| 19 April 2011 (USA)
Skew Trailers

When Simon, Rich, and Eva head out on an eagerly anticipated road trip, they bring along a video camera to record their journey. What starts out as a carefree adventure slowly becomes a descent into the ominous as unexplained events threaten to disrupt the balance between the three close friends. Each one of them must struggle with personal demons and paranoia as friendships are tested and gruesome realities are revealed...and recorded.

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I like how realistic this movie felt. I instantly was interested in watching this when i found out it was about a road trip. I love road trips and the director does a great job of capturing the feel and mood of a road trip. There are moments of goofy-ness and then there are moments of the regular everyday stuff that one has to deal with that isn't all that eventful. So there's a really genuine feel about this movie. All the characters have their own unique personalities but I was mostly drawn to Eva. She was quiet, yet caring. But something didn't feel quite right with her. Almost like she has this ominous, foreboding, intuitive sense going on around her and this feeling is what permeates throughout the film. Her trepidation sort of sets the mood as the film gets progressively darker and darker. This one is definitely a thinker. Especially the ending. I had to rewind it a couple of times to see it again and again and really had to step back and assess the situation in order to figure it out. Once I did, I realized, the dark reality of it and thought what a great ending but you really have to pay attention. A great little indie gem.

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Actually, it's pretty good. I've seen my fair share of the found footage films and for the most part, they are really all the same. But Skew is a little different. Can't say too much without giving the gimmick away but let's just say that most films of this ilk use the hand held/found footage device as just a style, Skew does not. The camera becomes an integral part of the story telling process. Be aware this is a slow-burn of a movie. It makes you think and work as a viewer and that is a good thing. It doesn't really get going until about a half-hour in so have patience and pay attention. It's really a fun ride. I recommend for people who want a little something different from the usual fare. Also, be aware it appears to be a low-budget film. Not a Hollywood movie trying to look like found footage.

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Mark Lea

I took in the recent lame-brain remake of 'The Evil Dead' hoping that it was going to produce something magically mind tingling centred around the 'book of the Dead' only to witness another pointless gore-fest that is now so old hat and expected of this type of thing that the gory parts are now simply accepted as in-fills for a movie that you would expect to give you a whole lot more above and beyond mere buckets of blood and chainsaws and the like. Where's the imagination? Ha ha! found it guys. Lurking on the top shelf and behind the pomp of the huge budget flashy array of celluloid pulp that, in my mind, really does not befit the horror genre sits this remarkable thought provoking film called 'Skew' beautifully engineered by sevé Schelenz squeezing as much as he can (and a whole lot more) out of a tuppence ha'penny budget but delivers a mind- blowing punch on every twist and turn of the camera taking you through a well written story in it's own right that will leave you with more questions and answers on the first viewing that will surely get you reaching for the replay button just so that you can sit back, take in what you have just watched (again and again) to fill in the jigsaw that has been left building in your mind. Don't expect buckets of blood or 'jump out of your pants' scares in this but if you want your mind to 'skew' then sit out this slow boiler (and all the better for it) to the end and then go back for more.

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I really enjoyed this film. I expected the same old hand held crap that we've seen over and over again but this one had something different. Granted, it took a bit to get there. You have to wait about a half-hour in and then it really begins. That's where the fun actually starts. Because at this point I was glued due to the, "What the hell just happened there?" factor. As a matter of fact, I had to go back and watch the first part again when the film was over because I had so many questions, and quite frankly, I wanted to see if the film followed its own rules and dropped any hints along the way. It did!I know this movie won't be for everyone. To be honest, those who like found footage films may not actually like it. It's the audience that has never seen a found footage film that should watch it. In a weird way, it reminded me a bit on Nolan's Memento or even Inception. Not for the quality, which is fine here due to the "video camera look", but for the story-line. It's just very well thought out.For those who want to see a good film that actually makes you pay attention, watch Skew. You won't be disappointed.

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