Challenge to Lassie
Challenge to Lassie
G | 31 October 1949 (USA)
Challenge to Lassie Trailers

When Lassie's master dies, an old friend tries to convince a judge that the dog's life should be spared.

James Donnelly

Its hard for me to watch this or judge it well as it seems, plot-wise, its successor 1960's Greyfriar's Bobby almost completely ripped off the plot. When I read the synopsis in the TV guide, I actually thought the movie title was misprinted. However after giving it a shot, I did notice some amazing similarities and some good differences. Differences I guess that epitomised a Lassie film back then. I know the 60's movie Greyfriar's Bobby very well, so I did chuckle at many references that was 'inspired or duplicated'.And having Donald Crisp have a role in the movie, then 11 years later appear in effectively the same movie, in a different role tied both the movies well. But to me Greyfriar's Bobby, the TRUE dog, will always be better than Lassie.LAssie or Bobby.. it doesn't really matter. The story is absolutely compelling from start to finish.

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Supposedly based on a true story this takes place in Scotland. Lassie's owner 'Jock' Gray (Donald Crisp) is killed by two thieves. Lassie will not rest unless she's sleeping by his grave. Unfortunately the laws in Scotland do not allow dogs in the graveyard and any dog that does not have an owner must be destroyed. Residents of the town try to save Lassie from being put to sleep against the nasty old judges.OK--the plot is ridiculous and everybody talks down to the audience but what do you expect from a kids movie? Those problems aside, this is a great movie. It has incredible color photography and some of the backgrounds are just breath taking. Every single shot is in rich strong color and looks just beautiful. It also has a very impressive score that matches the movie beautifully. The acting is as OK as it could be and is mostly done by a competent group of character actors or unknowns. But this film belongs to Lassie. She looks just beautiful all through the film and there are incredible closeups of her. Also she does some impressive stunts for any dog. My one complaint is that she whines WAY too much. Yes, it fits the film but got on my nerves after a while. It's also pretty obvious that some of her whining was overdubbed! Still, this is a really beautiful film with a cute dog, beautiful color and a great score. Highly recommended for kids AND adults!

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Back (again) in Scotland, Lassie is (again) on trial for her life. Because the faithful dog sleeps on her master's grave, she must be put to death, according to law. Oddly, it is also explained that Lassie had no "legal" owner, which is, apparently, also against an old Scottish law. If, after three days, no owner is located, dogs must be destroyed. Edmund Gwenn (as John Traill) pleads Lassie's case, which leads to an extended flashback, showing Lassie's adoption by Donald Crisp (as John "Jock" Gray).Although it's based on an interesting, original story ("Greyfriars Bobby"), "Challenge to Lassie" revisits several earlier Lassie situations; and, it does not improve upon them. Comparatively speaking, this one is sloppy and unexciting; and, it's a disappointing follow-up to "The Sun Comes Up" (1949). Geraldine Brooks (as Susan Brown) and several of the other performers may be charming, but can't elevate this one. Little Jimmy Hawkins (from "It's a Wonderful Life") is among the notable children supporting Lassie. *** Challenge to Lassie (10/31/49) Richard Thorpe ~ Edmund Gwenn, Donald Crisp, Geraldine Brooks

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A wonderful movie starring the original Lassie. A sad tale of an owner who dies and his loyal dog who prefers to sleep on his grave only to find it is against the law. The movie is a Lassie movie of old, that's for sure and a treat to view and watch. A real family film, entertaining for all ages. The setting is Scotland and of course, we see it is a Hollywood set, but so what? It is a wonderful film and you will become enraptured with this beautiful collie dog who acts and performs like a human being. I highly recommend the film. Very lovely, endearing and a real treat. As is any Lassie movie. Don't miss it. It comes on TV a lot or rent or buy it. It is a keeper.

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