The Calling
The Calling
| 21 December 2000 (USA)
The Calling Trailers

On her wedding night, a young woman conceives a child during an hallucinatory encounter. Several years later, as her friends and family begin to behave strangely, she pieces together clues that lead to one conclusion...her son is the Antichrist


ATTENTION! If you feel OFFENDED by Movies like Omen & co. Don't read this review because I m gonna add some "Anti-Christ" Quotes from the Movie.I really liked the Movie. It might not be Omen but its worth Watching and a lot better then Rosemary's ABaby. I think it is very under rated. Its not a Horror Movie, more a Mystery. However the first 20 Minutes are lame. When she kills her Son and it happens to be that the "Satanist" wanted her to, I lost the Thread but then I was okay. I think the Movie deserves attention from Mystery Fans. It has a Creepy moments, but I began to enjoy the Movie when the Taxi Driver appears. What he says is really interesting. Unforgettable Scene.I decided not to add the Quotes from the Movie.

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This movie appears to be low budget and did admirably. It dealt with the struggle of good over evil. Evil took a stand to be in prominence by gently leading a young women down the wrong path. The main character played by Harris was an American who married a British journalist and moved to the Isle of Man. She was totally in a strange country involved with strange happenings. No one would want to think of their own son as evil. She comes to realize what is happening but doesn't see that all through this she is being manipulated until almost the end of the film. The film at one stage is her telling a priest what has happened and he doesn't believe her of course until something happens he can't ignore.I liked the fact that they chose to parallel things that happened to Jesus but in the reverse in certain cases. It was a very different premise on a topic that has been covered in other movies. If you like religious horror movies, I think you will like this one. It really isn't that bad a movie. It's the quality of TV movies you might see on such stations as LMN.

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"The Calling" is a really dull and lifeless horror film.**SPOILERS**Recovering in a Church hospital, Kristie St. Clair, (Laura Harris) reveals how her romance with journalist Marc, (David Lintern) soon transferred into marriage. When son Dylan, (Alex Roe) is born, both are extremely happy about becoming parents. When he gets into late childhood, he suddenly starts acting weird, while her husband backs up his every move. Constantly being told that she has a connection with the birth of the Jesus, she ignores them even though the weird events surrounding her start to tell her otherwise. When she is finally confronted with the news that her child has been taken in by a demonic cult which hopes to use him for the birthing of the Antichrist, she races to find a way to get him away from the followers of the cult.The Good News: This here wasn't all that terrific, but did have a few good moments. This is almost solely relegated to individual scenes to make it interesting. Only a handful are really good, mostly because they are the ones where something happens. The biggest involves the method of dealing with the child at the beach. This is quite a fun scene as it gets interesting and gives a few really nice moments. There's others spread out through the film, including the conversation in the car and the birthday party celebration that get quite entertaining, but only the funeral scene comes close to the beach moment. This is one of the best scenes in the film, and ends the film on a great note since it's just as action-packed and chilling as anything that came before. This here really makes the film watchable.The Bad News: This here has a couple of really big flaws. One of the big ones is the film doesn't do anything. There are large portions of the film where nothing happens and it gets old and dull quite easily. Watching those kinds of scenes doesn't inspire fear at all, since all it does is just stand around with each other talking about the situation. That doesn't bode well for generating excitement or suspense, which is another problem. This here doesn't have much of any suspense in it, and this is due to two key things. Part of it is due to the fact that it's only attempts to do something interesting are explained rather than shown. The dog attack should've been one, but as done in the film, it's explained afterward. This happens far too often in the film, and that makes for some really dull viewing amidst the missed opportunities. Another part is that the film hardly ever goes for horror on-screen. The real moments where it tries to get to be a horror film are beset by the fact that it will cut away before anything can happen, and in turn not even being granted much in the way of aftermath violence makes it feel like a really weak horror film. The last flaw is the sheer predictability of the film. This one plays out just about every trick in the book and hits them out to the letter. This makes the film feel like every other horror film like this since it does nothing new, and that can really hurt a film. These here all really lower the film.The Final Verdict: Not a whole lot of time spent on the horror and too many flaws makes this one a really dull experience. Really only see this one if looking to complete a night of a similarly-theme viewing, but there's far better ones out there in this genre to make this one seem special or important in any way.Rated R: Violence, Language, mild animal torture and a mild, non-explicit sex scene

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In this film there is a very young pretty gal who gets married to a handsome guy who has the large home and everything to go with a prosperous person. After the large celebration and all the people have left for the evening, usually romance starts in the bedroom. However, in this picture it encounters a walk through the woods on a moon-lite night and then a stroll to a high cliff area overlooking the ocean below. The couple embrace and make love on the hard rock surface, instead of a nice warm cozy bed; it is from this point on in the picture that things start to change for the worst. The young bride is pregnant immediately after the hard rock love making and a sweet lovely child is conceived for the entire world to enjoy. If you like this type of film and especially,"Rosemary's Baby", you will enjoy this film.

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