Shriek of the Mutilated
Shriek of the Mutilated
R | 02 August 1974 (USA)
Shriek of the Mutilated Trailers

An anthropology professor has invited his class to a remote cabin in the mountains to research the mythical Abominable Snowman. Soon after they arrive, strange events begin to befall the students, including sightings of a huge, white, furry creature.

Rainey Dawn

I started out watching this film knowing it was going to be a campy b-rated flick.... I did not expect much out of it - just thought I'd get a few laughs out of a cornball horror story. To my surprise, it was much better than I was guessing it would be. This is not a top-quality film - it is campy and b-rated but a heck-of-a-lot better than the description and poster shows it to be.Students are lead to an island by their professor in search of the yeti but the student uncover more. (Watch the film to find out what the students find out). This is one of those 'so bad it's good' type of horror films with a twist at the very end.Watch this film if you like bad b-rated horror films that are filled with campy goodness.7/10

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This is, I believe, the first bad movie I've ever recommended to anyone. 1974's Shriek of the Mutilated is terrible. But in a good way. It would've definitely been great fodder for MST3k. The problem is, it didn't really have to be, since the story is actually pretty decent. The problem is the acting, editing, special effects and editing are all total crap. Let us delve, though, into the plot itself.Dr. Ernst Prell is a college professor who believes in Yetis. Specifically, he believes there's one on an island called Boot Island located somewhere in the northern United States (!). He plans to take four of his best and brightest students - Keith Henshaw, Karen Hunter, Tom Nash and Lynn Kelly - along with him to hunt the beastie down. Before they embark, the students attend a swingin' dorm party. All except for Keith, who, being teacher's pet, goes with Dr. Prell to an exclusive restaurant and samples an even more exclusive dish which Prell claims is called gin sung.At the party, the other three receive some good old-fashioned doomsaying from college janitor Spencer Ste. Claire, who, it turns out, is a former student of Prell's and went with Prell on his last excursion to Boot Island several years before. There, Spencer claims, they did indeed find the Yeti, which attacked them. Only Spencer and Dr. Prell survived and Spencer went insane. How insane? Well, in a completely pointless scene, he goes home and cuts his wife's throat with a carving knife (!). She gets her revenge before dying, though. I won't say how, but it's a hoot.The girls find Spencer's rant unnerving, but the boys don't; Tom since he doesn't give a crap one way or the other, and Keith because (upon learning of it during the drive to the island the following day) he is fanatically loyal to Dr. Prell. He doesn't believe Prell would lead them into danger. Upon arriving at the island, the gang shacks up with Prell's longtime colleague Dr. Karl Werner. Apart from him, Boot Island's only other resident is a retarded Native American (very un-PC, that) named Laughing Crow, who works for Werner occasionally. Both claim to have seen the Yeti on different occasions. In fact, it was Werner who alerted Prell to the Yeti's presence on the island apparently.An expedition into the woods follows, whereupon Tom wanders off on his own and is killed by the Yeti. They only find his severed leg. Prell concocts a plan to use the leg as bait to trap the monster; this plan fails miserably. In the meantime, Lynn, who stayed behind at Werner's house to sit this second expedition out, finds the one-legged corpse of Tom in the greenhouse, then is killed by the Yeti herself... with a garden trowel! After her body is discovered, the increasingly unhinged Prell repeats his scheme, this time using Lynn's corpse as the bait. Again it fails. This time, Keith is knocked over the head by an unseen attacker.Karen who has been slowly losing her mind throughout the story returns to the house and is set upon by now one but two Yetis, who chase her. She runs into Laughing Crow who comes at her with a large knife, and then she promptly dies of a fear-induced heart attack. The big twist occurs here as the "Yetis" unmask themselves and are revealed as Prell and Werner! Keith, coming to, confronts them and discovers they're members of a Satan-worshiping cannibal cult that uses the Yeti costumes as a theatrical excuse to lure potential victims (i.e. Prell's students) to Boot Island to eat them. This is what befell Spencer's friends on the last Yeti-hunting expedition.Keith escapes, finds a cop, and returns with him to Werner's house to find the cult members about to dine on Karen's body. The cop reveals himself as a cult member and pulls a gun on Keith. Dr. Prell then asks Keith to join them. When he refuses, Keith says he isn't a cannibal, only for Prell to reveal he already is. He just never realized it. "Gin sung" ain't what Prell claimed it was! This movie simply fails to work, despite what is a fairly interesting idea for a story. Pretty much every actor was never in anything else, the editing is terrible and the Yeti costume is so phony that the twist of it being someone in a costume in-story is plainly obvious the minute it appears. Curiously, the fake the monster(s) turn out to be fake, combined with the gaggle of annoying college-aged kids and Prell's 1970's-era hippie van, make the movie come across as an alternate-universe nightmare version of Scooby Doo on acid. Without Scooby. Lynn even wears big glasses like Velma.Nevertheless, Shriek of the Mutilated is worth watching at least once as a good example of how to take a perfectly good plot idea and ruin it, doing everything wrong. It's so bad it's good, and the final scene is a laugh riot.Note: The film is also noteworthy for using an early version of the song Popcorn by Hot Butter, during the party scene at the beginning. Unfortunately, due to licensing issues (I guess), Popcorn has been removed from the soundtrack and replaced with a generic 70's rock song on the recent DVD release of the film. Despite this, Popcorn is still listed as one of the songs in the film's opening credits. That's just sloppy.

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I'm sorry to say I saw this one back in the 70's at a Drive In.We all laughed at it for months.We tried to determine if it was filmed in someones back yard and what the total budget was.The canniblism aspect was a good spin though.This movie was very good for laughs and comments like " Hey who's idea was it to watch this one?"I think it ranks right up there with Plan 9 ,Microwave Massacre and even Ishtar.Make sure you drink heavily when you watch it.It makes it easier.I do recommend it.Do not spend more than 2 bucks if possible.I would also recommend that you do not watch this one on a first date.Wait till at least the third,and it may even just be your last.

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In other words...a must see! Five minutes into this epic genre masterpiece you'll forget that wannabe horror films like PSYCHO and THE EXORCIST even exist. SHRIEK truly is the one.Four college students are invited by a professor to go to a secluded island to investigate reports of a killer Yeti/Abominable Snowman. But First they attend a happenin' 70s party complete with groovy music, fashions and that legendary disco instrumental "Popcorn," which sounds like a bunch of kernels popping. A guy walking in accidentally bumps his head on a low-hanging ceiling light! Another professor from the college warns the four students not to go, but his wife nags him and wants to leave. When the couple return home he cuts her neck open with an electric carving knife!! He jumps into the bathtub fully clothed and cracks open a beer, when his still-alive wife crawls in the room, throws in a toaster that isn't even plugged in and electrocutes him!The four students decide to go anyway and are attacked and killed by an awful white creature that looks more like THE SHAGGY DOG than a Yeti. The filmmakers decided it would be best to blur out of the face of the monster so we never even get a good look at it. But wait! There's more! The monster is actually (surprise!) a guy dressed up, and the island is home to a cannibal clan who want the students as dinner. Wow!Full of hilariously awful acting, dialogue, FX and editing, this effort from the untoppable husband and wife team of Michael and Roberta Findlay is a laugh riot that deserves a cult following. It belongs with PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE at the top of the so-bad-it's-good genre. More people should see it. For fans of this stuff, it's a classic.(Quality) Score: 1 out of 10 (And I mean that in a good way!)

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