Sons of Liberty
Sons of Liberty
| 25 January 2015 (USA)
Sons of Liberty Trailers

The story of a group of very different men fighting in the American Colonies for freedom, and how they will shape the future for the United States of America.


Hear ye! Hear ye! I have never seen a more absurd presentation of the birth of our nation in my life! It was 99.9% fiction! The only part of this series that was historical was the names . . . and I'm pretty certain our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves at the abuses to their stories as was expressed in this tripe! Walt Disney gave a more accurate account. The musical 1776 gave a more accurate account. And even if you call it fiction, it was still pathetic. There was no attention to detail or character development. The story went from event to event with little fluidity. All the characters were unlikeable. This movie should come with the warning: All resemblance to the truth is . . . and of a right ought to be . . . TOTALLY dissolved!!!

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Glad I didn't read the reviews before I watched this. Perhaps you can put you expert knowledge of history (which is recollections from others since I assume you did not live during this period to personally witness these events) aside and remember that these men are true American heroes and the major events actually did happen. Who knows how and what was specifically spoken 250 years ago.This series was great for anyone that forgets why we are free to even have these debates in this type of medium. A lot of our youth are not pursuing this information and certainly not reading about it on paper or online unless its a requirement. Perhaps this is what is needed to get them engaged beyond the classroom.Bet you didn't like the movie Lincoln either because Daniel Day Lewis is 2 inches shorter than Lincoln.

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I consider the true history of the American Revolution, and the establishment of our present Constitution, as lost forever; and nothing but misrepresentations, or partial accounts of it, will ever be recovered. (John Adams) Never was that quote so true as with this pathetic, over reaching example of the American revolution in film. I missed it on Television so I purchased the set on Amazon. I watched part 1 and some of part 2. I was literally cringing and screaming at my TV. So as not to have debris spread all over my living room for taking a hammer to it I calmed myself long enough to toss the garbage into the trash. In case my views are not clear. The makers should be tarred and feathered. At least then they could claim that they have some knowledge of what it was actually like to live during that time. As it stands now, its clear the producers haven't a single clue.

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Many other reviewers have posted the obvious and willful disregard of history in the series. Sam Adams is an anachronistic, stubbly Ninja (most men in the 18th century with any pretensions of gentility shaved regularly); Paul Revere is channeling Neo from _The Matrix_; Crispus Attucks gets shot in the head when the autopsy reported two chest wounds, etc.Just as disappointing is the omission of exciting scenes from actual history. The Battle of Concord and the retreat back to Boston of the Royal Marines were high drama in actuality, but perhaps the producers and directors didn't want to, ahem, "detract" from their terrible portrayal of the Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill. There some of the real details, such as Howe leading his troops up the hillside followed by a servant carrying a bottle of wine to toast his victory, only to be left the only unwounded man in the first rank of the assault, would have been nice. Of course, the series never differentiates between Gage and Howe, so that was perhaps too much to ask of a production that has so many, many things wrong with it.

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