T.T. Syndrome
T.T. Syndrome
R | 20 March 2002 (USA)
T.T. Syndrome Trailers

Several people get locked in a turkish bath at night, being hunted by a brutal serial killer, who seems to be seized with the T.T. Syndrome, a brain malady that leads to painful sociopathy.

Smoreni Zmaj

I'm searching online for last hour and I find only negative reviews. I gave fair chance to negative argumentation and I absolutely disagree with all those reviews that underrate this movie. I saw it on big screen when it was released and I left theater under strong impressions. 15 years later after watching it again on my computer I still have same opinion. This is great movie. Of course it is not masterpiece of cinematography, but which slasher horror is... This movie is important as first real Serbian horror. Many domestic movies have horror elements, but this is first completely horror movie. And within slasher horror genre it is excellent. Good story, strong acting, original ambient, and overall atmosphere is perfect for this kind of film. To this day no movies came even close to this one, except maybe A Serbian Film (2010).8/10

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First off, this isn't first Serbian horror, but a first Serbian SPLATTER/GORE horror movie. Yes, this is cheaply done and VERY trashy, and such aesthetics makes the atmosphere just perfect. The movie is brutal, but such brutality is rather atmospheric and pathological, not really a shock-value thing as splatter movies are almost always about. Of course, there are plenty of graphic violence scenes going on.The plot is about a group of people being trapped in an old, quite forgotten public bath in Belgrade and being hunted by a serial killer there. Of course, that doesn't sound spectacular in any way, but the main story which goes behind is about mysterious psycho-pathologic disease named TT Syndrome. It's rather difficult to define what the disease really is (it seems totally fictional, although I'm not 100% sure), although it's certain that it's some kind of autism which displays through the social isolationism and psychopathic, violent behavior. There is also some kind of paranormal, mystic frame connected with the disease's mystery and the events in the movie. That adds a perfect arty trash value to the movie.The atmosphere is very gloomy, thanks the raw, near DIY production and filthy ambiance (most of the movie is happening in a toilet and the sewer underground). Most of trash points come from the acting, which is cheesy, but fairly solid anyway. Background music and sound effects are also trashy, very dramatic, with some bizarre charm.The only real minus of the movie could be that it's pretty obvious who the killer is, from the beginnings. That perhaps killed some tension and the drama, but then again, shock wasn't the point of this movie but rather a whole experience of it's atmosphere. The movie is by no way pretentious or deadly serious, there's also a small dose of entertaining humor going on.Overall, this movie is trash, but it gets beyond camp only thing. It's a amateurish masterpiece, if you can appreciate and understand it's ugliness. Definitely not recommended for fans of highly produced commercial horror.

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OK, I've watched this movie because I heard it is the very first "horror film" made in Serbia. So far so good. But what I saw was a complete mess of mindless , wasted celluloid. Man, this movie is the worst I've ever seen. It's not even good-bad, it's just embarrassing bad. I don't even know where to start, but I'll try :First off, acting. There is no acting at all. Nothing you would call so whatsoever. The acting is plain ridiculous. In fact, the acting crew almost would have made me laugh if I weren't so sad and sorry for having wasted 2 hours of my time watching this sick garbage. Man, I saw my friend act better in front of a doctor for getting a day off. Something which is really sad because I know some of those actors can do much much better.The story. The story must be a BIG FAT joke. It's full of plot holes. NO, let me correct, the story is a BIG FAT plot hole! It hurts your brain if you start thinking about the story, so you better don't even start. After a while, you will get into a fit and ask: Why the h*** are they (actors) doing this or that?? Can anybody be so stupid?? Then, you will realize it does not make any sense to throw fits about this sad piece of junk. It makes me really wonder who on this wide planet is giving money to this director for releasing any films ?? Maybe he's the son of some wealthy guy there in SCG , I don't know.The everything. OK, this is said to be a horror flick. Well, this movie will horrify you, but out of other reasons ( I've mentioned above). This one is just plain disgusting. Now, maybe some will say: But a horror movie has to be disgusting! NO! If I want to see disgusting things, I can go to a real autopsy or watch some drunk people vomit. Same effect and it won't take me those 2 hours. The effects in this movie are so sadly bad. The whole movie is dripping from this premise: "We did it for the first time in a Serbian movie!!" "Look , we have real fake buckets of blood in a Serbian movie for the first time!" "Look, we have real bad special effects make-up in a Serbian movie for the first time!" "Look , we have a placenta in a Serbian movie for the first time!" Yeah. Great. Way to go. Bljak!Of course there's no camera and no sort of editing. I'm not expecting Oscar worthy shots, but at least SOME effort or some signs of effort at least wouldn't hurt, dontcha think?? It's really funny how in some shots the camera is avoiding to show the killer's face. Hehe! Haha!I've read some reviews that you have to forgive those flaws because this movie was the first attempt of it's sort. Well then, I have to applause to everyone that fails miserably in his/her first test ? Also , this is not the first director's movie nor the first one of the actors. It seems to me that this particular director hasn't any idea of how a decent film has to be made. And I'm not expecting an "American" movie from our film makers. No. But I'm annoyed of watching a film that has the looks of a homemade flick that my neighbour's son shot with his digi-cam in for about 2 days. Annoyed by a script that is offending the intelligence of it's viewers and by actors that are actually getting money for doing **** like this. That's all.If you ever happen to come along a copy of this movie somewhere avoid it! Run away! And warn everyone around you to NOT pick up this movie and by no means or threats don't you never ever lay an eye on this disastrous sick piece of mindless trash! If it just were trash ... no it will make you mad at anyone that has suggested to you to watch this! You better believe me!Thank you for reading this long review.

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If you have ever wondered why in childbirth scenes we are never shown the actual umbilical cord this film is the answer. Save yourself the trip to the cinema and visit a meat market, kindly ask to be allowed to see meat get chopped and deboned you'll get the same feeling- plain disgust. The only impact the film will have on you is that you might consider becoming a vegetarian. Oh, and a 'shocking-plot give-away killer's scrapbook' and 'buckets of blood' and lines like "I'll be right back" will just make you shake your head and laugh.The scariest thing in the entire film is the state of public restrooms in Yugoslavia's capital (they put Trainspotting's "worst toilet in Scotland" to shame.The acting is actually good, the script semi-original and you might ask what went wrong- well, you can't identify with the victims because the characters simply -never - develop. It's scary when you see one splattered brain and a trail of blood but when brains are everywhere and blood is overflowing toilets that's when you head for the door. I give it 2 out of 10 for the 3 funny lines it has, 1 cool scene at the end and a very cool leather jacket.

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