The Man Who Saved the World
The Man Who Saved the World
NR | 04 November 1982 (USA)
The Man Who Saved the World Trailers

Two space cadets crash-land on a desert planet, where an evil wizard seeks the ultimate power to take over the world. Although the movie borrows some background footage from Star Wars, the plot is mostly unrelated.

Pat Payne

This is, without a doubt, the worst thing ever committed to film. Compared to this , Manos is Citizen Kane, Monster a Go-Go is Casablanca, and Leonard Part Six is... still dire, but not Turkish Star Wars. Most bad films have something to redeem them. Manos has bad writing acting and cinematography, but is so darn quirky and at least looks like they made an effort, given that almost nobody in the production had major film experience. Plan Nine from Outer Space has flashes of competence and a cameo by Bela Lugosi.Turkish Star Wars has none of that. It was written by and starred a man described as one of the leading actors of his time in Turkey. Makes me wonder if the Turkish film industry association played a recording of Ed Wood talking about how to make films backwards so they could find the secret message or something. Everything about this "movie" is incompetent, bad or incompetently bad. They took a theatrical print of Star Wars, cannibalized it, threw the resulting film clips in the air and randomly spliced them in as special effects. Our "Heroes" in their space ship are pretty obviously sitting in front of a rear-projection screen as said random clips (some of which include ground-based scenes!!!) are screened behind them.The original footage is no better. The editing is so choppy as to make what we're watching incomprehensible, the story is inscrutable, with dialogue that is clunky and anvilicious when it's not trying and failing to be funny. Twice, the entire plot (or unreasonable facsimile) drops away to give us minutes-long ads for Islam and Christianity. (As a Catholic, I'm usually gratified to find snippets of faith in a film, but this had no subtlety, basically coming out and saying "Islam is good -- why aren't you Muslim?" and "Christians are great people" with zero attempt to weave it in with the story.) Much of the film's runtime consists of our two "heroes" engaging in "Bruce Lame", "Jackie Chump", "Chow-yun Fail" and "Toshiro Miserable"-style martial arts antics punctuated by special effects that would make even an amateur cringe -- the villain is killed at the end by our "hero" chopping him in two with a karate chop. Their idea of a convincing special effect to show the bifurcated corpse was to film his face while covering up half the lens, blacking out half the screen.Nothing is explained. They're chasing a golden brain for some reason. They need to save the Earth (which the opening spiel claims has already been destroyed) from destruction. The Magician (our villain for this evening) wants the heroes' human brains (since this is Turkish Star Wars, he'd probably be better off not bothering...) to defeat the Death Star for some unclear reason. Entire ancient Christian churches and medieval Islamic mosques survived millennia in space and re-entry to land on Planet Whogivsadam. Luke Skydorker gets the universe's most ridiculously-shaped wooden sword and said brain, melts them down, places his bare hands in the resulting goop and comes out with golden gloves which deflect laser beams or something. And somehow also gets golden boots (even though he didn't stick his feet into the gilded slop). The love interest just stares at him mutely throughout the movie until he finds the brain at which time she can suddenly talk. TIE Fighters fly backwards. Satan and guys wearing racist caricature masks of Chinese and Africans are villains. Cylons appear. John Williams, John Barry and Queen are hideously abused. Battles use the TARDIS noise. Mobs of people -- good guys? Bad guys? Random spectators? People who want to gawk at a hideous train wreck? Take your pick -- appear and disappear from scenes at random. Bert I Gordon is also ripped off. And none of it makes any $%^&#@$^*& sense. Turkish Star Wars is not a movie. It is not a film. It is a sequence of random events committed to celluloid with the veneer of a narrative cobbled on to it to try to make it seem legit. It's like a 12-year old made a move... only with fewer "fart" jokes.After watching this horrid piece of sludge, I had to cleanse my shattered psyche by watching a certified cinema classic. I watched Plan Nine from Outer Space. Ah, the competence, tight story telling and spectacular special effects of Ed Wood -- just the antidote for Turkish Star Wars!

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This truly is one of the best movies of all time. I have never come close to laughing this hard at a comedy. I nearly vomited from laughter for the first time in my life. The movie is utterly ridiculous and horrible in nearly all senses which somehow brings to bear the greatest of comedy. It is like there was a disturbance in the force when star wars was made and it created this movie as it's opposite. Here is a countdown of the horribleness factors that created the most hysterical horrible movie of all time.5. Acting: It was really bad when compared to almost any movie but compared to the other elements is was Oscar worthy.4. Writing: This is where things get bad and the fact that this is only the 4th worst element is utterly astounding. The plot makes no sense whatsoever! I think there are about five thousand different things going on with the plot but I have no idea because none of them are ever explained coherently at all. It was like someone wrote a long intricate epic plot that went on for seven novels, put it into a blender and blended, threw the contents high up into the air, caught some of the contents that landed back into the blender, blended again and tried to tell the story from what was left. Phenomenal! Indescribable! And then there is the dialogue!!! 3. Action: Again, the fact that the action is only the 3rd worst element is fantastic. It has some of the sillies and most nonsensical fight scenes ever! It is pretty hard to describe but the hero appears to really like to attack with two hands at once. Sometimes he pokes people in the face with two hands, sometimes he chops with two hands near the neck area. Sometimes he jumps off of a trampoline that miraculously appears in the middle of the scene. Other times the fury monster things he fights over and over wait in position, frozen for several seconds waiting for his attack. Hi comedy! Hi comedy! 2. The costumes: The movie is worth watching just to look at the costumes. There are supposed to monsters, skeletons and things and robots and stuff but all of them are just people decked out in silly homemade Halloween costumes. Utter hilarity! 1. Editing: The editing added to just the pure insanity of this movie. The scenes jumped around from place to place, making it almost impossible to tell what was going on. The plot or the action may have been more plausible in some ways if the everything had not been strewn together in such an utterly random way.I couldn't possible describe a fraction of what is so great about this movie. Just watch it.

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Pardon me, but there is no redeeming quality to this abysmal piece of trash.This "Turkish Star Wars" is pure copyright rape, and the producers should be fined for having soiled a film such as "Star Wars". I am no Jedi fan, yet I believe it is unthinkable to take another filmmaker's imagination and desecrate it this way.Can you believe this film actually uses footage taken from Star Wars to better a no-budget sick Turkish film? Would you like it if footage from a movie you made was used to fill another director's picture? IMDb should elect this the worst movie ever, and ditch all the nationalists 10-rated votes from Turkey.

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I know that it's been a long while since this movie has come out. Still I felt the need to write a comment, seeing that all the others I've read don't do any justice to The Man Who Saves The World.The only thing that can be said about this movie is that it's unique - it's as simple as that. It's not good, it's not bad; it's something beyond those concepts. Even if the greatest directors, screen writers, actors, and producers of our era get together and try to create something similar to this with an unlimited budget, they'd fail miserably. No matter how long you'll live and how many movies you'll watch, you'll never see anything like this.Maybe you will hate it, or maybe you'll absolutely love it; it doesn't matter. The Man Who Saves The World is a must-see for not only movie goers, bu for all human beings everywhere. So rent it, download it, steal it, whatever. Just find it and spend the next hour and a half in complete amazement and utter disbelief.

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