Smooth Talk
Smooth Talk
PG-13 | 17 November 1985 (USA)
Smooth Talk Trailers

Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family, finds her summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtations shattered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger.


This was definitely somewhat different to what I had expected. The performances are exquisite, Laura Dern proving she had enormous talent at such a young age. She's fantastic here, infusing her character with the much needed charm and likability it needed, while also proving to be strong-willed and vulnerable in her own way. She certainly had a great year in 1985, with between this and Mask, and it's great to see some of the acting notes she would come to perfect even later on in her career. The supporting cast is nicely balanced and also provides some strong work. The film is contemplative and calm, and the sentiment at the end is very well-earned, such a great final scene to go along with the rest of what the film was actually doing.

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I give this film a ten because it was very entertaining and thought provoking. For years I have been trying to remember the name of it so I could order the video to watch again. I saw it 20 years ago. I don't remember all the details but I remember how much it touched me.It was quite frightening, even at the age of 23. I never forgot the strength of Laura Dern's performance. It was incredible, defining. I have followed her career ever since. Treat Williams was also excellent. I don't want to risk a spoiler so I will just say he was a very convincing character.I also believe it would be as meaningful today as it was in 1985. The relevance of this film is timeless.

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Such a cliche, I know. But it was better--much more powerful. I agree with those who say that the screenwriter shouldn't have monkeyed with the ending. As it is, the ending is a trite piece of moralistic crap.The original ending was powerful, indeterminate, and disturbing. The story, BTW, is based on the murderous career of Charles Starkweather (I think it was) back in 1950's Texas. The character of Arnold Friend (Treat Williams) is Oates' take on this serial killer. Except that now he's not a serial killer.I agree with those who say that the acting is very well done, particularly by Laura Dern and Treat Williams. And the screenplay sticks close to the story until the very end. God knows who is responsible for the change. It could be the screenwriter, or it could be the producer or director (or their girl/boyfriends). It seems, tho, that Oates, as co-screenwriter, went along with the change. Maybe she just didn't want to be difficult.The original story was both disturbing and subtle, with a lot of effective symbolism. I recommend it.

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The movie is for the most part was good. I recommend reading the short story which it is based on before you see the movie. The movie sticks to the plot for the most part, but there are a few differences that shouldn't have been added in. The roles of the parents were good and accurately got across the ideas that Connie disliked in them. Laura Dern as Connie did an average job of portraying Connie, the shallow 15 year old. Treat Williams was excellent as the disturbing Arnold Friend. The biggest problem with this film is they gave it a Hollywood "happily ever after" which is completely different from the dark ending of the story. "Where you are going, where have you been" is a very good story and is much darker than "Smooth Talk" but if you are a fan of the story, check this out to compare.

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