| 04 January 1995 (USA)
Sorceress Trailers

Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old flame, who also works for the same law firm. Erica decides to act and one night after a torrid sex session Larry drifts off to sleep and begins to dream. Soon the dream turns into a nightmare of sex, violence, murder and death involving himself, his friends and colleagues from the law firm which appears to be frighteningly realistic...

Scott LeBrun

B cinema filmmaker Jim Wynorski gives his faithful audience all the sex and nudity they could want in this moderately amusing movie. The plot is pretty nonsensical, but since it's serving to set up a bunch of genuinely titillating sex scenes, it's doubtful that there are going to be many complaints on that front. Larry Poindexter plays a lawyer named Larry Barnes, whose wife Erica (Julie Strain) is a witch. She uses her powers to try to secure a critical promotion for her husband, but instead of killing his competitor, Howard (Edward Albert), she manages to cripple him. This sets off Howards' wife Amelia (Linda Blair), who is herself in tune with the occult. Predictably, she puts into motion a plan of revenge.Wynorski puts a great deal of his efforts into stressing the erotic elements rather than traditional horror elements. (A note to the unaware: this isn't really a horror film at all, but an erotic thriller.) Technically speaking, it has to be one of the most accomplished things that Wynorski ever did; the filmmaking is pretty slick. Photography and picture quality are sublime, helping to show off every asset in the bodies of our attractive female cast. To that end, Wynorski deserves some respect for just diving in head first, giving us an eyeful of Strains' anatomy in the very first scene.The acting is tolerable from most concerned. Michael Parks is a little under utilized as a gardener / murder suspect. Wynorski regular Lenny Juliano regularly walks away with his scenes as Larry's outgoing colleague. It's a treat to see William 'Blacula' Marshall as the senior partner at the firm. And Albert really is quite good. Fans of B movie babes will be pleased with the roster here: Strain, Rochelle Swanson, Toni Naples, Antonia Dorian, Kristi Ducati, Melissa Brasselle. Wynorskis' peer Fred Olen Ray produced, and plays the role of Bill Carson.The movie does accomplish what it sets out to do, but it's really hurt by an aggravating, incredibly clichéd ending.Seven out of 10.

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As sad excuse of a movie that has a hard time deciding what leg to stand on and instead just flip-flops back and forth from being a bad horror-thriller and a wannabe playboy-flick. Every single time the story makes some sort of progression it's instantly halted by weird softcore sex-scenes. No matter what the situation might be they somehow find some excuse to throw ugly silicone tits in your face. I am in no way against exaggerated nudity in films but it has to be done with either humor or class and this film lacks both of those elements. I somehow get the feeling that it was two directors instead of one that filmed two completely different films and then just mashed them together, where Linda Blair stars in some bad occult thriller that at least has some "TV-movie" qualities and then a softcore Playboy flick starring Julie Strain and some other bimbos. The end result is just weird and since I love most stuff starring Linda Blair I felt sad seeing what became of her career after the 70's and 80's.It's far from erotic unless you enjoy watching desperate silicone bimbo's rubbing their nether parts against equally desperate and washed up "Days of our life's" actors. If you ignore the bad sex-scenes then you're left with a bad thriller involving witches. It's not smart, it's not scary (unless you count Julie Strains plastic tits) and the only thing it has going for itself is two decent actors (Michael Parks and Linda Blair) that do their best to save it from a complete disaster, without success.

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The female cast of this movie is terrific: you've got Linda Blair (maturing nicely), Julie Strain (who doesn't get too many speaking lines - that's a good thing), Rochelle Swanson (equally convincing as a sweet innocent girl or as an evil possessed girl), Toni Naples, and the most beautiful of them all IMO, the simply stunning Kristina Ducati (how the goofy male lead, Larry Poindexter, deserved to get sexually involved with any of these women remains a mystery). However, beyond the chance to watch these beautiful and in some cases talented women, the movie has little to offer. The plot is disjointed and doesn't really get going until the last 15 minutes or so; and when Wynorski finally manages to create some suspense, a ludicrous "twist" ending comes and ruins everything. (*1/2)

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Remarkable and naked bodies will surely cause any dedicated surfer to pause on this one awhile, but only if it's on a movie channel. Without the nudity this one wouldn't hold anyone's attention for long. Even Linda Blair looks great (the best she's looked since she was kidnapped by Martin Sheen), but Eddie Albert Jr.( Butterflies are Free), who's far too talented for this film, looks like the director (or Linda) has ridden him hard.

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