This Girl's Life
This Girl's Life
R | 03 December 2004 (USA)
This Girl's Life Trailers

"Slice of life" take on life of international porn celebrity, Moon, and her musings on modern life, love and loss.


James Woods is amongst my all-time favorite actors. A Remarkable, Brilliant Performer who's yet to win an Academy-Award! In 'This Girl's Life', Woods delivers an Astonishing Performance, that defines Talent. He plays a man suffering from Parkinson's disease. An Impeccable Performance! 'This Girl's Life' is a "Slice of life" take on life of international porn celebrity, Moon, and her musings on modern life, love and loss.'This Girl's Life' is a depressing & brutal film, but its pretty effective. I Loved It. Ash's Screenplay & Direction, both, are brutal, depressing & yet effecting. Its a no-holds-barred take on humans & its a really good one. Ash deserves credit for churning out A Career Best-Performance by Woods. Woods has NEVER been this good.I strongly recommend 'This Girl's Life'. Its an effective film & Woods is just out of this world.

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One of the first things she says at the beginning of the movie is she wasn't abused like you usually think people in the sex industry were but it doesn't have to be abuse; a trauma is a trauma regardless of abuse and her mother committed suicide when she was a child that is a major trauma. even the man she's dating points out that she doesn't feel and won't let him in that would be because she suffered from so much pain as a child when her mother committed suicide and she was numb. I was not abused and did not suffer from that big of a trauma as a child and I have no desire to be in the porn industry! I did find the movie very interesting though to see into her life

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Subject matter: old and tired. Execution: a film student or my Grannie could have done better! In the hands of a skilled director and some actors, not models (!) to play the leading roles, this could have been something interesting. This is one of those things that will be looked upon with some curiosity and interest in some backwater village in a hut on a bootleg DVD somewhere in Siberia: ahem! so this is how people live in corrupt LA? How do these people get to make films? ASH. Now that's an artistic name... the director that is, basically who has no idea about how to create drama and story thrust. How does he get to make this film with all that money and people involved? Pretty girls in a film dealing with adult biz in and around LA - how numbingly boring! How do these people get to have James Woods (who was the only person worth watching in this film, playing a man with Parkinson's), Rosario Dawson in this film? It's the usual march of the models, who can't act and really wear on you with their seductive, prerehearsed, phony, pouting lips, self-conscious moves, trying to be serious actors crap. Give me a break! Shot on HD (read: digital video) which is not a bad thing in itself, but in the hands of an unskilled DP it looks like something ripped from a bad cable reality show.Story? What story? This girl's life. Who gives a beep! A humongous w..nk for all involved.There is really not much to say for this film except, avoid it and watch something else worthwhile watching.

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When projects as ambiguous as "This Girl's Life" arrive, we have to be objective enough to write about them, due to the fact of not being used to them. Ash, put everything in his project, and if he didn't get all the stuff he wanted, he got a big part.It's not everyday that a character stands to tell us, or at least, to tell the camera everything she dos, being the character a porn star. That's how Moon (Juliette Marquis) tells it; the character that carries with the plot of the movie, and is the "Mohammed Ali" of porn. Was she violated when young? No. ¿She didn't go to school? Least, she was between the best of her class. People encounter her and notice a class y beauty different to the stereotyped women that do her job."I tried because of curiosity", Moon explains Kip (Kip Pardue) in their first date. Kip had found her attractive and even when he didn't know that little detail, he succumbs into a fascination that leads to an intelligent and mature conversation between two persons that have an obvious chemistry to form a couple. So the cell phone rings; it's Pops (James Woods), who has Parkinson's, and Moon lives for him.The latter mentioned conversation and other peculiar situations are showings of the good screenplay that Ash has constructed. In the same we presence the movement of the porn industry (remember "Boogie Nights"), with its Oscars and promotions. The script seems to have knowledge in that matter, which is good enough, added up to uncountable meetings between people, a satisfying visual style and an interesting, if not adequate music.Besides all this, that doesn't expect much from anyone, the real talent of Ash seems to shine in the direction of his cast. Mainly the sparkling Juliette Marquis, owner of an unexploited talent we'll see soon, and of a body language with intense complexity. I also mention the fact that her performance makes us love a character that isn't exactly what we could call lovable. In addition, we get Kip Pardue in his best performance to date, proving again he is actually an actor. James Woods is lucid and intense in a role that is easy to play; but he doesn't care if it is easy…He takes it to its highest level.The rest of the cast includes fine performances all the way from Rosario Dawson (Martine), Michael Rapaport (Terry), Ioan Gruffudd (Daniel), Cheyenne Silver (Cheyenne), Isaiah Washington (Shane), Kam Heskin (Jessie) and many more.Surprises are also included; and I wonder: What will be the next thing to come out from this twisted or maybe brilliant mind?

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