The Seafarers
The Seafarers
NR | 15 October 1953 (USA)
The Seafarers Trailers

Members of the American Federation of Labor, the Atlantic & Gulf Coast District of the Seafarers International Union commissioned budding filmmaker and magazine photographer Stanley Kubrick to direct this half-hour documentary. The director's first film in color, it is more of an industrial film than a documentary, it served as a promotional tool to recruit sailors to the union.


Ever got that sinking feeling? I felt it with this documentary about the Seafarers International Union's benefits. It seem like the captain abandoned this ship, here. Stanley Kubrick didn't do a good job with this documentary. First off, this documentary is more like a promotional film than a documentary. Second off, it's really boring as times. The music is little bit off-key music. The background and text when put together on the screen is hard to read. Then, there is the overused of the word 'Seafarers'. I hope, they do know that, there are other words, they can use like Mariners, Sailors, or Seamen. It really gets annoying as hell to hear the same things all the time. While, Stanley Kubrick is a great director who typically works really hard in adapting novels or short stories to the big screen. It's seem like he doesn't have the same passion for documentary films. It's like he got tired of it, after 1950's Day of the Fight & 1951's Flying Padre. He really put some work into those. In Day of the Fight he use a reverse tracking shot to film a scene in which the brothers walk towards the camera, a device later to become one of Kubrick's characteristic camera trademark. In Flying Padre, several of the views from and of the plane are later echoed in his later films like 1968's 2001: A Space Odyssey. In my opinion, I think, he kinda half- ass, the Seafarers. Besides the glaring nudity boobs shots, & the long, sideways-shooting dolly shot to establish the life of the seafarer's community. It rarely looks like his work. He half-ass this one. Day of the Fight, Flying Padre and The Seafarers constitute Kubrick's only surviving documentary works, although some historians believe he made others. This movie was long thought lost, due to mishandling of the Seafarers International Union, but the film was rediscovered in 1973 by film scholar and filmmaker Frank P. Tomasulo, who arranged for a 16mm print of the documentary to be deposited in the permanent collection of the Library of Congress' Motion Picture Division. Seafarers is noted to be the first film of Stanley Kubrick, to be in color. Too bad, the film is so desaturated due to aged, that scenes like the cafeteria serving food to the sailors; looks like they're serving some ugly crappy food, than something delightful. Narrated by CBS reporter Don Hollenbeck, the film details the different activities a member can do while visiting the Union Halls that are spread around the country's coasts, as well as the many services they offer. From barbershops, museum, bars to restaurants, the film talks about the establishments that offer good discounts to those who join the Union. It also explores other important benefits, such as scholarships, health care, and vacation paid for seafarers. Finally, it also explains some of the rights and obligations of every member, as well as how is the Union organized and how their democratic processes work. While, this half hour documentary made for the Seafarers International Union is interesting. It's no way seem like a normal modern day documentary. We rarely see the day by day labor of this sailors on their large ship. We don't see their struggles or the history of the Union. They don't even mention, why their union is better than their rivals union, National Maritime Union (NMU). There is little to no Cinéma vérité in these shots. It's just urging sailors to join the union & extolling the benefits, etc etc. Where is the dramatic? Where is the action? It felt like voice-over brochure. Written by Union member, Will Chasen, the movie is just one big informative commercial. Still, in the end of this, I wanted to sign a Union Card and join The Seafarers International Union. Don Hollenbeck's narration makes it seem like a good place to work, despite that the movie not mentioning how dangerous the work is, how the Union has mob ties like Hal C. Banks, and how the Union also has age discrimination. These were all issues, that 1951 sailors had to dealt with; and there was no mention of that. I guess, Stanley Kubrick was in such dire need of money from shooting other things he needed to be shot. He basically took this uncreative job and followed orders just to make ends meet. He had no personal interest or creative thought about this little documentary, and really didn't care if the Sailors got the right information. Too bad, the modern Union doesn't do much of this anymore. The only time, they come to the ship is when they want to collect dues. The Seafarers was released on DVD in 2008 with audio commentary from directors Roger Avary and Keith Gordon, as well as an interview with one of Kubrick's daughters, if anybody cares. The short is also available as an extra on the 2012 release of Kubrick's first full-length film Fear and Desire. The movie is so dated, you can probably find it on Youtube for free. Overall: I don't recommend viewing this, if you're a huge fan of Stanley Kubrick. If you do find it, you'll find yourself, really disappointed. There is a reason why Kubrick never wanted his fans to see this, and I see why. This movie sunk a new low.

