The Celestine Prophecy
The Celestine Prophecy
| 01 June 2006 (USA)
The Celestine Prophecy Trailers

A spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru. The prophecy and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of spirituality.

Timothy Sullivan

This movie was not bad, however, it should have focused more on the "insights" in the Celestine Prophecy itself, and less on violence, turmoil, strife etc. Know that this movie was trying to be "true" to the book from which it was adapted, so that much of the "dialogue" in the movie seems bookish. I enjoyed reading the insights at the end of the movie, and wish they were more apart of the movie itself; this would have made for a more enjoyable film overall. Watch this movie with an open heart, and realize that humanity is: Undergoing a profound Spiritual transformation, and that movies like this are important to watch to gain an understanding of the Shift that is taking place in our world. Know that this movie could have: Presented us with more Profound ideas to ponder, and informed use about what humanity should do to better prepare for the coming ages. Overall, this movie needs to be watched not for the violence and strife, but for the hope that it offers us all.

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Dr Sky Tower

Why am I constantly picking Made for TV movies from the video shop??This movie made no sense. It seemed to be a Christian/Catholic Church anti-New Age rant and witch hunt through the ages, up to the present day. Something to do with a dumb cult prophecy proclaiming Love and Peace Forever dude! The main character spends the entire movie wandering around completely lost, and things just happen because other characters said so. Everything that happens is one boring coincidence after another. And for a guy who knows nothing about New Age/cult religion, he somehow manages to learn in record time how to make himself invisible to the bad guys not once, but twice. While standing in full view of them.Sigh.Also accompanied by mythical sounding music and filters over the camera lenses to make stuff "glow gold-like". With rainbows, waterfalls and fluffy white clouds in the background.Whatever.I felt like I was watching some kind of hoaky religious cult flick.Facepalm. Shake, shake, shake.

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I enjoyed the first book, read the other two books and didn't enjoy them as much.It was a good movie if you've read the book. It covers many of the points and has a somewhat engaging plot. I didn't think the actors were all that bad. That's the good part.The bad part is... I'm having a hard time imagining what I would have rated this if I hadn't read the book. It probably would have lost three stars. Because it was very disjointed, went into very little exposition about what in the world they were talking about, and if you didn't have the reference of the book, you'd probably be just sitting there with your mouth open going "huh?" The sole part where the movie beat all three books is that it was not nearly as preachy. The book just kind of yelled at you, and all of the characters went into these lengthy and ultimately silly expositions. The movie does not make that mistake, and that was a refreshing difference.The book is best enjoyed when you're ready for it - either you get it or you don't. The movie is almost impossible to enjoy if you didn't *understand* the book. Note I didn't say read, I said understand. If you don't understand the message the book was trying to get across, this movie is going to make zero sense to you. Don't waste your money in that case.But if you did... get the movie. It'll at least be a little entertainment, and you can say to yourself, "oh, I remember that part!".

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I saw it last night and i think it is pretty good. I didn't read the book so maybe there are some derails from the original story. It is interesting that it gives you something to think about. I think they give you a new perspective over life, over the nature of our existence and in a way this "Prophecy" is like a way that enables you to see things that are beyond the physical eyes and what science is thinking about. The dialogues i think were OK, but you have to be on the spot and follow closely, otherwise you will not understand them. Is not a girl friend-in your arms-and kissing-movie. And again, like in other movies (The Body with Banderas and others movies) you see again the position of Church against things that might change their position in society. It's not the best adaptation of the original book but it's OK. Bye all

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