Good solid thriller, clumsily titled on my disc, Ransom: The Police Are Looking On and directed by Roberto Infascelli who did a bit of producing but only directed one other film. The fine score by Stelvio Cipriani was used again the following year in What Have They Done To Your Daughters, so I guess this movie couldn't have made much impact at the box office. Shame because it is a decent enough effort and must have been dealing with a hot issue of the time as kidnap was rampant then in Italy. A serious film then, that had something to say about the subject and one can only assume that the method adopted here by the new chief was the policy that eventually brought an end to the practice. Plenty of hints as to the depth of corruption behind these ransom demands and to where the monies found their way. Maybe we could have had some sort of subplot or romantic involvement but instead we certainly have a relentless and generally exciting and involving movie, even if Jean Sorel is completely wasted.
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