The Source
The Source
R | 17 September 2002 (USA)
The Source Trailers

Four outcast teenagers acquire mystical powers that allow them to become gods on campus, with deadly consequences.


There are worse movies out there than The Secret Craft/The Surge. The film did at least have a decent if not entirely original premise going for it, and Alice Frank and Edward DeRuitter are not bad in their roles. I'll also say and agree that the teens are sexy. Unfortunately that is all I can say really in The Secret Craft's defence. The low budget technically really shows, with camera work that makes you feel that you're on the world's rockiest see-saw, flash editing that gets nauseating very quickly and low lighting that tries to be atmospheric but ends up being obvious. The music is all loud and monotonous with no subtlety or atmosphere, while the direction is hopelessly misguided, never taking full grasp of the story and doing nothing to serve the actors. The dialogue feels awkward and has so much cheese that it makes you wince, while the story is generic and predictable with the origins of the powers both very underdeveloped and confusingly handled. The characters, forgiving for a second that they are stereotypes, are annoying and cartoony with the villains particularly unbelievable. The acting on the most part is amateurish, Melissa Renee Martin faring worst, being entirely too feeble for an incarnation of evil sort of character, she acts cruel but that's all there is. Matthew Scollon is bland as his heroic character. So overall, has a decent idea but has little else to recommend otherwise. 3/10 Bethany Cox

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We are currently in the middle of watching this movie, me, my husband and my 12 year old son. We're really enjoying it because it is SO bad. The characters are undeveloped and unbelievable, why doesn't anyone notice their eyes changing colour? I love the thought of being able to read everyone's minds, and of course being able to get revenge on anyone who has ever been mean to me. We had to look it up to check it wasn't deliberately tongue in cheek. The scenery in the woods and the speeded up segments remind us very much of the power rangers, as do the shots of the four standing back to back before going off to fight the baddies. We do indeed feel seasick as a result of the rocking camera work. A great movie for a Saturday night in with the kids!

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This movie was horrible. I loved it! Every scene made me laugh! And the acting was so bad it was good! HAH! Why every shot was done with a swaying camera I will never know, but it was annoying beyond belief. I hope the sequel is even funnier. They have to use that Goth kid again, he was funny!Every scene his hair got more and more out of control. And that one girl with the "Orange" powers looked funny when she beat people up with the orange lines made from thin air. Someone had a lot of guts to release this movie with their name attached to it. It did seem like they should have morphed into the Power Rangers... It had that feeling. I was just waiting for them to look into the camera and say, "IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!"

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The kind of movie you tell your friends about......tell to stay far away from.This is the kind of film making that would make Ed Wood proud. Poor plot, bad acting and a terrible camera crew, this movie has it all. From camera techniques that leave the viewer reaching for the Dramamine to a script that explains nothing, you really can't ask for more in a C class flick.The movie starts off following Reece, a goth kid who wears more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker. He's sullen, he's moody and he's surly, the kind of kid who always makes "special" friends with the jocks of any high school he attends. He's befriended by 3 other outcasts, Zack, Ashley and Phoebe. "Outcasts" that all dress nice and drive nice cars nonetheless. They take him to a magic spot in the woods where Zack, the brainy one, has figured out produces some kind of super energy from cold fusion with just his palm pilot. Reece goes off by himself and immediately discovers a large, glowing yellow rock that no one has ever noticed before. Somehow they discover stepping into the energy source allows them to gain interesting low budget powers that made their eyes glow different colors. I'd explain it more, but that's all they give us, so you just have to accept it as such.The kids decide to take action and get back at all the people that have treated them badly, embarrassing teachers, cheerleaders, punks and audience members everywhere. Ashley goes on a power spree, inflicting terrible revenge on her enemies like nosepicking and sitting in garbage cans, so you can see it gets really intense. I don't want to spoil the rest as I want to leave you salivating for more.Most of these kids look 30+ and have never had any lead performance roles before in their lives. While most will never amount to too much in the acting world, I do believe Zack could be, if given enough time and the right amount of extensive training, a really good Extra some day, the kind you put behind the Hanks' and Cruise's of the world to make for a more convincing scene. The others would be good cadavers on shows like CSI. I just recommend that Zack leave his shirt on for the rest of his career.Can't anyone write a low level script that tells a coherent story in 90 minutes? I've seen more expressive QVC shows. The filmmakers assumed we should just know the depths of everything; character motivations, the meaning of vague music video flashbacks, exactly where it was all going. And what was going on with the camera work? They kept using this 'rocking' camera technique (using the word technique loosely) that made you seasick for no apparent reason other than to keep your eyes from leaving the screen, which mine kept doing. There were also other shots that looked like they just kept a camera on in case something cool happened. Overall, I'd say this movie is a 1 out of 10, and that's being generous. You could make the same film with known actors and still not get anything from it. A total nightmare of film making.

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