The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter
| 28 October 2004 (USA)
The Scarlet Letter Trailers

A cop's desire for love gets in the way of his job and his professional life. Secret love affairs begin to dangerously collide as he gets assigned to a new homicide case.

Meera M

i've seen many love stories, this story also resembles in many ways to rest of them especially in dealing with the theme"Ex-marital affair". It's a story of a police officer who has complicated relation with two women in his life. But the difference in this movie is along with this, the story unfolds the tragic death of a studio owner. Two parallel stories, but connected in some ways- the presence of a third person in married life.I suggest this movie to those who are tangled in two love relations at a time. The scene in trunk of the car is unexpected and gruesome evidence human frailties. Feelings such as despair,struggle for survival, shame, repentance and all the frustrating feelings crossing through the minds of both actors is a wonderful drawing of human life. That scenes are outstanding and unique from rest of the movie.

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Not an easy movie to watch, the plot sometimes meanders and feels as though it is heading towards a brick wall. However the intense climate to the movie will leave many viewers walking away head bowed and slightly traumatised by its conclusion.The movie 'The Scarlet Letter', is one of the many Korean movies that is finding an audience in the west. With Hollywood churning out clone after clone of various genre movies, this Asian invasion could not have come at a better time. It is comforting to know that somewhere creative and challenging cinema is still being produced and distributed.The story of 'The Scarlet Letter' involves a cop, Ki-Hoon, who whilst investigating a murder re-ignites a fling with his lover. The actual case that he is solving serves more as a backdrop with the main story focusing on the marital paradigmn between the protagonist, his wife and the lover.The idea of a hardworking cop being torn between his devotions to the one he loves and duty may not seem like the most original premise. Many a cop movie/series has been devoted to such scenarios, movies like Micheal Mann's 'Heat' or 'Leathal Weapon' spring to mind. Yet what raises this movie above the average cop thriller is the frightening way Asian cinema is able to change the mood of a movie from one frame to another.This is now a hall mark of Asian cinema and is rooted in a tradition whereby genres such as comedy, horror, romance and thrillers can be mixed all together in one movie, take Japanese (Kitano) or Hong Kong (John Woo) cinema as examples. For the last fifteen years Asian cinema has been producing genre defying movies. Korea has now entered into the fray and are producing movies where suspense, romance and terror can be weaved into a narrative and still retain a sense of realism. This is what Hollywood is failing to achieve, with too many Hollywood movies reliant on staple genres and archetype heroes.After a brief respite Asia is once again paving a way for modern cinema to develop and surprisingly Korea seems to be the next port of call for the attention of the movie loving west.A difficult movie to watch, but one that is worthy of your attention.

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This is one of those films where you can't help but improvise. It has those scenes where you shout out brilliant, but then proceed to make a few alterations to the already produced script to make the thing workable, if not believable.There are many awful south Korean films out there (for whatever reason, most of them seem to be romantic comedies)-- this is not one of them. Unfortunately this is no "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" or "Sorum" either. There are a handful of brilliant scenes in this film, including one particularly claustrophobic segment that reminded me of a permutation of Tarantino's Kill Bill Volume 2. Unfortunately, these moments are mired in irrelevance, overacting, and implausibility.By all means, have a drink, take the film in -- but be prepared to throw a huge amount of constructive criticism at your TV. Be prepared to start writing a screen play, maybe take up non-linear editing as a hobby.

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This is vague to avoid spoilers, but the nature of the bad votes is because the movie's message and depth is beyond the average viewer, especially when considering many of IMDb's voters won't be watching this in it's native language, so the already purposely puzzling Mystery/Thriller aspects of the story coupled with the unique message concerning the title, The Scarlet Letter, could cause confusion with either plot thread, making the movie unsuccessful to that viewer. About the title, it should make sense after the last 5-10 minutes of the movie and is probably not what most people would think after watching the prior 95% OR being familiar with the original Scarlet Letter. Give this whole movie a chance, feel free to talk it out with friends during the movie (it is a mystery) and be...moved or awed at the end. For a mood, be ready for a darker ending than most movies (not the same dark as say Arlington Road though). It wraps up well and should leave you feeling OK.10/10. The movie really achieves what it aspired for and remains thoughtful in a usually "for entertainment only" genre (murder/mystery). perfect ending song too, reminiscent of Oldboy (2004). otherwise low-key soundtrack that is well done. Don't let the Korenglish song sung early on by 1 character put you off.

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