The Gravedancers
The Gravedancers
R | 18 November 2006 (USA)
The Gravedancers Trailers

After a night of drunken exploits, Allison, Harris, and Kira are chased and terrorized by the ghosts of a child pyromaniac, an ax murderer, and a rapist.


The opening features such bad titles and crappy camera work I almost turned 'Gravedancers' off before it even started, but it turned out not to be so bad after all. As direct-to-DVD horror goes, this occupies the high end and for all its plagiarism and clichés, it's entertaining enough. The budget limitations lend the whole thing a vaguely old-fashioned quality, not least when the ghosts are finally revealed, reminding us that static latex can actually be far more creepy than CGI. There's nothing particularly original or inspired here, and the actors, save for Tchéky Karyo and Megahn Perry, deliver nothing more than functional performances, but for all its faults I was inexplicably entertained.

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Okay, lets start with the good:The acting is passable. In fact, I laud the actors here for decently portraying such stupid, cut and paste characters. For the most part, the main three characters do a good job with their respective roles, with the "other two" being much more terrible.The cinematography. The work done on the visual aspect of the movie as well as the effects are laudable. While mainly somewhat cheesy and very obviously low budget, many times they do a very good job in covering up that fact. In fact, many scenes were enviable of much better budget movies, and I appreciated thatThe audio, while decent, was far from great. It was there enough to not be dismissible, but it felt very lacking. It had little to no impact except for maybe one or two scenes.Now for the bad:My biggest problem had to be the story. Forget the plot holes galore, forget the ridiculous premise, forget the terrible, terrible characters and their unremarkable lines. No, the biggest part was the entire movie. For an entire hour and a half, you are visually and verbally assaulted with the most ridiculous, phoned-in plot you have ever experienced. Yeah, there's some half baked subplot with the friends, but the overall main story is absolutely bad to the bone. This movie may just make you cry after all.The audio. Incredibly bad and clichéd at times. Such a mixed bag.Watch it if you just want some decent, mindless scares, but beware, the truly terrifying part of this movie is the story.

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Well I was expecting worse, but that doesn't stop this entry (out of the 'Eight Films to Die For' collection) from just being an accommodatingly so-so effort in the paranormal field. Going against it was that the story was so telegraphed and formulaic, which led to many dull passages and hot air build ups. The idea is fine (which has some drunken young adults who were college buds disturbing the peace of the dead when reading out some card they find at their deceased friend's grave, while dancing on their graves. Now they're haunted by those spirits, and race against time with the help of a parapsychologist to end the curse before they take their lives), but the situation's progression is thinly stale and the execution is all flash, but colorlessly achieved. It's subtle build up kind of works when they encounter their unusual ghostly shenanigans, though it grows a bit tired… however the last half hour doesn't work with its hysterical charge and overblown special effects. I thought the FX was well used during stages when it was focusing on the spirits, where the images of their sunken faces and flowing movements were effectively creepy. The performances by Dominic Purcell, Clare Kramer, Marcus Thomas, Josie Maran, Tchéky Karyo and Megahn Perry stand-up, if a little black and white. Director Mike Mendez overdone style etches its way in and takes away from the suspense, where he demonstrates a drearily cold atmosphere and lasting visuals caught by expansive photography. A ho-hum low-budget supernatural thriller.

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...till I'm sure that you're dead!(B.Dylan) Profanations have become frequent nowadays and it is a burning subject which deserved a responsible writer and a reliable director.The movie fails twice: mediocre story,poor acting,awful directing relying on horrible (and non-scary) special effects.The movie hits rock bottom when they hire ghost busters (from a famous university of course),one of them is the unfortunate Tcheky Karyo in what is perhaps the worst part of his career;he is abetted by a bubble head assistant (collaborator,she says)."The night of the living dead" has still no contenders in this field.

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