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

This is one of Stanley Kubrick's very early directorial efforts and is really only worth watching to compare certain aspects to his later works. It's basically a promotional film for the seafarers' union and it depicts all the reasons why you really would like to join this close-knit community. For example the membership allows you to enter the different headquarters and play pool, cards or board-games with your fellow union members. It also plays the family card with a couple shots of the harmonic American family with children, one right before the end, so you see how ISU members won't have to worry about those they leave behind. All kinds of benefits (maternity etc.) make sure of that.I wonder, will they also make connections to girls for the single seafarers? I heard they have a different girl in every port waiting. Oh well, in any case, even if the seafarer's union still exists today, I wouldn't recommend this one to anybody except seafarers and Kubrick completionists. It even has some parts which could have served as fodder for MST3K without the big name attached to it.

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Stanley Kubrick's first film made in color. Lost for over 40 years! The documentary extols the benefits of membership to the Seafarers International Union.How do you judge a film like this? I mean, although Kubrick obviously was the creator, can he be held responsible for the final product? This is essentially a marketing video -- a promotional advertisement -- for a union. I doubt that there was much room for creativity or a need to deviate from the script. Heck, there is no place even for odd camera angles or use of sound.So, you know, is it a good ad? Sure. But can I say it was some of Kubrick's best work? Of course not. And yet, it is not really fair to judge this against his other work when the format is so different.

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As soon as this short film ended I wanted to sign a Union Card and join The Seafarers International Union. Great benefits package by-the-way.. Produced for the SIU, Atlantic & Gulf Coast District, which is head-quartered in Sir Stanley's birthplace & then home, New York City.Yes this is Sir Stanley's (not knighted yet & will never be, because he only lived in England for almost 40 yrs & is American born--for shame Gov's)), ANYHOW, its his first colour film, his second was Spartacus. Kubrick never actually wanted to do this film, in the first place, but he needed the money - that was the motivation for this film. As usual, it was not up to Sir Stanley's standards and is why it remained 'buried' for so long until it resurfaced in the early-80's--but only the VHS copy survives. I guess dee prints are somewhere in Sir Stanley's vault outside London? Anyhow, his first feature FEAR & DESIRE, suffers the same fate, no prints available, because in the early-80's, Kubrick took the film prints out of circulation, only two copies of F&D, survive - at George Eastman House archives (Rochester, NY); but those can't be screened publicly.I love THE SEAFARERS, you see Kubrick's love of the camera showing through every grain of colour. The narration track is very traditional Kubrick, this is only his third film, and had only been making films for three years & a still- photographer for about 13 years at this point in 1953. He never went to film school, never actually finished high school (it bored him), and was self taught as a filmmaker by reading both Pudovkin's FILM THEORY & FILM ACTING.Religiously attending MONA film screening in late forties (Jay Leyda, was a curator there), was all he needed, to propel him into dee film world and abandon photography - more-or-less!!!This film was used by SIU as a membership-drive tool. They let workers know the benefits of organized labour and why the SIU in particular. The benefits package alone was worth the monthly union fee. Sir Stanley did a bang-up film here. The seafarers were the men & women that worked on the ships, and not to be confused with the longshore men. OK, now go out and get a copy for yourself!!! GO.....Gio.

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