Space Cop
Space Cop
| 12 January 2016 (USA)
Space Cop Trailers

Space Cop is the story of a cop from the future of space who travels back in time to the present and is teamed up with a cop from the past who is unfrozen in the present. Together, they must defeat evil aliens with a sinister plan.


There is a lot to enjoy in this film. A knowledge of film tropes, an enjoying the dynamics of friends making a film a key to the highest level of enjoyment. If you are not familiar with Red Letter Media, it may take a few viewings to let it grow on you. If you like trash films, like friendship or hate cops - this film will be for you!Easy light watching for a night you just want to have a glass of wine & clear your mind. Of special note is the performance of Mike Stoklasa as "past cop". it is easy to find oneself smiling whenever he is on screen. Patton Ozwald is always gr8, playing w/i the same frame for the film. With the right mood, set & setting: a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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This is an intentionally bad movie from the guys who frequently says, on their review shows, that the "so bad it's good" thing only works on movies that are unintentionally bad. Nothing more needs to be said about this movie. It's not funny and it's not entertaining.They should stick to talking about movies, that's where they're entertaining.For all their "insights" into the flaws of big budget movies, it seems they simply aren't competent movie makers themselves after all, and because of it they hide behind the "intentionally bad" shield so that they can say: "It's stylistically designed to be that bad, we know exactly what we're doing! Aren't we wacky and funny and genius by doing something so bad it's great?". Of course, eagerly cheered on by their fan army. Although it's not cheering, instead they're called "hacks" and "frauds", which here doesn't mean what it actually means but instead is RLM code for "I'm in on the joke! I'm part of the club! I'm a comedic genius just like Mike!"

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Ole Oberländer

I love RLM and was really looking forward to this. This movie was hard to watch, but since I payed $25 for it, I had to watch it. Watching it felt like sitting in a doctor's waiting room for 3 hours. The commentary track was more entertaining than the movie itself. It surprised me a lot that RLM managed to make so many mistakes even though they should've learned from the mistakes of other film makers since they criticize them in Half in a Bag and Best of the Worst like real professionals.The 2 main characters in this film were horrible. They weren't even real characters. I managed to accept Rich Evans' over-the-top Space Cop performance as it seemed so ridiculous that it kind of got funny again. Mike Stoklasa's detective from the past though was just painful to watch as it seemed like a cynical attempt of playing a comic relief character without any mentionable character traits. I guess Mike was aware of the shittiness of his character and felt no need to hide this. I feel bad for the other actors, because they could've turned this movie into something great would they've played the lead roles as well. Or maybe everybody else was acting too well and made especially the RLM gang look bad? I think Jay did a good job even though he seems way to nice to be a villain-ish character and fell short when acting with the real actors.The movie as a whole was entertaining in certain moments, but boring and shameful to watch in many of the others. They often tried to be funny no matter what and sacrificed the credibility of the world they've created. As many lines were improvised there were loads of long tripod shots which made it obvious that they were on a set. More cuts and close ups instead of tripod boredom would've made this much better and less boring to watch (and much more work to edit). A shame that they cut out the ghost of Jack, which was part of the deleted scenes.Nonetheless what they've managed to accomplish is highly impressive to me. The sets, costumes and special effects are dope! I hope on their next film they'll prioritize character building and action scenes a little more so it's not too focused on acting. Also they should make use of green screen technology more often to avoid monotone and lifeless sets.

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I don't think this movie is anybody's idea of a classic, but if you're a fan of RedLetterMedia (like myself,) you can't go wrong! There were several laugh-out-loud moments, despite the fact that we weren't really treated to the angelic laughter of Mr. Rich Evans himself. The special effects were surprising well done considering the budget and intention of the film. All of your favorite hack/frauds are there, even Susan! Additionally, as a fan of supplementary materials, I found the behind the scenes stuff and commentary interesting. After viewing the movie, I was left with only one nagging question. Is Space Cop replacing Best of the Worst?

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