The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
| 04 November 1977 (USA)
The Incredible Hulk Trailers

An accidental overdose of gamma radiation causes a mutation in scientist David Banner's DNA: now whenever he becomes angry, he metamorphoses into a seven-foot-tall, 330-pound, mindless muscular green creature.

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I had watched countless episodes of The Incredible Hulk TV series but I had never seen the original pilot. Sure, I watched like everyone else - the powerful opening credits each week made from snippets of the pilot - but I had never actually laid eyes on that show until now.It did not disappoint me.Okay - it was TV fare with a 70s look and some less-than-spectacular special effects in the Hulk-outs but the story, the performances and the character development throughout - made up for those other shortcomings. Bixby too is an endearing actor who brings the audience in and makes them want to root for him. Sullivan plays his able scientist friend very well and has the added bonus of being extremely easy on the eye. Ferrigno as the hulk has limited range but in fairness to him - what can you really do when painted green and asked to hit nearby things as hard as you can whilst growling uncontrollably. Even De Niro might find that a stretch. Colvin as the investigative reporter reminded me of Willem Dafoe - but just not as good an actor.Nonetheless - the main man here is Bixby and he is a good leading man. He manages to portray himself with dignity, weaknesses, strengths and most of all humanity throughout the course of the movie. The film takes it time telling the story and manages to successfully deviate from the comic book origins making the premise more accessible and believable throughout. Quite a feat when you think of it. After all, there was an outcry when they changed the main character's name from Bruce to David. But it worked - so well in fact that I wondered why Ang Lee changed the name back when he made Hulk - so convinced was I that Bill Bixby will always be David Banner.An excellent pilot movie and a fitting start to a great series.8/10.

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I always remember the green hulk and most children around my generation were once proud owners of those toys, T-shirts and other relics of that cult heroic figure and it was acceptable for its time but as the time wears on to the late 2000s, one must accept that the series is now over 30 years old. The Incredible Hulk is now terribly dated and also in most cases it is rather dreary. This is particularly due to how things have changed through the years in terms with film technology as most of this is mainly due to computerisation on special effects. Although I did found The Incredible Hulk watchable, it has never really been my type. Nevertheless it made Lou Ferrigno an international star in those cameos as the cult hero while his alter-ego was played by the late Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner of some sort of scientific drifter. As I far as I can remember was because of those usual closing cameos from most episodes with Bill Bixby hitch-hiking. By the way, someone from the USA use to jokingly ask if I was hitch-hiking and I replied; "Bill Bixby."

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Bjorn (ODDBear)

The Hulk's first incarnation on TV was this made for television movie starring Bill Bixby as the green giant. I don't know Hulk's origins in the Marvel Comics series, but here Dr. David Banner (Bixby) is experimenting with gamma rays, trying desperately to figure out how people get an incredible flow of Adrenalin when faced with utter danger. Having recently lost his wife in a car crash and not being able to save her in his attempts to lift the vehicle, Banner is nothing short of obsessed with finding out why he failed where others succeeded in saving their loved ones. Once he starts injecting gamma rays into his body he turns into the green giant whenever he gets really mad.This is no grandiose spectacle, it's rather cheap looking really, with that oh so 70's look and feel with special effects at a very minimum. It is however a very well written and totally involving story, well acted and ultimately very tragic. The scenes involving the Hulk aren't spectacular visually speaking but they are powerful, especially his first appearance on that rainy thunderstorm night when Banner gets mad while changing his tier. The love story here, between Banner and a fellow scientist, is very well played out and makes for a strong ending for the film.This film was the starting block for a long running TV series, but on it's own the film is very satisfying, definitely won't entertain younger viewers who're used to such visual extravaganza's as most modern superhero films are these days. I however like it very much, it takes it's time in establishing the character, it's a very human story that doesn't go overboard despite it's subject matter and it has a bitter ending that makes it all the more memorable.This cheap looking made for TV film is also a lot better than the 2003 version which I found simply terrible.

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THIS MAY CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERSThe Incredible Hulk will always be my number one, all time favorite TV series. The pilot movie is to me, perfect 10 rated material that I feel was meant for the big screen. I know that in England, this was released theatrically. Oddly enough, I never saw the pilot movie in full until it was on in syndication in two part format and then on VHS in the video rental stores during my early to mid teen years. When you first hear about the Incredible Hulk, you might easily prejudge it and might hate it. The pilot movie is something you would have to see for yourself to truly see the sheer brilliance of this film. In order for Dr. Banner to carry the weight of the show, it would take the right person to play the part. That actor was my idol, the late great Bill Bixby. You could really feel for Dr. David Banner, losing his wife Laura in the car crash, his obsession with finding the ability to harness the power of that inner reserve of hidden strength within us all. That story from Mrs. Jessie Mayer about the identical car crash, and how she saved her son, and finally, losing Elaina Marks at the end of the movie. Bill Bixby and Susan Sullivan were excellent together as Doctors David Banner and Elaina Marks. They were best of friends and as David guesses too late at the end of the movie, they could have been potential lovers. Elaina confesses her love to him while he is the Hulk. Lou Ferrigno was born to play the Hulk. I can only imagine what it was like for him to play the hero of his childhood, but yet I can also feel for him after all the hell he went through with the make up process and the injuries sustained in the stunts. Perosnally, I loved the fright wig and makeup of this movie. The Hulk truly looked his best (the scariest) The very first Hulkout in the rain storm with the car and the flat tire is to me, one of the all time best ever Hulkouts ever filmed, along with the second Hulkout from 747 while flying the airplane. Finally, Jack Colvin is truly a master of his craft as intrepid reporter Jack McGee, who truly meant it when he said "All right Dr. Banner, but I don't give up easily." after being turned down for an interview. Oddly enough, actor Willem Dafoe, who was the Green Goblin in SpiderMan subconsciously reminded me of Jack Colvin and would have been a great Jack McGee had this version of the Hulk had been redone. Although the special FX may be considered cheesy for its standards of today, I love it!!! Call me a product of my time, but that's what I am. The Incredible Hulk pilot movie is high on the recommendation list. I say "Don't knock it till you've tried it." I rate this movie a perfect 10!!!

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