The Raspberry Reich
The Raspberry Reich
NR | 17 January 2004 (USA)
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Inspired by the Baader-Meinhof gang, a film about modern left Germans adopting the culture of extreme left-wing movements of the 1970s. East German dominatrix Gudrun leads a revolutionary gang of her own in Berlin. She has her men kidnap the son of a rich businessman in order to gain publicity. Claiming that heterosexuality is a social norm created to keep the people down, she forces her male minions to have sex with each other.

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I really enjoy almost every Bruce La Bruce film, including this one. He always have different way to tell hidden meaning of chosen themes in his film.Honestly, I don't really understand what kind of politic was telling here (It's like socialism or communism? Tell me if I'm wrong) but at least I know it's purpose. I have to say that combine politic with gay explicit film somehow really bizarre. But, I found it perfectly matched.Just other Bruce La Bruce film, "The Raspberry Reich" have gorgeous actors. I really enjoy the sex scenes. Looking hot and I love the teasing part a mask man played with gun while he was masturbating. The only lack just bad acting. Well, I think almost the actors are porn star and amateur artist. But, if the acting was great, this film would be perfect.

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Michael Kerjman

"Raspberry Reich" was very much advertised G e r m a n m o v i e prior to and upon a world-reputable international film festival, and packed viewing venues in full with folks from various walks of life. I do not know whether co-viewers were already prepared to a degree of a male nudity and simply screening a sexual revolution in making to a couple of hundreds cinema-goers in the heart of a multi-million-dweller town, but I was personally much confused with outbursts of laughing and females' comments following any squeeze of a l i t t l e b r o t h e r on a screen, not speaking more. This work is a perfect parody on communist (leftist as more usable in modern time writings) propaganda where explicit stupidity of leaders cheating own followers while clinching to a political power and financial gains has grotesquely been disclosed with sex and orgies at any preference available a low budget movie allowed. Of course, same gender sex is the most powerful tool to allegorize a "revolutionary struggle", where lust for empowering and power over the human being are very similar psychological constituents of actually different activities. People left cinema smiling and in a good mood, which is the best outcome masterpieces present.

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I saw this at a film festival in Philly where it was aptly introduced as "...either political commentary disguised as hard core gay porn, or gay porn disguised as political commentary." As I wasn't quite expecting the explicitness--so if that's what you're looking for, then enjoy. (I must confess that I did.) The actors are all very photogenic and appealing. There definitely was comedy, and perhaps even food for thought, in the political statements made by the over-the-top revolutionary characters. I found it a bit difficult to switch gears, but maybe after repeated watchings I'll be able to do so. Those who are able to view hard core fare from an artistic and/or intellectual point of view will probably be better able to appreciate the film's artsy elements as well.

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It's been a while since I saw this film, so I'll talk about as much as I can remember. I happened to catch this film at the Sundance Film Festival. I knew nothing about the directors status or his past work. I heard from others at the festival that this film was straight up gay porn, which caught my interest. Being gay I'm always interested in seeing films with gay themes. I assumed the people were wrong. To my sexual arousal they were right! Almost...The film was hilarious, glamourizing the idea of "terrorist chic." In the film a group young of virile young men under the leadership of a woman (Gunfrun) kidnap the son of a wealthy man. This is done to draw attention to their group. Gunfrun is also intent on smashing the idea's considered normal. This was part of "the revolution." One of those idea's was heterosexuality. That's where all the talk of gay sex came into the picture. Some of the most erotic gay sex scene's I've ever seen! Partially due to the fact that these men were heterosexual and also due to the fact that I did not expect actual gay sex with penetration and ejaculation. The film began with images of a young man in his room playing with a shot gun, only to eventually end up deep throating it when he hears a straight couple having rough sex next door. I assume this turned him on because he proceeded to gratify himself in the most intimate way. while images of the couple having sex were spliced into the scene at the same time. It was this time when I realized that I was in for a totally different but very hot film. Maybe the film had deep theme's and agenda's, but that just went right out the door due to the amount of gay sex in the film. I don't remember much. I do remember gay sex in the trunk of a car, Gunfrun making her hetero boyfriend have sex with another straight man, more gay sex in a room and a scene that takes place in a terrorist camp with a hilarious dark training session involving an an innocent family. One line that I will never forget took place during a conversation between Gunfrun and her gang. She was talking about "the revolution." Certain idea's were not part of the revolution. When one of her beautiful gang members asks for clarification if certain things (to which I cannot remember which) were part of the revolution. Then as one last thing he asks if corn flakes are part of the revolution. In a stern commanding voice she replies, "CORN FLAKES ARE NOT PART OF THE REVOLUTION!!!" This movie had some wild lines and idea's. This film was not the best film I saw at the festival. It was my favorite though. Everything about this film was over the top and wild. If you love the theme's dealt with in most electroclash music, you'll love this film. The hetero squeamish should avoid the film if graphic gay sex is not your cup of tea. The film in short was a homo-erotic dark comedy involving revolution and change. I just cannot remember it to it's exact nature. Simply do some research into who Bruce LaBruce is and you'll understand what your getting into. Take the film for what it is. To me, that was an entertaining good time.

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