Simply Irresistible
Simply Irresistible
PG-13 | 05 February 1999 (USA)
Simply Irresistible Trailers

After her mother's death, mediocre chef Amanda Shelton is having trouble attracting customers to her family's restaurant. While shopping for ingredients, she is given a magical crab by mysterious Gene O'Reilly. Afterward, Amanda's dishes suddenly become excellent, inducing strong emotional reactions in everyone who eats them. Tom Bartlett, who is preparing to open his own eatery, tries her cooking and falls in love.

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If you love food, you will love this movie. This movie is very simple and light hearted. This movie reminds me about the old proverb, a man's heart is through his stomach, which is definitely true.This movie does not have much reality into it, but I can definitely say that, I will definitely get attracted to a girl who is a brilliant cook.I recommend this movie to all people who are food lovers and guys whose girlfriends & wives are brilliant cook.I love good food !And I love this movie.

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The direction was bad.The script was bad.The actors tried. They failed to make up for it.There could've been a few things in the movie that could have been explored more, and they weren't, which leaves you feeling, "what the hell is that about?" *SPOILER* There was one running joke made that was funny. That's it. The friend character says when men put their hands in their pockets they're thinking about sex. When she's getting ready for a date and tries different outfits he does that and she says, "Really?" He looks down and takes his hands out. Ha ha ha, very funny. And she sees various men with their hands in their pockets and looks disgusted, etc.

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Dear Folks, Thank You for the movie. It is so well-destructed that it holds no pretensions from the very beginning. The soundtrack alone was marvelous. The costumes beautiful. Even the food was pretty. My daughter introduced me to this film. She watches it at least once a month, usually on the same evening as "Happily Ever After". I liked the crab. I liked the department store. The sex comment was a bit much, but it did remind me a little of the Jack Lemmon or Doris Day movies of the sixties. Anyway, thanks for the movie. It did what it was supposed to do, and then stopped.Write if you find work, your affectionate correspondent, Charley Weaver

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FYI -There is a wee spoiler in this text.Here is another food movie to make you cringe like you never cringed before. The producers in this caramelized eye sore serve you a Pâté de Poor Acting on a soggy bed of Flimsy Plot. The music score gets more syrupy by the minute and by the time the movie finally ends the notes are oozing down the screen. Worth enjoying were scenes of various actors getting mouthgasms and rolling their eyes with every bite of Sarah Michelle Gellar's dishes. Unfortunately, by the third time you have witnessed this act of convulsive eating it has all but lost its charm. So if you can't resist killing time then see Simply Irresistible, but if you have a choice then move on to greener spinach. Better yet, if you are in the mood for a good food film, then see "Chocolat" directed by Lasse Hallstöm. Bon Appetit!

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