The Shallows
The Shallows
PG-13 | 24 June 2016 (USA)
The Shallows Trailers

While surfing on a secluded beach, Nancy finds herself in the feeding grounds of a great white shark. Though stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of her ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.


This is quite possibly the worst ever film I have seen. Second only to the Blair witch project.

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I watched this because my flatmate had it on and I became intrigued as to how this woman was going to get away from the shark, because it was blatantly obvious she wasn't going to die, so I sat there and watched it all. Turns out I shouldn't have bothered. What tosh! A woman goes surfing and gets attacked by a shark, she then ends up on a rock and with high tide approaching she has to figure out a way to get off her little rock and back to safety. The biggest thing that annoyed me was continuity, or lack of. One minute she looks severely dehydrated but then in the next shot she looks absolutely fine... oh, wait... she's dehydrated again! This happens continuously throughout. Another annoyance, which other reviewers have mentioned, is her super human strength! She has a huge gash on her leg and was losing a lot of blood, she had multiple cuts and grazes, gangrene on the gashed leg, several smacks in the arms, legs, face, no water, no food, and no sun lotion!! Yet somehow none of this seemed to affect her and she could still swim (faster than a shark I might add) climb, kick, and flail her arms about at anyone she saw on the shore. Now if that were any normal human being we'd be passed out from blood loss and exhausted from having had no food, water and too much sun! Overall I really bad movie that wasn't scary, suspended disbelief and continuity errors throughout. The only redeeming feature was the bird who kept her company.

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Taking a trip to a secluded beach, a woman intending to surf in the area where her and her mother surfed years earlier is attacked by a shark prowling the area and tries to survive the encounter long enough to get help as her limited supplies and slowly slipping conscious derail her chances.This one was quite the enjoyable and somewhat thrilling effort. Most of what works here with this one is the fact that it takes quite a bit of suspense from the situation that comes naturally in such a situation. This type of setup is one of the more realistic and believable type of situations for a shark attack where it occurs in a secluded area involving a lone shark in an area targeting other factors around the environment and only just turning the attention to the surfer only by proxy. The behavior of the creature, seemingly more interested in the free meal around it than spending it dealing with her and only turning its attention to her once she gets into the water because of the cuts she has, comes off as incredibly realistic and seemingly in tune with how such creatures behave in real life. This in turns gives the suspense of the few attack scenes quite a bit of power as they carry themselves out. The initial attack out on the middle of her surf into shore is quite nice due to the obvious shots of it stalking her from the beginning and it strikes at a truly unexpected time leaving this with quite a nice surprise. The series of attacks in the water as she tries to survive are incredibly thrilling, using the shrinking location and the continuous onslaught of the creatures' appearances to stellar effect as her worsening physical condition makes for a fantastic counter to the rest of the situation. The finale on the buoy is stellar as well, giving this a nice action quotient and a rousing finale that's perfect for this kind of effort, and alongside the great prop shark that's involved here really holds this one up over its minor flaws. About the only real factor involved in knocking this one down is the utterly severe amount of injuries inflicted here that don't really make any kind of sense as to why she's still able to fight back. It's quite obvious that the initial wound is quite striking and severe, but to then feature the bruising across the body from the rock sanctuary, the multitude of cuts and scrapes trying to get to safety or the series of crashes and cuts while fighting the shark off at the buoy that cause her plenty of additional bloodless alongside what she's already gone through. This just doesn't look logical at all and is the real negative force holding this one back which isn't really all that detrimental at all.Rated PG-13: Violence and Language.

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This movie is unrealistic. The water in Galveston is not that clear.

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