The Heist
The Heist
| 17 April 2000 (USA)
The Heist Trailers

Two brothers turn against each other when confronted with the possibility of getting millions of dollars found in a stolen armored car.

Mo ([email protected])

Great action, cute dose of comedy, great storytelling, everybody played their roles really well and it was an enjoyable way to spend 90 minutes. I bought the DVD to see Luke Perry, I was pleasantly surprised to see David Faustino, another fave, and I enjoyed each character. The writer, director, and producer should be proud of what they put together, especially with the obviously limited budget. I don't recall ever watching a made-for-DVD B-movie before, but this one was well worth it. Lots of fun. I figured this movie would be junk, but each character managed to portray their own stories and characters really well. They made you care about them and made you want to see them and how they respond to situations. It's funny, because they managed to do that more than many Hollywood Blockbusters can sometimes. And I really want to think that I am unbiasedly reviewing this, but I guess I can relate to four of the characters. I relate to Mo, as my name is Mo, I like music,and although I am capable of making good money, I can't work at a job I don't like, even if it means living in a gutter! Same situation! I feel like Perry's character as I feel I deserve some good after all the stuff I've been through. I can relate to the bald guy as I am religious and do things against my better conscious judgement all the time. And I am like David Faustino's character because I'm short, I try to fit in by being cool but wouldn't harm a fly unless I'm pushed into a situation where I have to, then it begins to become natural, as it did him. I feel these are general ways anyone can relate to any of these characters and that's why I think the movie is so good, it has so much of us in these ridiculous characters. Well done.

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I watched this movie at least five times (yes, five times!) and I want more of it. Like a previous reviewer opined, the more I return to watch this movie, the more I liked it.This has got to be one of the best known examples of why people who write reviews must breathe in deeply and exhale slowly before they assume the role of butcher working on someone else's hard work. Those who expected gratuitous violence can be excused for their disappointments.Forget the theme of the movie and take a lateral view on some of the smaller characters portrayed for a second. Consider the dialogue between the Asian-looking female bar tender to the character of Richmond Arquette. His response is so, so true concerning men who find themselves down who fall in love with well off ladies in the hope of having a place to sleep. Yes, the abandoned warehouse he sleeps in is better than taking advantage of a woman who expected love for the sake of hitching a ride to comfort. Also consider the impulsive and impetuous character of De'aundre Bonds against that of Robert Wisdom. Lots of funny dialogue there. Then again think of the scene of an exasperated character played by Ice T shooting at the armoured car on finding that their plan was increasingly attracting audience.Forget the bad reviews. If you found yourself with nowhere to go on a rainy Saturday morning, watch this movie and reflect on the ambitions of these characters and you will see the beauty of this movie.

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Comeuppance Reviews

Not to be confused with The Heist (1997), nor should it be confused with Armored (2009), of which this is a precursor by ten years, THIS "The Heist" is a decent urban shoot-em-up starring an over-the-top Ice-T as "C-Note".C-Note, Slim (Wisdom) and Trent hijack an armored car and murder the guards. They hide out in an abandoned warehouse but then Jack (Perry) and his brother Moe (Richmond Arquette) stumble upon them and try to take the money while trying not to get killed by C-Note. There are plenty of double and triple crosses, some of which involve white boyz trying to be more "street", one of which is played by David Faustino. During the final, prerequisite gun battle, C-Note shouts "Die, white boy, die!" Thanks to Ice-T's inimitable delivery, that is laugh-out-loud funny.Luke Perry has a beard and attempts to act "tough", with middling results. Before holding up the armored car, C-Note once again gets a great line when he utters "This is our personal ATM. Let's make a withdrawal". Clearly C-Note missed his calling as a banker/financial guru.All in all, "The Heist" (1999) is an adequate, workmanlike action flick with no surprises.For more insanity, please visit:

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Not the worst film I've ever seen, but it ranks among the worst.Best described as a cynical appeal to the adrenaline junky, this film features an unbelievably high body count, a thin plot, and really goes overboard with its unrelenting stream of obscenities. None of this appears to support any higher purpose or artistic intent and is therefore basically gratuitous. Skip this one. There are many better crime thrillers out there that are not this junky or offensive.

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