The Six Thousand Dollar Nigger
The Six Thousand Dollar Nigger
R | 01 November 1979 (USA)
The Six Thousand Dollar Nigger Trailers

Wildman Steve plays a bum who agrees to allow an experimental drug to be administered to him. What he doesn't realize is that the doctor who's doing the experiment is a criminal, trying to create an unstoppable thief that's immune to bullets. Steve gains all the powers that Superman has, and after getting his revenge against all those who harassed him on the street, discovers the truth about the doctor's plans for him.

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In a change from their usual run of low rent thrillers and sexploitation films, Vinegar Syndrome have been kind enough to put out SUPER SOUL BROTHER, a blaxploitation comedy by contrast. Watching it, you'll wish they hadn't. It's the slowest, dumbest comedy ever, a would-be blaxploitation spoof of SUPERMAN in which an average Joe is injected with a serum that gives him superhuman strength. This gives him the ability to pick up heavy safes (that suspiciously look like they're made of wood) and huge boulders.It sounds good written down, but the reality is very different. For virtually a whole hour nothing much happens, apart from bad actors mugging at the screen and the occasional sex scene used for padding. There's jive talk a-plenty, random and boring romantic material, and no familiar faces in sight. At the end there are plenty of double crosses and supposedly thrilling situations, but they're all portrayed in such a lousy, stilted way that you'll be desperate for the movie to end.

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The name says it all. You know going into it that this is going to be the biggest piece of blaxploitation garbage you've ever seen, and it is. But I disagree with the other poster that said it is not bad in a good way. Its badness is so bad that it redeems itself with pure laughter.There are so many noticeable mistakes and continuity errors that it just makes you laugh. Like when Super Soul Brother is utilized by the bad guys to lift a 3 ton safe - when he puts it in the car trunk the car doesn't move - they made no attempt to hide the fact that the safe was made out of cardboard. In a later seen, a midget in a suit appears out of nowhere, with no explanation of why he is there, and he is immediately killed (that appears to be the climax of the movie, but who would know??) There are many memorable lines as well. Who can forgot, "Drawers?? N----s don't wear drawers!" Or the classic song at the end, "6001, It's a N-----" I liked this movie a lot, there is tons of fun to be had here with a case of beers and a couple wise guys in the room.

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Don't listen to any of these bad reviews. This is one of the finest films of the 20th century. I'm not joking, either. Like nothing your ears have ever heard. Like nothing your eyes have ever seen. This flick exists in a world of it's own, no comparisons will do. Not much action to speak of, nor any budget. Probably not even a script. But, oh, what it does possess. Your imagination couldn't possibly conjure a mental picture of the goings on. I ain't going to spoil anything, but if you're tired of viewing the REAL garbage that passes for film these days, then this is the landfill to wallow in. If you don't dig this go watch Tom Hanks' Punchline.

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Human Panzer

Completely sucks, somehow this person was able to make a second movie after the wannabe soft core porn that was the "Guy from Harlem". In this movie he actually uses the same hotel room and shot overlooking some river that he used in the "Guy from Harlem" interesting if you figure that it was made 4 years before "Super Soul Brother".

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