Star Wars: Revelations
Star Wars: Revelations
| 19 April 2005 (USA)
Star Wars: Revelations Trailers

The last Jedi fight to survive when they are hunted by the Empire. Taking place between Episodes III and Episode IV.


I was going to give it a 2 for the computer graphics, which were the only redeeming quality of this "movie". But, it is just so bad, that I had to give it a 1.Terrible acting. Unappealing and ugly characters. Boring fight scenes where it was obvious the actors were waiting for the next move of their opponents. And the plot was less interesting than bowling.It should not get props just because it was an independent, low-budget film. It should be judged solely on its entertainment value. There are sketches on youtube made by 15 year olds with cheap camcorders that are far more entertaining than this pig slop.Darth Vader's voice was really good though. And the hologram effect was decent. Other than that, it was a major disappointment.

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Since I don't believe it is possible or fair to consider this film without at least an introduction to the Fan Film Universe, I decided to visit the many Fan Films sites and view as many of the hundreds of fan films as was bearable. In the surprisingly large catalog of this genre, Star Wars Revelations is among the best. One has to cite what most others already have: good costumes, good CG, good sets, a decent core plot idea (unless you are a canonical Star Wars fan) and a very good score by Chris Bouchard. Bouchard uses a few of the standard Star Wars pieces as jumping off points to some fine musical work of his own that nicely weaves known themes throughout in addition to adding excellent new character leitmotifs. One of the things overlooked in some of the other comments is that the director did quite a decent job staging shots, especially in staging the crowd scenes, which is unusual in the Fan Film World, though the fight scenes near the end are weak and the pacing was slow. I do have to agree that the acting is the weak point, but I think one has to be at least a bit forgiving of that, due to this being a production done gratis by a group of Star Wars fans, likely acting in front of a green screen for the first time in their lives. Take a look at Gwyneth Paltrow attempting to act in front of an effects screen in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" to see how difficult or impossible that can be, even for seasoned performers. Far from being a good movie, one should still consider this a good fan film and applaud all involved for their effort. I would also encourage people to view some of the other fan films out there. As has been noted already, there are some very good ones available (look for "Grayson" as one example).

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noah ternullo

I applaud those who made this movie happen. The premise was captivating, and the unraveling plot was worthy of a major motion picture deal. Kudos! The Good:The special effects were very good, and I didn't have to work at suspending my disbelief. :-). They kept the feel of the Star Wars Universe very well. Their backgrounds and environment would fit easily into any star wars film made.Additionally, the plot was realistic and intriguing. The character backgrounds were equally interesting.The Bad:Some of the acting and lines were awkward, but not much more than the original movies. Mild: Some of the cut sequences went on a bit long, (though I enjoyed the scenery, they didn't add much to the movie).Overall, I am very appreciative of the entire project. I look forward to their next endeavor!

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Well, first off I would just like to say that it was a very good effort. I hope they continue and improve. Things look very promising.First, the good.I loved the special effects. Not quite Lucas, but very few professionals ever are! Light saber duels looked convincing enough, though not as fast as in the professional movies.Declan's ship. Nice design. It was a cool looking space vessel, even Lucas should take notes on this one.The city, party scenes, storm troopers, all well done. Some quick clips obviously borrowed from the movies, with the tie fighters and pilots, but the whole layout had the look and feel of a professional movie. The sets, backdrops, and locations all looked professional.The plot, I thought, was also well written. The names nicely thought out. The sophistication was there and the ideas interesting.Very well done.Now the bad.The first thing I noticed was the actors. Now, I am no actor, and I am no Harrison Ford or Ewan Mcgreggor, but the actors and actresses just did not look convincing or anywhere close to professional. Now, don't get me wrong, I know this is an amateur production, but if they spent all that effort with the set designs, CGI, artwork, and realistic light saber duels and ship to ship combat, they should have also perhaps thought about better actors.OK, I know I'll get flamed for this, but the actors were a little pudgy and not as attractive. The first scene cuts to Taryn in her ship. I am sorry, and I apologize to the actress, but she is just not visually stimulating. In fact, she looks so amateur in appearance that I shut off the clip and came back to it later after deciding to give it another chance. The make-up looked amateur, and she was just not .... charismatic. Yeah, I know, they are amateurs. But surely in the Stars Wars fan base there are better looking people and better actors who would jump at the chance for recognition. Of course, if it were just a garage project for fun, I could understand casting friends and neighbors, and I could accept that ... but, then there are those awesome special effects, CGI, space battles, space ships, so to even it out, they really needed attractive and charismatic actors. Maybe I am asking too much, but I thought that was what it lacked. There were extras who certainly looked more attractive.Also, the main actors all looked a little flabby or less muscular than I believe a Jedi would look. I envision Jedi knights, or warriors, to be in a little more shape. Declan's beer gut was bulging, but then again perhaps this was realistic for a space smuggler type, though Harrison Ford was certainly the opposite.The acting, at times was fair, and could pass as a low budget movie, but I have seen better acting in college plays and acting school productions.I don't want to be two harsh, but what I see is a great effort with the look and feel, but a let down with the main characters due to their visibly amateurish abilities.I compare this to Troops and IMPS where I thought the acting was definitely a step up, but then again they all wore armor and helmets! But, with better trained actors, this could turn into something! Looking forward to more from these people.

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