In the history of French cinema, "La Meilleure Façon De Marcher" is considered an important film for two main reasons. Firstly, it is the best film directed by French director Claude Miller who has made extremely personal films about his protagonists: young and old alike, who show tremendous intellectual growth in order to emerge victorious despite facing tough personal problems. He was inspired by the giant of Swedish cinema Ingmar Bergman who once remarked that it is after having faced humiliation that a person gets the chance to be mature in life. This film is highly authentic as it is true to life in its depiction of events which happen both in a camp setting as well as in an educational setup. One has to simply watch one of his film better films "L'Effrontée" starring Charlotte Gainsbourg in order to comprehend how close he places himself in order to understand the tough world of his protagonists. Secondly, this is an ideal film for learning more about famous French actor Patrick Dewaere who has excelled in anti hero role. The best way to walk is entertaining in its own manner while revealing a straight relationship angle involving an oppressor and his oppressed victim. As there is a free exchange of feelings and sentiments between these two persons, one gets the feeling that there is some sort of mutual appreciation for each other despite some simmering tension. From this film, it has been established without doubt that apart from the greatest "God" of French actors Monsieur Jean Gabin, if there is an actor who displays tremendous sense of screen presence and a range of diverse performances in French cinema then it is Patrice Dewaere who has won innumerable hearts with his films. In 'La Meilleure Façon De Marcher", one can retain his attitude of meanness with serenity. It is a shame that some so called established critics have failed to correctly assess this film's qualities as one of them has observed that this film suffers from a weak end which is utter non sense as it is a perfect device to depict two different time periods in which the film's protagonists have lived. One can conclude this film's assessment by stating that it shows that the best way to walk in any situation is to put best foot forward. It also depicts that one can tell the truth but have to be ready to pay the prize for doing it.
... View MoreOur main interest in watching this film was the presence of Patrick Dewaere, one of France's best actors of his generation, sadly no longer alive, and Claude Miller's film debut. Not having seen it, the occasion arose when it was shown on a French international cable network.The story is set in a summer camp where counselors have different groups of boys under their care. Marc, one of the leaders of the men in charge, is a popular man among his peers and the boys under him. Philippe, a quiet young man has a group he is rehearsing for a play in which his boys will participate. The play includes a boy in drag, impersonating a princess in the fantasy he is directing. Philippe happens to be the son of the camp director, but like the others, he does not receive special privileges.One day Marc, passing by Philippe's room, catches him dressing as a woman, something that shocks him as well as surprises him. Marc begins acting strangely, but there is no actual confrontation about what he perceived as Philippe's odd behavior. Philippe begins to feel the other counselors' sneers, although no one openly accuses him of anything specific. All that comes to an end when Marc takes it upon himself to harass Philippe.The object of Marc's revenge is Chantal, a woman whose picture Philippe keeps on his window. In Marc's mind, he believes there is something wrong with Philippe in pursuing a woman, when in reality he must crave after men. To prove he is 'normal' Philippe forces himself upon Chantal with terrible results. Marc's masculinity is pitted against Philippe's own ambivalence. Everything comes to a head during the performance Philippe is staging as he comes out dressed as a woman who goes against Marc in a bullfighter's costume."The Best Way to Walk" was an ambitious project, even for the more liberal French cinema. It was a film that freed taboos, as male nudity is shown in full view. Claude Miller showed daring in his approach to the material. The all male camp was probably a hotbed for acts of homosexuality, which seems to be reinforced by the way Philippe behaves in his relationship with his young charges and the way he dressed when he was alone. Written by Mr. Miller and Luc Beraud, this was a film ahead of its times.The intense Patrick Dewaere made an impact in his take of Marc. He was an actor that always delivered, as he does in here. If Mr. Dewaere was good, his co-star Patrick Bouchitay made quite an impression as Philippe. This actor, who had it all, suffered from type casting after the completion of the picture, something sad because he probably missed on a lot of opportunities where to shine. Christine Pascal appeared as Chantal, the love interest of Philippe. A young Michel Blanc is seen as Deloux.
... View MoreIn a holiday camp the dispute between two instruction. The first- the classical virile image: brutal, sure-footed, sarcastic and charming. The second- unobtrusive, delicate,responsive, gentle and in womanhood kind. An imprudence of powerful hero is the beginning of a subtle and ambiguous fight. The victim is easy prey and the instruments are not little. But, in a strange scene of party, the domination is for both same overwhelming, it is a form of captivity in the other's image. And not about homosexuality, a cruel game in fall or about a good moral can talks. It is a basic rule of any relation. Of any admiration/competition gesture, of any summer who is not only a vacation's time.The merit of Claude Miller is to suggest the deep desire who lives in same relation. To define the behavior of an accidentally master and his obvious fear for the victim's acts. In same time, the film is a beautiful pledge for tolerance, for self understanding thanks to respect for the other. A movie about difference and the limit of common racism. A anti-macho film. But, before the moral, a nostalgic word about lost world.Patrick Dewaere is gorgeous in his character. Every shade of acting is subtle expressed, with precision and interesting art.So, in his memory, like remember of his lost, I saw " La meilleure facon de marcher" at a homage for a great actor, too.
... View MoreThis film shows marvelously well how adult people can act like children and be cruel exactly in the same way. As everybody knows, if you are different (best example: you don't like sports...), you always can find a bastard to make fun of you. Here, the "bastard" is played by Patrick Dewaere. What makes him really dangerous is that he is intelligent enough to never offer his victim, Patrick Bouchitey, a way to get out of his mental claws. He has found the "weakness" of his prey, and he doesn't let her go. Until... He has this kind of "stupid" intelligence, which makes him very able to get control over the others, but totally unable to perceive what's going on inside of himself. And at the end, he will be the one who will be depicted as the "loser", with his small suit and briefcase, being married without any real choice. Claude Miller never let his characters talk to much. He is a master in organizing what's left unsaid, showing here a glance and letting there a question unanswered...He makes us get into the emotions of Patrick Bouchitey's character, he makes us feel uneasy. Even the presence of the fiancée doesn't really ease the pain, because we feel that it could lead to more humiliation.Until...
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