A movie first must get notice in its domestic circuit, then rest of the world come check it out on the curious. I don't know this was a blockbuster or not in the local market, but heard lots praise for it, especially, from the youngsters. I have seen only a few Filipino movies and this one was one of the good films. Very very similar movie to 'Before' trilogy and a fine beginning of the series. Yes, I heard the second movie is already in talk, so guessed probably it going to end as a trilogy.Unlike 'Before' trilogy, this movie is not set in the casual manner, between the two. Most importantly, it's a road movie, a travel tale. The one of two who meet are affected by the recent love failure. So, the narration concentrates mostly on romance and about mending the broken heart. A pair of two actors with a good chemistry and nicely shot in the beautiful places. Like advertising Filipino tourism, the movie takes us to the finest locations.It commences just after the 8 years of romance ended for a woman. It does not show how, but later revealed by orally. Beautifully brought those heartbreaks and heartache on the screen. How the boys and girls mourn for their broken relationship was presented quite impressively. All the good times spent together pops out in the front and the rest of the stuffs are just pitch black. Even after breaking their heart, they feel they want to forgive them and give a second chance.There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.I liked the honesty in the movie, I mean the characters talk as in reality, not the craps. If you ever was in love and saw the failure, you would know what I meant. Whatever the account between them, the animation narration was the plus point in this whole storytelling. The story begins with an arrow asking a question for a lost heart. And the answer is the movie itself that you are going know in the end. It might not understandable by the serious people, but morally appeals to the lover boys and girls, I mean to the guys who are insanely in love with someone.I thought it was about and for youngster, actually it's about the people who are on the leap from there to the middle age. So, the crisis here is, the chances are fading away to fall in love madly, crazily again. Those days, the playful younger days are gone, what should be done now onwards is the movie that chronicles with lots of fun, emotions and a simple twist at the end. Though, the end was not properly explained, but leaves open. I'd say save whatever you are going to predict it to be, because like I said the sequel's quest to fill it up. But I hope it makes the same impact as this one did to me.It's more like a 'coming-of-age' for those who are between teen and middle age. I can't say it was the best, but a good movie. Since the loop is open, all I can do is wait for the follow up. Who knows, after the second and even better third movie, it might pop into one of the best romance-trilogies ever. So I'm keeping an open mind here. Hope they won't mess it up. In the meantime, you can give it a try because it was not any nearer to be called bad and I'm sure you would enjoy it if you like a simple romantic tale.7/10
... View MoreEven though i don't know Filipino but watch it nevertheless. Feel like crying and laughing at the same times. Can really to both the actor. Superb acting and very real.totally recommend to everyone esp with the one with broken hearts.What a movie, movie like this come once in a decade. You can relate to both the character. Having been brought in a lots of over the top acting and unrealistic story lines from Bollywood it is a nice change for a while. I hope bollywood will not copy and spoil it . great location esp in the interior of Philippine. I am now a fan of Filipinos movies after this and metro manila. I really like the scene at the villages when the hero hesitate for a while.
... View MoreOne of the most endearing assets that 'That Thing Called Tadhana' has is that, while it follows a simple storyline, it is delivered with utmost sincerity and honesty. The film arrives in an age of Philippine cinema where the romantic comedy genre is defined by its capacity to deliver and imbue "kilig" to the audience; it is expected to get silenced and drowned by the loud clamor and screams for the widely familiar romcoms headlined by today's biggest loveteams like KathNiel and KimXi, but it nonetheless, survives and sets itself apart, a quiet star amid the sea of supernovas.The story begins with a chance encounter: a man (JM De Guzman) trying to lend a hand to a stranger trying to forget her past and its heartaches. They start a journey that both of them don't know where it ends; it seems unlikely, but throughout that trip, something that isn't familiar, develops, it moves in a lazy pace, but it nevertheless feels right and heading to a better place. TADHANA's message is delivered in quiet and unassuming ways, yet it's recognizable, and speaks in deafening volumes to everyone who shares the same struggle that both the leads are undergoing.Without the female lead's (Angelica Panganiban) seemingly endless rants and emotional outbursts, the film is naturally quiet and calm. This is the film that isn't too reliant on music or any heavily orchestrated score to set its mood or enhance whatever it is that is already there, instead, it lets its own natural melodies hum and conjure the necessary emotions needed to make every scene work. That being said, you would also realize, that every time it makes use of music as an emotional tool, it works perfectly and delivers the shiver in numerous folds. You would applaud on how endearing and genuine the performances of our leads are; in spite of the cliché lines they throw now and then, it is how realistic their presentation of both their dialogues and characters, that make the two and their stories, really relatable. Angelica is brilliant here, so is JM, and together they make an undeniably overwhelming chemistry. The question "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" rings throughout the whole movie. As our protagonists take attempts to answer it, the film makes us travel from Rome, Manila to Baguio and to the breathtaking landscape of Sagada. TADHANA never answers that, but it sends a hint that wherever it goes, as long as you're moving on, it will end up being OK.This movie deserves a perfect 10/10.
... View MoreOne's first impression for That Thing Called Tadhana is it's a local rom-com with the style of Before Sunrise, since it's a long walk of conversations. The film is mainly about a girl who meets someone who she can express her emotional pain from a recent heartbreak. The entire movie is basically as simple as that, it somehow abandons the clichés of where a long conversations like this usually lead to and instead just be an example of what we love about human interaction. It can be blissful and bitter, but what's important here is to let these two naturally grow their relationship. The beauty here is it never compromises with demanded formula and just lets itself be honest about their fate.This is basically a change of pace of the two, taking a break from their ordinary lives and finding a way to let go of the worst of their past by just talking out their backstories, drama and interests. It doesn't matter if they ever end up together, those discussions aren't only sweet talk or anything that would necessarily lead to romance, they are simply just honest conversations that share each other's cynicism, joys and mistakes until one gets relived from her bad memories. But out of this adventurous bond, you can really see how these two develop genuinely, feeling that they are really moving on in a new phase of their lives.And around those meaty interaction, there's a total appeal in their road trip. From the city of Baguio to the mountain top of Sagada, the way they shoot these places just adds more things to love in these moments that already owns a rich personality. The lead couple can be quite charming, even with the amount of criticism and bitterness in their heads, they're basically just being relatable. Angelica Panganiban is the soul here, she carries the energy and the heart of these conversations, and that is absolutely what this character is meant to be. While JM De Guzman makes a good pair for not always taking the pain of his partner seriously until it becomes a big deal for the both of them.That Thing Called Tadhana immediately triumphs in its honesty to its storytelling and opinions towards love, letting go and other stuff. The narrative doesn't need anything more than settling with these two characters trying to find a light after a disappointing and hurtful past. It's sometimes enough for just finding someone to tag along and run away to an unexpected vacation, despite of involving some awkward situations. Even in these simplest moments, it brings a satisfying solution from such emotional burden. That Thing Called Tadhana speaks more from the soul of a relationship because that is what makes it truly special.
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