Taeter City
Taeter City
| 15 September 2012 (USA)
Taeter City Trailers

In Taeter City, there is no crime. Using Zeed radio waves, the city’s dictatorship cause criminals to commit suicide. Their corpses are processed and sold as fast-food by conglomerates who nourish the ravenous populace. It was a perfect system…until Zeed started making the criminals stronger…


In Taeter City, a futuristic civilisation ruled by a totalitarian regime known as 'The Authority', potentially violent criminals are identified by the Zeed system, which analyses the brain structure and converts killer instinct into suicidal impulses. Once dead, the criminal's body is collected and turned into fast food for the masses. However, the Zeed system is not perfect, mutating one such violent outlaw, Trevor Covalsky (director Giulio De Santi), and making him even more aggressive in the process. Authority bikers Razor, Shock and W**k (Monica Muñoz, Santiago Ortaez and Wilmar Zimosa) are given the task of trying to stop him.Supernatural revenge flick Adam Chaplin, the debut film from Italian production company Necrostorm, blew me away with its cool narrative, over-the-top characters, ultra-violent comic book style and amazingly realistic gore effects (provided by this film's star and director De Santi). Taeter City, the company's ambitious follow up, employs a similarly excessive approach, but fails to impress as much, the story not as sharp and the characters less defined, with the regular and rather repetitive Verhoeven-style commercial breaks rapidly becoming tiresome. An overuse of flickery editing effects and digital colour-grading also proves irritating.Thankfully, De Santi's incredibly bloody effects are just as impressive as before, and gore-hounds will undoubtedly get a huge kick from the sheer quantity and quality of the carnage on display: limbs are torn, heads are crushed, eyeballs are popped, guts are wrenched, hands are mangled and bodies are sliced, all of which is flawlessly executed (some of the effects are uncomfortably realistic). Hardly a minute goes by without some poor schmuck having something truly revolting happen to them. Movies rarely get more violent.6/10—jaw dropping splatter, but the weak narrative lets it down a bit.

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What the people in this Taeter City are eating is almost criminal. Wait a minute they ARE eating criminals.This is set in a futuristic city where criminals(and future criminals)are tracked down and eventually fed to people via Taeter Burger. This movie is relentless nonstop mayhem. It rocks.This is by the same gentleman who brought us Adam Chaplin which by the way kicked ass. If you're a fan of that one this film won't disappoint. Be warned though if you suffer seizures this might not be for you. I felt twitchy afterwards.There is a lot of awesome violence packed into a tight 75 minute runtime(with 9 minutes of credits!). The director put a lot of work and editing time into this one. Kudos to him and I look forward to his upcoming Hotel Inferno.

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massimo cistoli

80's VIBE: The saturated colors create a dream-like atmosphere and the sci-fi technology is cheesy yet imaginative. Interspersed throughout the narrative are comical commercials for Taeter Burger and messages from Caronte, the head of The Authority, which is an interesting attempt at showing the omnipresence of the dictatorship. The acting is nothing spectacular and the voice acting is simplistic but some voices are bad ass (Caronte. Shock, Razor) All those aspects and the soundtrack,truly bring you back to memories like: Escape from New York, Class 1999, Blade Runner and Terminator.VIOLENCE AND ACTION: The true star of this film are the action and the special effects. This movie is literally an Exxon-Valdez of red, with just enough story to keep things moving forward until you get to the next massive gore set-piece. People dismembered, heads crushed, appendages removed, and bodies exploded. Did I mention there was a lot of blood? While the film does contain CG, it more than makes up for it with the use of practical effects—often at the same time. There is no use of CG for simple headshots here (*cough*TheWalkingDead*cough*) but rather it's used where practical effects would either be too difficult or not provide an adequate level of insane violence. As soon as you hit play, prepare yourself for a non-stop barrage of gore and violence on a level you've never seen before. This movie is a must see for any gorehound. Taeter City truly delivers on its promise of "'80s vibe, sci-fi, action, violence, blood and again blood." Did I mention there was a lot of blood?9/10

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George Hittach

This guys/ company/ filmmakers/artist, or whatever we want to call them, have just created a new genre. That's it.The story: In a futuristic country/city, a dictatorship manage everything, Criminals commit suicide thanks to a special radio-wave system, and their corpses become tasty hamburger or bloody energy drink. But something goes wrong and they all become demented super criminals.Critic: The story is original but not unique, basically just a mixture of Soilent Green and the videgame Oddsword, Blade Runner and some of zombie movies. What is incredible here is the style... sorry: the STYLE. Italian were great to reinvent styles like western and horror (look at Fulci and Leone) and this guys are doing the same here. 80's style + Japan cartoon culture = 10 times better.The visual is just art here, and the editing keep you drugged for the entire movie. The flashbacks are presented like frenetic digital files, and the background story explained with dictatorship advertisements, and it worked in a perfectly, killing all the dead point similar sci-fi movies had. The action sequence are so well edited, they looks like a manga, fast, extreme and they leave you breathless. Special effects are over the top, digital and practical, and the blood and gore sequences just 20 out of 10. The movie don't present good characters, only bad and sadistic characters for the entire movie. (This reflect what this world is turning on. I really loved that) A continuity of bizarre moments, kills, mutations, action sequences and funny moments throughout the entire movie, and that's worked perfectly. I suppose this guys spent about 1/100 of what big production spent normally to create movies like Dredd and Battleship. I just say: SHAME on you big production, and learn from this guys.I don't know if any person involved in this movie will read this but: My best wishes for your future projects. My complete and sincere support from Germany.George Hittach

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