The Cop & the Girl
The Cop & the Girl
| 18 April 1985 (USA)
The Cop & the Girl Trailers

A tough cop but his life in ruins. His superiors are only looking for a reason to sack him. The girl is 17 years old and lives on the street. As the cop helps her one night, she steals his gun and flees. He should report the loss of his gun to his boss, so he has to search for the girl. At the Dutch border it falls into the power of the police! Henceforth they are on the run, without a plan and without a goal ..


The only thing that caught my interest in this storywise utterly forgettable flick is the red Volvo P1800 sports car (not to be confused with the slightly larger "snow white's coffin" P1800 ES model). The cop borrows this car from a night club owner and it is the secret star of this movie. It is in all the good shots, it drives over the autobahn, along country lanes, rutted tracks and eventually through an enormous, desert like gravel or sandpit. There the cop drives this beautiful but already completely battered car over the edge into the quarry pond. The girl (who throughout has an intense stare like she is truly insane) is on board, but they both resurface and spend the night together in a shack in the pit. The next day they find a farmer (or is it a hippie commune?) and they pull the car out with a tractor. Then the cop restores it on the farm (or the hippie commune?) to its old glory. Well, it's a story within a story but the only reason to watch this movie.

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