Son of Lassie
Son of Lassie
G | 20 April 1945 (USA)
Son of Lassie Trailers

Laddie (Son of Lassie) and his master are trapped in Norway during WW2 - has he inherited his mothers famous courage?


S. Sylvan Simon directed this sequel to "Lassie Come Home", set several years later, with Lassie's son being a trained war dog who assists a grown-up Joe(now played by Peter Lawford) while he is behind enemy lines in Norway during WWII, where he is now a soldier who must flee the Nazis in his bid for freedom. June Lockhart takes over the role of Priscilla from Elizabeth Taylor, who here is romantically involved with Joe, praying for his safe return. Donald Crisp returns as his father Sam, and Nigel Bruce also returns as the Duke of Rudling. Entertaining continuation of the first film pretty much gets it right with an interesting wartime setting, though it's a pity the time-frame didn't allow the return of original actors Roddy McDowall & Elizabeth Taylor, though Lawford & Lockhart do just fine.

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I was surprised I enjoyed this film as much as I did. Originally I only had it on in the background on TCM while I was getting ready for work. Before I knew it I was peeking at the TV instead of looking for a shirt to wear. I was getting absorbed in the story and losing track of the time. Sure I was was going to be late for work...but I had to know, would Laddy turn out to be as brave trusty as Lassie? Would he continue to follow his master even through war torn Norway and seemingly endless obstacles including heartless German soldiers and miles of snow ? These were all questions I had to find out before I headed to my job ! Lucky for me I found a blank video tape to record the ending so I still made it.I loved this film. It had wonderful acting by all involved, including the dog. Visually it contained beautiful scenery, even great shots of the WWII planes I like so much . The production was top notch. Lots of action, and best of all a good old fashioned happy ending. What more can you ask for? These days gems like this are considered way to sugary by our cynical 21st century society to be produced. To bad cause once in awhile it's very refreshing to see the good guys and the dog all live happily ever after.If you love animals and haven't seen this one yet, get a box of hankies and some popcorn cause you are in for a real treat. Now excuse me while I go hug my beagle.

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The first of many sequels to the classic 1943 Lassie movie finds original dog owner Joe Carraclough suffering from accelerated growth; in two years, he has grown about ten years - from boy Roddy McDowall to man Peter Lawford! Little Pricilla has experiences a similar growth spurt - from girl Elizabeth Taylor to woman June Lockhart (who would re-encounter Lassie a decade later, as young Timmy's mother). Donald Crisp as father Sam has holds up well, considering. Meanwhile, in dog years, Lassie has a son, Laddie. Presumably, "Pal" plays Mama "Lassie" and Son "Laddie" - but, it's possible an actual "Son of Lassie" is used in the film."Son of Lassie" is, understandably, not as good as the first Lassie film. The photography is absolutely beautiful, though; and, Pal/Lassie's performance is excellent - in fact, one could argue that the dog creates two separate characterizations (the Son a little less wise). Lawford in endearing as Joe. The World War II storyline is flawed, but inevitable, considering the time of release. The multiplication of Lassies was unnecessary, since it had been less than two years since the first Lassie. Still, it's a very well-photographed Lassie, with a rousing conclusion. ****** Son of Lassie (4/20/45) S. Sylvan Simon ~ Peter Lawford, Donald Crisp, June Lockhart

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If Laddie really were the Son of Lassie, we'd have to hope that she had a lot of other pups in the litter because the writing of this movie makes Laddie into one dumb dog! (In reality, if you check out the Trivia section, this dog is Pal, the original Lassie from Lassie Come Home movie of two years before and the progenitor of every Lassie thereafter, but we'll forget those confusing realities for the moment and pretend this is really the "Son of Lassie").Right from the outset, Laddie betrays his family lineage. Where Lassie always knew the good guys from the bad guys, Laddie tries to get help from Nazis which results in them trailing him and the Allies for the rest of the movie. You start wishing after a while that someone would shoot the dog so he doesn't give away any more secrets as he reveals Allies and their hiding places wherever he goes.Where Lassie only whined when someone else was in trouble, Laddie spends the whole movie whining (and giving away Allies whenever he does so). When trapped in a cabin, instead of finding the way out (as Lassie would have done), old Laddie gets the guy hiding him shot and the only way Laddie escapes is surviving having the entire cabin blown up around him.I must also take exception to the person who wrote how "realistic" the war/POW scenes are. Through the whole movie the Nazis are obsessed with killing the dog (strangely even though they know he will lead them to an Allied parachuter) so when the dog ends up at the POW camp they just let him in to help a blind prisoner. (In reality, both the blind guy and the dog would have been killed a long time ago.) There are some redeeming qualities about the film, though. Beautiful colors and gorgeous scenery worth watching for that alone. And old friends of Lassie, Donald Crisp and a very young June Lockhart who would one day be TV Lassie's matron (Timmy's Mom). And young Billy Severn as Henrik is really great as the little boy who befriends the wounded Laddie. (You'll cringe as he touches the wounded dog with a bloody paw...Making you want to remind children again not to touch a wounded dog). It's amazing how much violence there is in this a "children's" movie in fact. Explosions and several death scenes and shootings. Maybe the kids of the war era were thought to be of sterner stuff. Anyway, as little Henrik cries in his prayers to God to find the lost "puppy", my eyes actually teared up. "I FOUND him and I LOVE him..." Sniff, sniff...He names the dog "Mr. Simply" and it's no wonder since you wonder if it's because the dog is so simple minded.All's well that ends well in a happy reunion, but you leave the movie thinking that Laddie is one dumb dog!! But, even though he's every bit as big as Mama Lassie, you leave the movie thinking "Maybe it's because he's just a puppy after all", and forgive the dumb but sweet critter in the end.

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