South of the Border
South of the Border
| 25 June 2010 (USA)
South of the Border Trailers

A road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents.


This is a proof that (almost) every man has a price. I am a big fan of most of Oliver Stone's movies. Solid, strong always with something interesting to tell, always looking for the truth... well almost, here Mr.Stone might sold his soul to 'Emperor' Chavez, by celebrating all his speech and not dancing with wolves, but dancing with other puppets to honor Chavez. Here only President Lula and President Kirchner save the day and their dignity by advising Chavez, and Stone himself to put some limits. A pamphlet made to satisfy everyone who hates Fox News & Cia. ... I also dislike them, but why using their same type of dark strategies, lies and misleading? Today Venezuela, Bolivia and others we are still struggling with a fake democracy. That's the best proof to see Mr.Stone was/is blinded with the epiphany. Maybe that's way 90% of the documentary is presenting everything as truth and nothing, but the truth. Where everyone who disagree with his Emperor is a bloody capitalist. Even myself I'm might be getting in trouble for submitting this, but that's what they want from us, to be afraid, to live afraid... yes, the same way the Bush's want(ed) the world to be and control it. If Mr. Stone truly believe on his other films, about freedom and democracy, at least he should be ashamed of this one (and don't keep the change).

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For anybody who has no idea what has gone on in Central and South America in the last 75 years, this may not be the best place to start. We are all experts on the middle east by this point. But it is sad to say, even here in the early 21st century, nobody has any idea what is going on south of the border.Oliver Stone's documentary of sorts doesn't help fill in those gaps - watch Salvador first - but it goes a long way in illuminating the propaganda Americans are fed by cable TV "news" devoid of actual journalism. This isn't a really deep documentary, which is a fair knock. Stone is really out to just show us the other side of the mirror.Hugo Chavez is not a saint but nor is he a religious zealot sending waves of suicide bombers into crowded markets. He has done some good. And yes, he has done some bad - very little covered in the movie. There is no coverage of the rampant street violence, "secuestro express" kidnappings or incomprehensible corruption. But, I think its unfair to completely dismiss the film. it is too easy to paint villains in our society and this film gives some breath from the one dimensional views that wash up on our TV sets.If you wonder how people like Chavez take power around the world, it isn't by accident. Look at the standard of living the people in these countries live in. Americans are spoiled. Somos ricos. But a high standard of living does not grant us endowed wisdom. We don't know everything. We aren't always right. If you've never seen real poverty and strife first-hand, as much of the world lives in, then this movie can do nothing to change your mind. But hopefully, it can help you ask some questions of your own. You don't have to love Chavez, but maybe you'll think twice about how you view your own country and the garbage fed nightly to our population over cable TV.

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Lee Eisenberg

Argentinian ex-president Néstor Kirchner's death last month brings to mind his role as one of the progressive leaders who rose to prominence in South America in the early 2000s. Oliver Stone's "South of the Border" looks at this leftward swing.Prior to the release of "South of the Border", I had heard both praise of it and criticism of it, both coming from sources that one would expect. If you know nothing about US policies in Latin America, then the documentary might be a little hard to understand. But this is definitely something that everyone should see. Stone interviews a number of the leftist leaders who rose to power in South America in the early 21st century: Venezuela's Hugo Chávez and Bolivia's Evo Morales, to name a few. The leaders explain how the US had kept Latin American economies beholden to the IMF, and often kept despotic regimes in power to enforce its will. To be certain, Argentina's Cristina Fernández de Kirchner details exactly how the IMF sent Argentina's economy into turmoil.Part of the documentary's focus is on the misleadingly negative portrayal of people like Hugo Chávez in the media (and in particular, how they manipulated footage of the failed 2002 coup against him to make it look as though his supporters attacked protesters).The criticism of the documentary has been that Stone does not interview critics of the leftist leaders. Of course, we have heard mostly criticism of these leaders - of which Stone shows an example from a Fox News talk show - so this documentary IS the alternative view. As Stone also notes, the US ally Colombia always gets a free pass despite its atrocious human rights record. I certainly recommend "South of the Border". And remember: Bush, you are a donkey!

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South of the Border (2009) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Director Oliver Stone certainly isn't shy when it comes to controversial subjects but at the same time I'm really not sure he's the one you'd want to deliver a documentary. In this film he travels to five countries in order to tell the American people that the media is evil, George Bush is nothing more than Hitler and that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is one of the greatest men on the planet. Look, I don't know how much truth is in this film and let's pretend that every second in the 78-minute running time is nothing but the truth. That's fine but I have a hard time believing anything here because Stone clearly didn't set out to make a documentary but instead he wanted to give his political point of view without any other opinions coming in. I was a little surprised by the short running time but I guess that should be expected because we never hear from the "other side" and instead we just hear from the main guys as they tell us why they're so great and why the American media wants to paint them as monsters. Again, I'm perfectly fine in someone telling me that these guys are angels but at the same time I want to hear from those who are trying to paint a different picture. Stone clearly wants this film to be a love story to Chavez, Luis Inacio Lula de Silva, Evo Morales, Fernando Lugo and Rafael Correa. He interviews all of these people and they tell us all the great things they've done and inform us (again) that the American media has them all wrong. The film spends plenty of time telling us why Bush is evil and we hear why the American people are simply being fed lies and are too stupid to figure anything out on their own. SOUTH OF THE BORDER is a decent movie and I must admit I had a good time watching Stone interview these people. Again, perhaps everything said here is true but I still want to hear from the other side. I also have a hard time with any documentary that tries to show the subjects to be "down to Earth" by having them do childish things. This includes a scene where Stone directs Chavez to ride a bike like a kid and another scene where he plays soccer.

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