Tetsuo II: Body Hammer
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer
| 03 October 1992 (USA)
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Trailers

A Japanese salaryman finds his body transforming into a weapon through sheer rage after his son is kidnapped by a gang of violent thugs.

Thy Davideth

Tetsuo 2 May not have the intensity, or the abstract lunacy like the original, but damn it all to hell it is still a beautifully made and perfectly thought out cyberpunk movie. The only problem I have is the music. Not only is it extremely cheesy but it's sound level is really low and doesn't help make the action scenes profound. Maybe it's the DVD. I don't know. But the film's cinematography, story, cyberpunk elements and so forth rules ass.

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This movie is highly recommended for the fans of its predecessor, although it's not in black and white, doesn't have as good of a soundtrack or have as much surrealism as the first film, but it remains to be a bit more action-packed and (let's not forget) makes a bit more sense. This time, the salary man (the protagonist from the first film) lives a normal life with his family until one day his son gets kidnapped and the salary man is forced to be experimented on by a large a gang of skinheads which speeds up the mutating process of becoming a part-metal weapon and part-human being. It's not really a sequel but it surely is one of the greatest underrated films of-all-time and is about as good as the first film (TETSUO), if not, better.

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I found this movie slightly better than the first "Tetsuo" (which I HATED), mainly because it appears at first to be willing to tell a more coherent (if still unique) story. Soon, however, the story disappears into a farrago of violence, mayhem and senselessness; by the time the completely baffling ending arrives, you've already given up trying to make sense out of what's happening. However, there are some ingenious special effects and a breakneck chase scene that's worth seeing. (**)

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When I saw Tetsuo: Ironman this past January, I was amazed. While I had always been intrigued by the video's box, I had never heard anything about it. It blew me away with its visceral imagery and insanity. Now, finally, I've seen Tetsuo II. I gave the first one a 10/10 on imdb, and I give II a 9/10. This one is amazingly directed, filmed, acted, and developed. It has lost a bit of the first one's viscerality, and the plot is a bit more conventional (although it has just a few discernable conventions, like the rivalry between brothers in youth, the fact that one of them was good and one of them was evil, etc. Really, though, when you see it you'll probably not be thinking it conventional at all). Also, the first film's breakneck speed has been slowed down a little. In the first one, the plot was difficult, if not impossible, to understand. Body Hammer takes time to make us understand, and that is not necessarily a good thing. Still, Tetsuo II is a very great film. I just wish Shinya Tsukamoto had more films available in America!

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