The Commune
The Commune
| 05 June 2009 (USA)
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When Jenny Cross has to spend summer vacation with her deadbeat dad in his creepy commune, she thinks clean living and boredom will kill her. But some fates are worse than death.


I am #11 to review this movie and think only the 2nd that isn't actually associated with this film. Who are you kidding? Nine people who absolutely loved this but 95 users give it a collective 5.2. I smell something fishy. (Especially since the bio of the director is off the charts and I don't buy any of it.)If you have the DVD, the Action Flick Chick quote is real. The Huffington Post quote is real. I'm going to assume the rest are, too. As for the Accolade Film Award-Award for Excellence, this won two technical awards. It should be noted from their website that they hand out awards four times a year and there are a LOT of "winners". Check out the very long lists. Reminds me of how elementary schools hand out participation awards. Amateurish work across the board. There is wiggle room when you're talking about shooting a film as it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to make it right. Or even close to right.But what is here is awful. Very bad acting, writing, and directing. And who thought you could sell the lead as a 16 year-old girl? She's not a day under 25.I don't know what to pick apart first. Clunky as a bag of rocks in a tin can. The acting was terrible; stilted and forced. And yes, predictable. Rosemary's Baby knockoff. Daddy's motivations were obvious. Mommy showing up at the end was telegraphed big time---but why? Why would mommy divorce daddy, have a running feud for years, and then show up to see her daughter raped? Entirely for effect but had no basis in common sense or logic. But this in a sea of aimless and pointless scenes just treading water 'til the end.And it looked bland at best. Sure, bland at worst, too. But very uninspired photography. A lot of nothing. The daughter was there to investigate her dad. It's hard to like the hero when she's pretentious and stuck-up. (The info was "her future"? That's nice.)And it didn't help that her love interest was a walking-talking douche-bag. "Really?" with the wardrobe and make-up? (And why, like the girl, have to wear the same clothes on different days in the story?)Elisabeth, please don't make any more movies. Please. The people who are encouraging you are wrong. There is a reason that, despite this misguided praise, that you haven't had another feature in three years. You may love it. I don't doubt that. You showed your boobs for it. (But your character had sex with her clothes on?) That's dedication. But you have to find something that you can actually do. Best of luck.

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This psychological, slow burn filmed in eighteen days really took me by surprise. It is darkly sinister and yet very engaging. Reality horror is what is given to us via this tale of ultimate betrayal. Still, I was not expecting such a well-written film. The story really gets under your skin, especially for victims of abuse and molestation whether done by a cult, a family member or any other abuser. Abuse of children in any form is one scary reality indeed. Blind followers are another aspect of reality in this horror film, and yes, this is indeed a horror film. This kind of film I find scary in its stark reality. Not a gore film so gore- hounds need not apply here but if you enjoy psychological terror then this should do the trick for you. This film sets up boundaries and then crosses them. It's creepy, mean and it leaves you with a steel-toed kick to the gut in the end. Gorgeously filmed in a tropical setting with wonderful music and sounds of peacocks crying in the background. The colors and look lull the viewer into a tranquil, hypnotic state only to jar your brain with the sinister goings on of The Commune. Check it out!

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Jerrica Lee

I saw this movie by chance at a horror film festival recently. I had no idea what to expect. Two things give me the creeps bad- one is colonial people, and the other is hardcore hippies. I could not move in my seat through this entire movie, it was so intensely realistic. I was a few minutes into it when I realized it wasn't actually set in the '70s, because it really had that look! I couldn't understand what kind of mother would let her daughter go away to a commune with her creepy, deadbeat, hippie dad. The characters were everything you don't want to meet at such a place. The casting was perfect. Chauntal Lewis stars as the unfortunate girl, Jenny. This story was so very disturbing...then all of a sudden, there is David Lago- 'Raul' from 'the Young and the Restless'! He is so pretty it's hard to look! That calmed me down for a minute, anyway. But then the horror continued...for all the sunshine and pretty scenery in this film, it still manages to give you the chills all the way through. It kind of reminded me of 'Crowhaven Farm' and 'Race With The Devil'. I urge you to see it for yourself. It's like a fine early '70s 'ABC MOVIE OF THE WEEK'! (That is a high compliment, by the way). I haven't seen anything like this in a long time, and I was really missing these type of movies. Thank you Elisabeth Fies! Again- SEE IT!!

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A cutting edge, well structured homage to a 1970's cinematic feel and tone. Well directed, well acted. A taunt psychological thriller and a very important film. This film is a liberation and a testimony to the fact that there is art left in cinema today.Elisbeth Fies shows a rare cinematic deftness and skill. The film is lush and full of character detail and thought. The plot line is a journey into a dark psychological depth and will an amazing execution. We will be see much more of MS Fies in the future we hope.Elisabeth received the award for Best Emerging Filmmaker this year at The B Movie Celebration.

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