a docudrama about two young British mountaineers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, who in 1985 decided to become the first men to ever scale a treacherous Andean peak in Peru called Siula Grande. They left for their task with a third climber who was to wait at their base camp- Richard Hawking.The film documents the weeklong adventure Joe and Simon had. The first three days were rather uneventful, and the duo reached the summit. It was on the way down that trouble hit. Freak storms were the first augur of bad things to come. Then Joe broke his leg and Simon was left to innovate a technique to lower his partner down the mountainside in 150 foot increments. Then, a second accident befell the duo. In a blizzard, Simon lowered Joe over an overhang that hung over a massive crevasse. When Joe could not signal what had occurred Simon was left in the precarious position of being unable to lift his partner back, and slowly being dragged down the face himself. After a few hours with no signal from Joe Simon made a fateful decision to cut the rope to Joe, assuming he had died and was a dead weight, lest he face sure death as well.Joe fell into the crevasse, where he dangled for hours. The next morning, a shaken Simon looked in vain, and assumed his partner had died. Simon made it back to the base camp, nearly dead from frostbite, and needed a few days to recover physically and emotionally with Richard. Joe, meanwhile, after much frustration, lowered himself into the crevasse and made his way out, then spent several days painfully eking his way down the mountain with an improvised splint, over glaciers and rock fields. The last night that Simon and Richard were at camp they heard Joe's cries and were shocked that he survived…. this is a terrific film as documentary and adventure. A viewer can understand why these adventurers do what they do, as well as recoil from it. Watching Joe Simpson narrate his tale you can see him do both at once, sometimes. It's in those fleeting moments that the viewer gets why this film was.

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